Darion Mograine
- ️Tue Oct 14 2008
- For his presence in Icecrown, see The Ebon Watcher.
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Title |
Highlord, Horseman of the Ebon Blade, Ashbringer[1] Formerly: Highlord of the Ebon Blade |
Gender | Male |
Race | Human (Undead / Humanoid) |
Class | Death knight, formerly paladin |
Resource | Mana |
Reaction | Alliance Horde |
Affiliation(s) | Four Horsemen,[2] Knights of the Ebon Blade, Armies of Legionfall |
Former affiliation(s) | Ashen Verdict, Undead Scourge, Argent Dawn, Knights of the Silver Hand, Kingdom of Lordaeron |
Occupation |
Leader of the Four Horsemen, Champion of the Ebon Blade |
Former occupation(s) |
Highlord of the Ebon Blade, Master of Acherus, Co-leader of the Ashen Verdict |
Location | Various |
Status | Active |
Relative(s) | Alexandros (father), Elena (mother), Renault (brother) |
“Although our kind have no place in your world, we will fight to bring an end to the Lich King. This I vow.”
- — Darion Mograine[3]
Darion Mograine is the leader of the Four Horsemen and the former Highlord of the Knights of the Ebon Blade. The son of Alexandros Mograine, one of the Highlords of the Knights of the Silver Hand and the original wielder of the Ashbringer, Darion was a paladin of the Silver Hand, and later of the Argent Dawn. After his father was murdered by his brother Renault Mograine, he came into possession of the corrupted Ashbringer, and tried to save his father's souls inside. During the First Battle for Light's Hope, Darion used the sword to kill himself, destroying the Scourge forces and releasing his father's soul.[4]
Following the battle, the Archlich Kel'Thuzad raised him as an undead, while the Lich King made him the Highlord of Death Knights of Acherus and the ruler of Acherus: The Ebon Hold, once again wielding the corrupted Ashbringer. After defeating the Scarlet Crusade in the Scarlet Enclave, he and his fellow death knights broke free from the Lich King's control during the Battle for Light's Hope Chapel and founded the order of renegade death knights known as the Knights of the Ebon Blade. Under the leadership of Darion, the Ebon Blade spearheaded the attack against the Scourge alongside the Argent Crusade during the war against the Lich King, temporarily allied with them to form the Ashen Verdict and topple the Lich King.
After Bolvar Fordragon became the Jailer of the Damned, Darion continued to lead his knights in keeping all of Azeroth safe, helping the Alliance and Horde stop threats beyond the Scourge. During the third invasion of the Burning Legion, Darion came to an agreement with Bolvar, he and his knights willingly acted as the Lich King's agents against the Legion, if the Scourge remained contained to Northrend. Following the Fourth War and the destruction of the Helm of Domination, Darion and his Horsemen seconded Highlord Bolvar Fordragon in their war against the Jailer in the Shadowlands. After the Jailer's ultimate defeat, Darion vowed to lead the Ebon Blade and return to Northrend to keep the Scourge in check.
The Ashbringer
This section concerns content related to the Warcraft manga or comics.
On the day of Darion's birth, he was stillborn. His father Alexandros, in a hurry, rushed the baby to a nearby stream, and from the freezing water, Darion Mograine entered the world. However, the joy his father felt quickly turned to grief as his wife and mother of his children, Elena, died due to complications from the birth. When the first hint of the plague of undeath started to spread around Lordaeron, he lived in a farmhouse in Brill. With Renault, Darion secretly attended their father's meeting with the members of the Knights of the Silver Hand at the inn of Southshore, where they learned about the situation in Lordaeron, the growing number of undead, and witnessed the purification of what would later become the heart of the Ashbringer.
Along with his brother, he joined the Silver Hand at a relatively young age soon after the end of the Third War. In a battle within the plagued city of Stratholme, in which young Darion insisted on fighting, he took a serious wound and fell unconscious for a day. Upon awakening, the boy described his experience as being surrounded by darkness, before being shown a light that he followed back to life.[5]
Following the death of his father, Darion began to question the Light before being confronted by the troll priest, Zabra Hexx. After being counseled by the troll to search out his father in a fortress floating above a burning city, Darion joined the newly formed Order of the Argent Dawn.
