
Knowledge Is Power

  • ️Tue Mar 05 2013
HordeKnowledge Is Power
Start Magister Edien Sunhollow
End Magister Edien Sunhollow
Level 32-35
Type Daily
Category Isle of Thunder
Experience 236000
Reputation +150 Sunreaver Onslaught
Rewards 19g 84s 50c 2 Lesser Charm of Good Fortune
Repeatable Yes
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [32-35 Daily] The More You Know.


Retrieve 6 Ritual Artifacts from around Conqueror's Terrace.


The Zandalari here practice a different kind of magic. We must understand it before we can defeat it, <class>.

Their control over the arcane and shadow is impressive. I wish to learn how they have achieved what so many others have not.

I believe their ritual artifacts may hold the answers I seek. Bring me a sampling of the artifacts you find, and I will ensure you are rewarded properly.


You will receive:


Did you find the artifacts?


These will do nicely, <class>. Excellent work.



Stage 1: Securing a Beachhead

Three hubs (11 quests) plus one boss quest

Court of Bones
Ihgaluk Crag
Boss quests

Stage 2: Assaulting the Zandalari fortifications

Three hubs including Stage 1 areas (11 quests) plus one Stage 1 boss quest


Stage 3: Breaking into the Thunder Forges

Ten quests from Stage 1-2 areas (only seven required), then three quests from one hub in Stage 3, followed by a Stage 3 boss quest

Beast Pens
Conqueror's Terrace
Boss quests

Stage 4: Breaking into Stormsea Landing

Five quests from Stages 1/2 (+one Stage 1 boss), then three quests from one Stage 3 hub, then two Stage 4 quests

  1. H [32-35 Daily] Maximum Capacitor / H [32-35 Daily] Save Our Scouts!
  2. H [32-35 Daily] Forge Ahead!

Stage 5: The Final Gate

All quests listed in Stage 4, then one of:

PvP action

Seven quests, then H [32-35P Daily] High Recognition

Patch changes

External links