

  • ️Tue Oct 25 2016
This article is about Medivh's biography in the original timeline. For other uses and appearances, see Medivh (disambiguation).
Image of Medivh
Title The Last Guardian,[1][2][3]
Great Medivh,[4]
the Prophet,[9]
the Oracle,[10]
the Accursed,[10][11]
Master Mage of Karazhan,[12] The Wizard,[4]
Master, Lord,[4]
(the) Old Man,[13]
Master of Ravens[14]
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid / Elemental)
Class Mage, Guardian
Necromancer,[15] Warlock,[16][17] Sorcerer[18][19][20]
Resource Mana
Affiliation(s) Independent
Former affiliation(s) Order of Tirisfal, Kingdom of Stormwind, Burning Legion (possessed)
Occupation Diviner,[21] Wizard
Former occupation(s) Guardian of Tirisfal, Master of Karazhan
Location Twisting Nether (lore), Various
Status Active
Relative(s) Aegwynn (mother), Nielas Aran (father), Garona Halforcen (lover), Med'an (son)[22]
Student(s) Khadgar
Companion(s) Anduin Lothar, Llane Wrynn (childhood friends), Moroes (servant)

“Now, at long last, I have returned to set things right. I... am Medivh, the Last Guardian. I tell you now, the only chance for this world is to unite in arms against the enemies of all who live!”

— Medivh before the Battle of Mount Hyjal

Medivh ("keeper of secrets" in Thalassian)[23] was the last Guardian of Tirisfal, an ancient line of protectors bestowed with great powers to do battle with the agents of the Burning Legion. He was possessed even before birth by the spirit of the lord of the Burning Legion, Sargeras. Under his influence, Medivh contacted the orc warlock Gul'dan, and together they opened the Dark Portal, bringing the Old Horde to Azeroth. He was slain some time after by a party led by his best friend, Anduin Lothar.

Resurrected by his mother Aegwynn, Medivh returned as a mysterious prophet shortly before the beginning of the Third War, manipulating events in order to arrange the formation of a last-ditch alliance between the mortal races of Kalimdor, guiding them to victory at the Battle of Mount Hyjal.[24] To this day, Medivh's soul remains within the haunted tower of Karazhan. Fragments of his soul have been known to challenge or provide guidance to those who brave the tower's dangers.

Medivh was the wielder of Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian after his mother passed it on to him. The staff is now wielded by his former apprentice, Khadgar.

Medivh was the main antagonist in Warcraft: Orcs and Humans and returns as a redeemed supporting character in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and World of Warcraft.


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Birth and childhood

Medivh's mother, Aegwynn, served as the Guardian of Tirisfal before him. Eight centuries before the coming of the orcs, she fought and seemingly defeated Sargeras. This was according to the demon lord's plan, as he used the opportunity to transfer his essence into her body, where he would lay in wait.

Sargeras, now within Aegwynn, was slowly twisting her thoughts. She became more distant from the Council of Tirisfal; rarely being seen by them. Sargeras amplified fears she had already had about the Council. The Council had been using its powers to manipulate the politics of the Eastern Kingdoms. They believed they had the power to prevent war suffering, for the greater good. Aegwynn believed the constant manipulations would end in disaster. She decided to not relinquish her role as Guardian, for fear that the Council could elect a new weaker Guardian they could control and manipulate. They did not completely approve of her decision to stay on as Guardian but they allowed it for the moment.

Her relationship with the Council would become more distant over the centuries. Hidden from the Council's watchful eye, Aegwynn constructed the tower of Karazhan. The tower acted as a siphon for ley lines Aegwynn could gain power from if needed. She would also use the Tower as a refuge when avoiding the Council of Tirisfal. As older members of the Council passed new younger ones would join. These new members wanted to force Aegwynn to give up her powers. They formed the Tirisgarde, an order of magi armed with ancient relics they could use to subdue Aegwynn. For years the Tirisgarde had searched for Aegwynn till they found her refuge at Karazhan. She sealed Karazhan so the Council could never gain control of its secrets and fled to the ruined city of Suramar where she would hide for hundreds of years; all the while keeping an eye on the Council of Tirisfal.[25]

Aegwynn would on occasion leave Suramar to watch the Council. It was one of these times that she was finally caught by the Tirisgarde mage, Nielas Aran. Aran would use various artifacts at his disposal to nullify her magic and slow her down. Over the course of several months, the two came at odds. However, the fighting would end when both realized each other's true nature. Aran learned that Aegwynn was not the traitorous rebel the Council made him think she was. And she learned that Aran also loathed political manipulations the Council had been carrying out.