With a handful of Argent Dawn volunteers and a mysterious mage known as Castillian, Darion infiltrated the fortress of Naxxramas. After besting the lords of the Necropolis and losing his entire party to the Four Horsemen, the [Corrupted Ashbringer] came into Darion's possession. The sword's voice led him to the Scarlet Monastery where, unaware of the actual treachery of his brother, Renault Mograine, Darion was attacked by Renault who considered him to be the last link from his past, coming to torture him. The spirit of Alexandros Mograine appeared from the Ashbringer, beheading his traitor son and forgiving him afterward.
Realizing that his father's soul was trapped within the Ashbringer, Darion stole a steed from the Scarlet Crusade and ran away. Fairbanks then visited him in a dream, telling him to go and find Tirion Fordring. Darion followed the ghost's orders and eventually found Tirion, telling him what happened to his father, though only after arguing with the pariah. Afterward, Tirion told him of how he was banished. He told Darion that nothing could be done for Alexandros. When mounting his stead, Tirion told him that only an act of love greater than the act of evil could free his father's soul. Darion then invited him to join the Argent Dawn and despite Tirion's outright refusal, left the option open by asking him to "Be a Hero".
After his meeting with Tirion, Darion ventured to Light's Hope Chapel where he came across a Scourge army waiting to attack. Maxwell Tyrosus, overjoyed at his return, told him about the one thousand souls of the champions that died defending Capital City from Arthas Menethil and the Scourge and were later carried beneath the chapel. Darion took his place in the lines of The Order of the Argent Dawn in defense of the fallen. During the night he experienced a terrible vision about a world without the Light, a world where the Scourge were triumphant. In the morning, a call to arms was made to the soldiers as the First Battle for Light's Hope began. As the tide began to turn against the Argent Dawn, Tirion arrived riding Mirador and managed to save a woman from an abomination as he joined the fray. As it seemed as though the Light-blessed soldiers of the Argent Dawn might prevail, Kel'Thuzad himself joined the battle. Understanding that the Lich King's right hand had appeared, Darion charged forward, wielding the Corrupted Ashbringer as his father had long ago, and fought his way to Kel'Thuzad himself. The lich showed no fear and said that even the Ashbringer was not powerful enough to stop him. At that very same moment, Darion realized what Tirion's words meant. Darion, as an act of love not only for his father but also for the cause they believed in, plunged Ashbringer through his heart with the words "I love you, dad." In response to his noble action, the souls of a thousand vengeful knights erupted in pillars of light that purged the hills around the chapel of all traces of the Scourge. All that remained were the figures of Kel'Thuzad and the undead figure of Darion Mograine, the Corrupted Ashbringer still pierced through his chest.
As Kel'Thuzad stood triumphant, he commented on how he was willing to sacrifice his own forces if it meant claiming the last Mograine's soul. In an eerily similar fashion, he asked Darion, "Who do you love?" Now lifeless in the service of the same force he swore to eliminate, the newly risen death knight pulled out the Corrupted Ashbringer, accompanied by a sickening noise as the blade exited his flesh, and answered back, "No one."
Darion traveling to Naxxramas to save his father.
Wrath of the Lich King
This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.
Some time later Darion was made Highlord of the Death knights of Acherus, an order of Death Knights with the sole purpose of annihilating the remaining living in the Eastern Plaguelands. He also planned and formulated not only the forces in the Eastern Kingdoms, but also the strategy of the forces of Northrend and the would-be assault on Kalimdor. He gave command to all newly created Death Knights under his authority, orders to aid in the taking of the Eastern Plaguelands in the name of the Lich King from the fortress that is Ebon Hold.
After the crushing of the Scarlet Crusade, the Death Knights of Acherus began preparation for their final assault on Light's Hope Chapel. Darion assembled his most worthy and strongest Death Knights to begin the Second Battle for Light's Hope. There he learned that the Ashbringer would refuse to strike down any foe, and refused to obey his commands. One of his three generals then fled, as he was forced to face the tremendous power of Lights Hope Chapel's consecrated ground. As Tirion arrived, Darion admitted defeat to the superior forces of the combined Silver Hand and Argent Dawn. At that moment, his father's spirit appeared to him briefly, before the Lich King appeared and trapped his soul within Frostmourne. After the Lich King admitted to sending the Death Knights to their doom just to bring Tirion Fordring out of hiding, Darion attempted to attack his master, only to be sent flying. As the Lich King was about to end the Death Knight's life, Darion threw the [Corrupted Ashbringer] to Tirion who in turn was able to purify it and push the Lich King back with the combined forces of the redeemed blade and the sacred ground.
In response to the Lich King's betrayal, Darion now leads the newly freed Death Knights, now known as the Knights of the Ebon Blade, in a campaign to wipe out the forces loyal to the Lich King from Ebon Hold and establish it as a neutral haven for all Death Knights to call home.
He can be found initially at the Argent Vanguard in Icecrown discussing tactics with Tirion Fordring; after completing [25-30] The Last Line Of Defense, he moves to an area in the Valley of Echoes near the Light's Breach. During these events he is disguised as The Ebon Watcher.
Darion appears again, this time undisguised, during [25-30] The Air Stands Still, summoned by the player to fight Underking Talonox in Scourgeholme, and again in the Cathedral of Darkness in
[25-30] Tirion's Gambit, accompanied by Thassarian, Koltira Deathweaver and a group of Ebon Knights.
During the [25-30G5] The Fate of Bloodbane Darion leads a group of Knights of the Ebon Blade in fighting Orbaz Bloodbane and his Host of Suffering.
Fall of the Lich King
This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.
Tirion Fordring and Darion Mograine next appear together in Icecrown Citadel at Light's Hammer where they lead the Ashen Verdict, a union of the Argent Crusade and the Knights of the Ebon Blade.
He is also involved in the creation of [Shadowmourne].
Should a raid member with the [Unsealed Chest] bring
[Alexandros' Soul Shard] to Darion, he will reunite with his father, the Ashbringer Alexandros Mograine. Alexandros explains that during his time of captivity in Frostmourne, the one memory that allowed him to keep his sanity was Darion's sacrifice. Darion proclaims that for his father, he would give his life "a thousand times". In gratitude, Darion gives the player his personal steed, the
[Reins of the Crimson Deathcharger].
At some point, Darion found Bolvar Fordragon's prison of ice.[6]
Warlords of Draenor
This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.
Taking the chance to discover the secrets of Ner'zhul for Bolvar's salvation, Darion Mograine has traveled to Draenor and can be found in the Lunarfall Inn (Alliance) and the Frostwall Tavern (Horde), offering the quests [40H] Shadowy Secrets and
[40] Secrets of Soulbinding.
This section concerns content related to Legion.
When Acherus moved to the gates of Icecrown Citadel, Darion wasn't surprised with the Lich King choosing the chosen death knight to be his hand since they know of their exploits. He exclaims that they are not bound to the new Lich King, but he could be a valuable ally to deal with the Burning Legion. It is also in their best interests that the Scourge stay contained.[7] After one of the artifacts are recovered, the Lich King made the death knight who obtained it the Deathlord of the Ebon Blade. Mograine, more than happy to not be wielding yet another fate-altering magical weapon, pledged himself as the first follower under the Deathlord.
The Lich King's voice spoke to the Deathlord, telling them that the time of the Four Horsemen is at hand and they will bring them back into the fold. Darion explains to the Deathlord that the Four Horsemen of Naxxramas were no ordinary death knights, as they were born of pure unholy power gifted from the Lich King to Kel'thuzad. Now this power had been passed onto the Deathlord and he is sure that they will wield it with great conviction.
Nazgrim was the first to be raised as a part of the new Four Horsemen, an act which Darion knew would outrage the Horde.[8] The next Horseman, Thoras Trollbane, was the previous king of the fallen kingdom of Stromgarde.[9] When the third Horsemen was announced, Darion was surprised to learn that it was the Scarlet Crusade fanatic Sally Whitemane. He told the Deathlord that Whitemane was not listed in the annals of history alongside the names of fallen heroes. But despite her madness and zealotry, she held a bond to the Light unmatched by even the greatest paladins. Darion was sure that she would serve the Ebon Blade without compromise.[10]
When the Lich King announced the identity of the last Horseman, Darion was outraged, claiming that the Lich King demanded too much by asking to raise Tirion Fordring. Darion reluctantly obeyed but warned the Deathlord that there would be no redemption for what they were about to do. Furthermore, the Silver Hand would never hand Tirion to them and the blood that they were about to spill would stain their hands forever. Upon reaching Light's Hope Chapel, Darion informs the Deathlord that there's a tomb behind the chapel where the power of the Light is weak. The Deathlord then raised the dead from within the tomb distracting the guards long enough for them to make their way to the chapel. Darion strangulates Maxwell Tyrosus allowing the Deathlord to enter into the paladin order hall and tells them that he and the horsemen would meet them in there. When Liadrin fell before the Deathlord, Darion and the horsemen walked up to the tomb. As Darion passes by Liadrin she calls him a monster to which he sadly responds that "without monsters, there can be no heroes". He then asks the Deathlord to raise Tirion. However, when raising Tirion from his tomb, the Light cancels