It was not long before the two fell in love. They agreed they must work together to prevent the Council from controlling another Guardian. They decided to create an heir and pass on the title of Guardian to. She gave birth to a son she named Medivh. She locked her powers and knowledge of the Council within Medivh where they could manifest upon maturity. Aegwynn soon left Medivh in Aran's care. She went into hiding watching her beloved Medivh from afar.[26][25]

Medivh had a happy childhood under his father's care close to the kingdom's royal court, primarily spent with friends Prince Llane Wrynn and Anduin Lothar. One day, while out on the road in Stranglethorn Vale, Medivh and his friends were ambushed by three jungle trolls. None were hurt badly, however, Medivh fainted after casting several spells.[27] He would succumb to a coma on the eve of his fourteenth birthday,[28] awaking in the middle of the night from evil dreams, where he pictured figures giving chase through deep chasms. In a sweat, he stumbled into his father's room, and when his father touched his brow, the power his mother had given him awoke. No less than one hundred clerics had to combine their talents with his father's to contain the powers. By the time the force had subsided, Aran was dead and Medivh nearly so himself. Spanning almost ten years in a coma caused by stress and Sargeras spirit inside his body, Medivh was tended by his friend Lothar, as well as the clerics at Northshire Abbey.[29][30][31]

Medivh awoke a decade later under a facade of control and assured the clerics and the court that he was fine.[32]

The Gurubashi War

Years after the Gnoll War, Stormwind's farmers and settlers would increasingly push southward claiming territory close to the jungles of Stranglethorn Vale, home of the Gurubashi Tribe. Skirmishes would erupt between the Gurubashi and Stormwind forces but the elderly Barathen would refuse to order an invasion into Stranglethorn and was focused on fighting a defensive war, much to the outrage of his son Prince Llane. While King Barathen's strategy against the Gurubashi was effective it would be unable to stop every attack, one which saw slow, barbaric, and gruesome deaths delivered to the villagers of three towns in Westfall. This would ultimately prove to be the final straw of Prince Llane, Anduin Lothar and Medivh, who in defiance of his father's continued de-escalation, journeyed south to bring war to the Gurubashi. Though initially shielded by Medivh's magic the three friends would end up in the fight for their lives when they battled Jok'non, a Gurubashi Warlord empowered by Hakkar the Soulflayer. Ultimately, the three friends would prove victorious and return to Stormwind, shaken by Medivh's powers.

While none of the Gurubashi who witnessed Jok'non's death survived, it took very to the imagination for the trolls to see who was responsible. Rallying under Jok'non's son, Zan'non, the Gurubashi launched an invasion intent on destroying Stormwind. In the face of the troll onslaught, Barathen recalled all his forces to the stronghold's gate, believing that the survival of Stormwind would depend on one colossal battle. As the death toll mounted on both sides Barathen mounted a desperate counterattack against the Gurubashi. Though almost succeeding in claiming Zan'non's head, Barathen would die on the field of battle. Llane, driven by guilt, would plead with Medivh to unleash his power on the Gurubashi as he done against Jok'non. Though frightened of his power Medivh would accept Llane's request and destroy the Gurubashi forces (Zan'non included), an act that would ultimately avenge Barathen. After the conflict was over Medivh would be seen as the realm's greatest defender.[33]

Frightened by his powers Medivh would later journey to Karazhan and learn from his mother how to control his powers. He would gain a friend and ally in Moroes, who disapproving of Aegwynn's habit of shutting people out, would encourage Medivh to reach to invite local lords for a party after the young guardian spoke of his darkening thoughts.

The fallen Guardian

Medivh opening the Dark Portal.

Medivh opens the dark portal.

Medivh, possessed by Sargeras.

Unknown to Medivh and Moroes, his darkening thoughts belonged to the dark spirit of Sargeras who began twisting his thoughts and emotions towards an insidious end. In time Medivh would become determine to stop the Burning Legion at all costs and under Sargeras' influence would discover Draenor and the Horde. Seeing that the Horde had been abandoned by the Legion Medivh felt that it would be a perfect irony to use the Horde against the Legion. Thus bargaining with the warlock Gul'dan from his chambers in the tower of Karazhan, Medivh promised to provide Gul'dan the location of the Tomb of Sargeras if Gul'dan would bring the Horde to Azeroth. And so, aided on the other side by Gul'dan's Shadow Council, Medivh opened the Dark Portal between Azeroth and Draenor.