the channeling knocking the Deathlord across the room, stunning the death knights and ravaging their bodies. Darion, not willing to allow his faction to fall, creates a [Death Gate] which the horsemen use to retreat back to Acherus, after which he Death Grips the still stunned Deathlord, telling them to take the Death Gate before pushing them through it, saving them from certain death. Unfortunately, Darion himself didn't manage to step through the Death Gate quickly enough, and he was struck down by the power of the Holy Light. Back at Acherus the Deathlord and the three horsemen gather around Darion's body. Nazgrim exclaims that they must do something before Darion is truly lost to them but Whitemane tells him that the Light has completely ravaged Darion's body and that there's nothing that they can do for him. Trollbane then commends Darion's sacrifice, saying that despite having seeing a lifetime of war he had never before seen such a sacrifice. It's then that the Lich King contacts the Deathlord telling them how Darion had sacrificed more for the Ebon Blade than any other and that while his broken and scarred body was now laying in front of them, death was only meant for the living and it had no power over the damned. The last member of the Four Horsemen, was laying before the Deathlord and at their command Darion was raised from the dead once again and ordered by the Lich King to take leadership of the group.[2]
Corrupted Ashbringer
The following section is a part of the Corrupted Remembrance's questline, a hidden cosmetic appearance for the Ashbringer. Maxwell Tyrosus together with the Highlord of the Order of the Silver Hand arrived to Acherus demanding an audience with the Four Horsemen. Though they were greeted with hostility, Maxwell reminded Darion and the other Horsemen that the death knights were indebted to the Silver Hand for attacking Light's Hope and the Sanctum of Light in an attempt to raise Tirion as one of theirs. Agreeing, Darion and the Horsemen corrupted the Ashbringer with their energies, before ordering them to leave and never come back.
Darion was one of the class order champions who met with Khadgar and Velen at Krasus' Landing to discuss the Pillars of Creation.[11]
[Rimefang's Harness] appeared in Icecrown Citadel and the Deathlord wanted to retrieve it personally. Minerva Ravensorrow went to scout ahead there to be there to lend a hand. When the Deathlord and Minerva returned, the Knights of the Ebon Blade strategized what to do with the harness. They could utilize its power to bind the spirits of deceased drakes of Daumyr brood. Upon return, the Deathlord made quite the entrance that made the Four Horsemen mount up for battle upon the Broken Shore. Darion proclaims that the Burning Legion will fall and that the Ebon Blade shall strike them down for Azeroth.
When Magni called upon the champions of the Armies of Legionfall to draw the corruption out of the Sword of Sargeras, Darion carried [Apocalypse] if the player was not a death knight, representing the Knights of the Ebon Blade.[12]
Battle for Azeroth
This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.
Under Bolvar's command, Darion and the other horsemen acquired fallen champions of both the Horde and Alliance,[13] and following its completion witnessed the new generation of death knights being raised. Darion personally sent the new death knights to travel to Orgrimmar if the death knight is Horde or Stormwind if it is Alliance and make a choice from the Hero's Call Board.[14]
We Ride Forth
This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.
Believing that Bolvar had fallen to the powers of the Lich King, Darion attempted to kill him. However, Bolvar forcibly controlled the former's body and made him return to Acherus: The Ebon Hold, while taunting him about requiring his fellow horsemen. Though wary of it being a trap, the horsemen agreed to kill the Lich King, and decide who would wield the Helm of Domination after Bolvar was slain. However, en route to Icecrown Citadel, the Four Horsemen, using their connection to the Lich King, discovered him locked in combat with Sylvanas Windrunner, and learned that this was all part of Bolvar's gambit to have the horsemen arrive and kill the winner of the conflict.
Darion was outraged at learning this deception, but privately acknowledged that if he knew of the plan, he would fight to have been there when Sylvanas had arrived. Darion and the others were stunned when Sylvanas won and destroyed the helm instead of claiming ownership of it, thereby opening a rift into the Maw in the Shadowlands. With the Scourge no longer under control, Darion ordered Nazgrim and Sally Whitemane to rescue Bolvar, while he and Thoras Trollbane fought to keep Acherus under their control.[13]
This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.
Into the Maw
Darion looking up at Torghast in the Maw.
Following the events at Icecrown Citadel, Darion stepped down as highlord of the Ebon Blade and passed the mantle to Bolvar, now no longer the Lich King. Darion summoned champions of the Alliance and Horde and brought them to Icecrown to meet with Bolvar and the faction leaders and discuss the fate of leaders that had been kidnapped by Sylvanas.[15] At the Frozen Throne, the heroes used the shattered Helm of Domination to open a portal to the Maw. Darion volunteered to lead the Knights of the Ebon Blade that would join the heroes on their mission to rescue the kidnapped leaders.[16] Following a disastrous arrival at the Crucible of the Damned where they were quickly attacked by Mawsworn, Darion and the heroes pushed on[17][18] to Calcis where they found Jaina and Thrall.[19]
The group escaped another Mawsworn attack to take up refuge in the Forlorn Respite,[20] where Jaina and Thrall explained what they knew about the Maw and its ruler, the Jailer. Darion suggested that they might find a way to escape by interrogating some of the realm's oldest souls.[21] He lent a shard of the Helm of Domination to the heroes[22] and helped them take control of a nearby Tormented Amalgamation and bring it back to the respite.[23] While Jaina, Thrall, and the heroes went in search of Anduin Wrynn, Mograine used the shard's remaining Domination powers to interrogate the amalgamation,[24] eventually forcing it to reveal the existence of a waystone at Zovaal's Cauldron, which was also where Baine Bloodhoof was being held captive. Jaina, Thrall, Anduin, and the heroes set out to find the waystone, but Darion and his surviving knights remained on guard in the respite since they couldn't abandon the innocent souls trapped in the Maw. Darion asked the heroes to signal the knights when they found the waystone;[25] however, this didn't happen as an attack by the Jailer led to the adventurers being the only ones to make it out of the Maw while the leaders and knights were left behind.[26]
The missing baron
An adventurer, now called a Maw Walker, later returned to the Maw in search of a missing Maldraxxi baron. Bolvar—who had traveled to Oribos directly from Azeroth—stated that he didn't know how to find this baron but instead lent the Maw Walker an Amulet of the Horsemen, an item carried by each of the horsemen that linked them to each other and would allow the hero to locate Darion.[27][28] The hero freed Mograine from a cage he'd been locked in by Brethlun the Brand, after which the two encountered the broker Ve'nari. She offered to help them[29] in exchange for the amulet[30] and revealed that a Maldraxxi baron was being held captive in Perdition Hold. As the trio traveled there, Darion tried to convince Ve'nari to help them rescue the captive faction leaders as well, but she replied that they were held in Torghast and that it would be foolish to go after them. In Perdition Hold, the group found the baron, who was revealed to be none other than Darion's father Alexandros. Darion was shocked by this since he had never expected to see his father again[31] and had been so focused on the mission that he'd never considered the possibility of his family's souls being present in the Shadowlands.[32] With Ve'nari's help, the Maw Walker freed Alexandros and brought the Mograines to Oribos.[33][34] While Alexandros returned to Maldraxxus, Darion stated that he had to return to Azeroth and tell their allies of what they'd learned. However, he also told his father that he would stand by his side once more when he could, and Alexandros promised his son that they would have time to speak again later.[35]
Chains of Domination
Darion subsequently took up positions in Oribos with Bolvar and the rest of the Ebon Blade. During the Battle of Ardenweald, he led the Ebon Blade in defending the city from the Mawsworn.[36] Mograine and the other horsemen accompanied Bolvar and the heroes of Azeroth during the attack on the Sanctum of Domination, creating Death Gates through the fortress' various levels. After the battle, Darion traveled to Keeper's Respite in Korthia to speak with Alexandros. The Mograines discussed Tirion Fordring, with Alexandros questioning why Darion had sought to deny the man his rest by raising him as a horseman. Darion replied "I once told Tirion that only a silver hand could wield an ebon blade" and that he'd seemed like the right choice for the fourth horseman. In response, Alexandros lamented that this wasn't the legacy he had meant to leave for his son. Darion replied that Alexandros had taught him to defend what he held most dear, a legacy he was proud to uphold, and his father responded that he was proud of Darion in turn.[37]
Eternity's End
Darion accompanied the covenant forces to Zereth Mortis.[38] In Haven, Bolvar ordered Darion to lead the covenants against the Mawsworn at Provis Terra near the Forge of Afterlives.[39] A Maw Walker later joined him and helped him in the battle[40][41] until the two heard a disturbance in the nearby Provis Flora, where they discovered that nathrezim had infiltrated the Ebon Blade's ranks and failed to stop the nathrezim Kin'tessa from destroying one of the obelisks protecting the Forge.[42] Darion stayed at his position but sent the Maw Walker to report this development to Bolvar.[43]
After Anduin Wrynn was freed from the Jailer's Domination magic, Darion met with Bolvar and the others in the Geometric Cavern to discuss how to counter Domination. The Primus suggested they should experiment with the remains of the Helm of Domination, but first they needed to test if it still worked. Darion volunteered as test subject, and the Maw Walker used the helm to turn him aggressive and then defeat him.[44] The Maw Walker later learned that the language of the First Ones could offer resistance to Domination, and that complex phrases from the language were stored in the Endless Sands. The Maw Walker, Darion, Bolvar, and Bolvar's daughter Taelia headed there to retrieve them.[45] Darion stayed at the Deserted Overlook while the others worked, and when they came back, he informed them that the Primus had sent word telling them to go to the Chamber of First Reflection in Bastion.[46][47] There memories could be drawn out and expunged, and those who had suffered from Domination in the past could infuse the memories of what had allowed them to resist into the shards of the helm. Darion volunteered for the ritual after Bolvar, drawing out Bloodbound Memories which the Maw Walker defeated, allowing him to imbue his resistance into the helm.[48][49] Once all the shards were infused, the group traveled to Torghast to meet with the Primus, who used the language and the memories to reforge the Helm of Domination into the Crown of Wills, an instrument allowing them all to become resistant to Domination.[50]
After the Jailer's defeat, Darion attended Sylvanas Windrunner's trial in Oribos.[51] As they were no longer needed in Oribos, the Knights of Ebon Blade prepared to return to Azeroth, and Darion and Bolvar discussed how the knights needed to continue keeping the rampant Scourge on Azeroth in check. Bolvar suggested that he could return to Icecrown to prevent the citadel from falling into the wrong hands, but Darion disagreed, saying that the Ebon Blade would protect the fortress and that Taelia needed her father.[52]
Notable appearances | ||
Location | Level range | Health range |
Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave | ?? | 11,156,000 |
Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave | ?? | 13,945,000 |
![]() ![]() |
70 | 8,982 |
Icecrown | ?? | 11,156,000 |
Icecrown Citadel | ?? | 11,156,000 |
Garrison | ?? | 5,680,000 |
![]() ![]() |
110 | 25,981,676 |
Acherus: The Ebon Hold ![]() |
110 | 1,039,267 |
![]() |
113 | 1,150,587 |
![]() |
113 | 1,150,587 |
- Escape from the Maw
Dark Command — Command the target to attack you, increasing threat you generate against that target for 5 sec.
Ebon Clarion — Summons Ebon Blade reinforcements to attack your current target.
Anti-Magic Zone — Places an Anti-Magic Zone for 7.5 sec that reduces spell damage taken by party or raid members by 20%.
Death Coil — Deals 147 Shadow damage to a nearby random target.
Heart Strike — Instantly strike the target and 1 other nearby enemy, causing 100 Physical damage, and reducing enemies' movement speed by 50% for 8 sec.
This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.
Member of the Scourge
- Greetings
- "We exist only to serve him."
- "Ours is not to question, only to act."
- "His eyes are upon you, at all times!"
- "The life we had before is meaningless."
- "Obey, or be eliminated."
- Farewell
- "It will be done."
- "By his command."
- "The might of the Scourge will not be challenged!"
- "Go forth and wreak havoc!"
- "We will scour the living from this world."
Member of the Knights of the Ebon Blade
- Greetings
- "We are driven by a single purpose: retribution."
- "For us there is no peace, no rest."
- "All is not lost, not yet."
- "Harness your hate; make it useful."
- "We know much about sacrifice."
- Irritated
- "Dismissed."
- "One more nuisance I must deal with."
- "We Mograines aren't known for our restraint."
- "Patience is a virtue; one I no longer possess."
- "You are expendable."
- Farewell
- "The Knights of the Ebon Blade will not falter."
- "We will see it through, to the bitter end."
- "We must forge our own destiny."
- "A shadow of hope remains."
- "We are eternal. We are unyielding."
At Battle for Light's Hope Chapel
- Main article: The Light of Dawn (quest)#Quest dialogue
On describing the Ashen Verdict
- Ready yourself, <name>.
- The time has come for the Lich King's reign to come to an end.
What is the Ashen Verdict?
- The Ashen Verdict is a select group of the most talented craftsmen in the Ebon Blade and Argent Crusade. Its creation symbolizes the unity of our forces as we mount this final assault on the Lich King and his minions.
- It is through the Ashen Verdict's efforts that we have discovered how to bend saronite to our will.
How can I learn to work Saronite?
- Speak with Finklestein, <class>. He can set you on the path.
- Demonstrate your loyalty and their methods shall be made known to you.
After the Lich King's defeat
- Where we go from here is unknown, hero. What we do know is that none of this would have been possible without your aid. The Knights of the Ebon Blade salute you.
Warlords of Draenor
This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.
- I will find a way to save Bolvar, if it takes the rest of my days.
This section concerns content related to Legion.
- The time of apocalypse is upon us once again, <name>.
- Will you rise to the occasion?
- "The Four Horsemen of the Ebon Blade are gathered together, but our work has only just begun. The Burning Legion has come to our world hungering for destruction, but we will feed them their own demise. Apocalypse awaits the demon invaders and we shall bring it to them! Deathlord, you have triumphed where no others could have succeeded. I shall lead the Four Horsemen like my father before me, and so long as I lead them our loyalty is yours! The return of the Four Horsemen is at hand!"[53]
Combat ally
- Horsemen! We ride!
- Cower before the Four Horsemen!
- Crush our enemies!
This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.
- Escape from the Maw
- Main article: Shadowlands: A Chilling Summons#Notes
- Main article: Through the Shattered Sky#Notes
- Main article: A Fractured Blade#Notes
- Main article: Ruiner's End#Notes
- Main article: Fear to Tread#Notes
- Main article: On Blackened Wings#Notes
- Main article: A Flight from Darkness#Notes
- Main article: A Moment's Respite#Notes
- Main article: Field Seance#Notes
- Main article: Speaking to the Dead#Notes
- Main article: Soul in Hand#Notes
- Main article: From the Mouths of Madness#Notes
If the player tries to jump into Gorgoa: River of Souls during this phase, Darion will [Death Grip] them out:
- That river is no place for the living. Best to avoid it at all costs.
- Maldraxxus storyline
- Main article: A Cooling Trail#Notes
- Main article: The Brand Holds the Key#Notes
- Main article: Delving Deeper#Notes
- Main article: Wake of Ashes (quest)#Notes
- Main article: Maw Walker (quest)#Notes
- Main article: A Soul Saved#Notes
- Chains of Domination campaign
- Main article: The Battle of Ardenweald#Notes
- Zereth Mortis campaign
- Main article: In Plain Sight#Notes
- Main article: Hello, Darkness#Notes
- Main article: Aggressive Excavation#Notes
- Main article: What We Wish to Forget#Notes
- Ring of Transference after
- Highlord Bolvar Fordragon says: Without the Helm of Domination to control them, the Scourge roams leaderless. Nothing remains to temper their aggression.
- Highlord Darion Mograine says: Indeed. The mightiest among them already vie for supremacy. Like vicious warlords in the wake of their king's death.
- Highlord Bolvar Fordragon says: We cannot allow any of them to seize command and unite their forces. The Ebon Blade must remain vigilant.
- Highlord Darion Mograine says: And so we shall. Though Azeroth may never truly be rid of the Scourge, we will keep them in check. You have my word.
- Highlord Bolvar Fordragon says: Icecrown Citadel remains a seat of dark power. We must not let it fall into enemy hands. Perhaps I should return to--
- Highlord Darion Mograine says: No, Bolvar. Let the Frozen Throne sit vacant. The Knights of the Ebon Blade will safeguard the citadel in your stead. Taelia needs her father.
- Highlord Bolvar Fordragon says: Darion... thank you. Strange, is it not? We both lived lives of service, and even after facing death itself, we still feel compelled to serve others.
- Highlord Darion Mograine says: Sometimes the greatest act of service is to be present for those who need us. Until we meet again, Highlord.

- Escape from the Maw
- The Ebon Blade will prevail.
- Oribos
- Suffer well, <name>.
- Keeper's Respite after
- One can only wonder how many secrets were lost forever when the Jailer ensnared Korthia within the Maw.
- The toll of[sic] his misdeeds take truly has no end.
<Stay awhile and listen.>
- Alexandros gets to his feet to face his son.
- Alexandros Mograine says: So Tirion Fordring took up the Ashbringer in my absence? I can think of few more worthy.
- Highlord Darion Mograine says: Indeed. He met the Lich King in battle and shattered Frostmourne itself.
- Alexandros Mograine says: And yet you sought to raise him into undeath. Why deny him the rest he had earned?
- Highlord Darion Mograine says: I once told Tirion that only a silver hand can wield an ebon blade.
- Highlord Darion Mograine says: We needed a fourth horseman, one to lead the others. He seemed the right choice.
- Alexandros Mograine says: It appears fate chose differently. This is not the legacy I meant to leave you, Darion.
- Highlord Darion Mograine says: You taught me to defend that which I hold dear. I am proud to carry on such a legacy.
- Alexandros Mograine says: And I am proud of you, my son.

- Provis Terra
- We will not let any of the Jailer's forces pass!
- Chamber of First Reflection
- We stand together in strength. Our suffering will be for the good of all.
- Ring of Transference after
- With the Jailer defeated, the Knights of the Ebon Blade need no longer maintain a presence in Oribos. We will soon make our exodus from the city and return to Azeroth.
- However, our vigil is far from over. Without the Helm of Domination to control them, the Scourge threaten to spread across the world like the plague that created them.
- The living can enjoy their moment of respite. The Ebon Blade's mission continues.

Notes and trivia
- Darion was first mentioned by High Inquisitor Fairbanks when the
[Corrupted Ashbringer] was brought to the Scarlet Monastery. Fairbanks incorrectly gives Darion's current location as "The Outland", which may hint at a cut questline involving Darion or another son of Alexandros. In the Ashbringer comic, Darion is the one who brings the sword to the Scarlet Monastery, and, as such, the event is not canon.
- His deathcharger is called Iydallus and is found at the Argent Vanguard of Icecrown along with Mirador, Tirion's steed.
- In Icecrown Citadel, the steed beside him is named Fury which was the steed of Salanar the Horseman.
- In most of his appearances, Darion wears the tier 8 death knight set, Conqueror's Darkruned Battlegear/Plate. In Icecrown Citadel and his appearances in Legion, he instead wears the heroic tier 10 set, Sanctified Scourgelord's Battlegear/Plate.
- After giving up the
[Corrupted Ashbringer] to Tirion, Darion dual-wields two swords with the same model as
[The Hungering Cold] and
[Slayer of the Lifeless] in most of his appearances. In Icecrown Citadel, he uses a weapon with the same model as the heroic
[Glorenzelg, High-Blade of the Silver Hand], but he switched back to his old weapons in Shadowlands.
- He has two sets of invisible Follower recruiting spells:
- The first one has the following description:
Follower: Highlord Darion Mograine — "Formerly a paladin in service to the Argent Dawn, Darion Mograine sacrified himself in order to stop the advance of the scourge yet his lifeless body was turned into a death knight by the lich Kel'Thuzad. As a Death Knight he led the forces of the Ebon Blade into an attack upon Lights Hope chapel in which it was revealed that the attack was a suicide mission in order force the paladin Tirion Fordring out of hiding. Enraged that he and his fellow knights were being wasted he was able to break free of the Lich Kings control and led the Ebon Blade in their quest of vengeance." The spell is associated to a buff that says "Quiet and intense, Mograine studies his foes carefuly and inflicts pain upon them by any means possible."
- The second one has has the following description:
Champion: Darion Mograine — "The former leader of the Knights of the Ebon Blade, Highlord Darion Mograine is one of the most powerful death knights ever created. He now leads the Four Horsemen against the Burning Legion as the harbinger of death and destruction." The spell is associated to a buff that says "Highlord Darion Mograine is an unholy death knight who wields the powers of death and decay to annihilate his enemies."
- The first one has the following description:
- When introduced in Wrath of the Lich King, Darion had twice as much health as any of the racial leaders. At a time when most racial leaders 5,578,000 HP, he had 11,156,000 HP.
- In the Knights of the Frozen Throne expansion for Hearthstone, Darion appears as one of the Four Horsemen that can be summoned by Uther of the Ebon Blade's Hero Power.
- Darion's TCG art from the Scourgewar set is also used by the Unrelenting Rider boss card during the Gothik the Harvester encounter in Curse of Naxxramas, which was added to the game long before Darion himself.
- Darion is voiced by Taliesin Jaffe.
- His generic name during the Escape from the Maw is Knight of the Ebon Blade.
- In the Shadowlands beta, Darion was accompanied in Oribos by a darkhound named Penelope and commented on her in his gossip text:
- <Name>, it is good to see you.
- Do you recognize Penelope? The lovely girl needed a proper name.
- However, Penelope didn't make it to the live version of the game.
Patch changes
Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Added.
See also
- Lord Darion Mograine, Scourgewar TCG card
- Lord Darion Mograine (Champion Decks Epics), Champion Decks Epics TCG card
[New Recruit]
External links
Darion Mograine | Generic name |