When the Dark Portal was opened by him, almost every creature attuned to magic on Azeroth felt ripples as the gateway flared to life. Aegwynn could not fathom what had happened, but she sensed the presence of fel magic and knew Medivh must have somehow allied himself with the Legion. Aegwynn traveled to Karazhan with the blue dragon Arcanagos to confront Medivh about it. The tower was crowded with nobles who were expecting a gala, and so Aegwynn entered alone at first, hoping to convince Medivh to give up his power peacefully. It was then that Medivh revealed that, as he died in battle before her, Sargeras had spirited his essence into Aegwynn's own body like cancer, lying in wait for her to conceive as he knew she would. Sargeras later stitched himself into the fabric of Medivh's unborn body so that when he awoke and realized the power of Tirisfal he would also manifest his unholy, demonic heritage.

Aegwynn was stunned as the truth set in, but she did not lose herself to despair. Instead, Aegwynn became angry and knew she would defeat Sargeras there and then, even if it meant striking against her beloved son. The battle between the two shook the tower to its foundations and sent the would-be revelers fleeing. When Aegwynn was temporarily incapacitated, Arcanagos joined in. However, despite being a blue dragon, Arcanagos was severely outmatched. Sargeras struck him down, burning him from the inside out until all that was left was bone. Her friend's death sent Aegwynn further into rage. Sargeras may have had the full weight of a Guardian's power, but she had centuries of experience. As their duel continued, Aegwynn slowly gained the upper hand,[34] until Medivh resorted to draining the life of nearby all occupants of the tower in order to fuel his strength.[35] Now stronger but still unable to kill Aegwynn, Medivh instead banished her from his sight.

To prevent the Council of Tirisfal from meddling in his affairs, Medivh secretly began killing its members in demonic "accidents".[36] These victims included Hugarin and Huglar.

Medivh's gaze also fell upon Arrexis and Ebonchill who set up a camp in Deadwind Pass. Arrexis and his followers experimented with their warding magics outside Karazhan, attempting to neutralize the tower's strange powers. The records indicate that Guardian Medivh visited the magi at this time and offered his advice. He suggested that Arrexis could apply his warding spellwork in new ways, specifically to prevent demons from clawing into the world. Arrexis heeded Medivh's advice which would eventually be his downfall.[37]

At some point, Medivh hosted some traveling merchants who attempted to cheat him by selling him counterfeit artifacts. Medivh cursed them and today they are known as the Dark Riders.[38]

It was shortly after this time that the mages of Dalaran sent Medivh an apprentice. The Magus had already rebuked dozens of failed apprentices,[39] but something in this Khadgar, a name which among the dwarves meant Trust, caught his attention. Time passed as "Young Trust" studied under Medivh. He lived within Karazhan with a few others: Medivh studying, Moroes serving as his aide, and Cook making meals.

Around this time, the war began picking up between the orcs and the humans, as the orcs increasingly struck out of the Black Morass. Medivh was sober about this, even remarking that it was happening as planned.[40] Soon after the Horde's emissary, Garona Halforcen, came to Karazhan. The Magus thought that with her conflicting heritages, she would understand what he was going through.[41] Unbeknownst to anyone Medivh and Garona had a brief affair which later resulted in a child, the mixed race Med'an.

Medivh and Khadgar soon crossed paths with the King's Champion Anduin Lothar and his soldiers on a scouting mission to the Black Morass. Lothar had encouraged his friend to rejoin Stormwind's defense, though understood that Medivh struggled with the power he unleashed on the Gurubashi years ago. The Guardian played along and feigned a fear of tapping into unwieldy magical powers, though his true intention was to buy time for the Horde to boost its strength. Lothar also spoke with Khadgar, telling him about Medivh's troubled past and asking him to act as a caretaker in addition to an apprentice. Medivh became more erratic afterward, disappearing for days at a time and being exhausted when he finally returned.[42]

Khadgar would be the first to discover that it was Medivh who brought the orcs upon the lands of Azeroth. During this time, Khadgar and Garona had an audience with King Llane and Anduin Lothar, where Lothar was convinced of Medivh's corruption. Lothar, one of Medivh's best friends, led a troop of human forces, which included Khadgar and Garona, to deal with the crazed Guardian. In the meantime, the Guardian killed Moroes and the Cook. During the battle with Medivh, Khadgar—magically aged by Medivh's spellwork—held Lothar's blade to the Guardian's chest, and finally ran it through Medivh's heart. The demon within him awakened at that point, right up until Lothar delivered the mercy stroke, decapitating the Guardian and banishing Sargeras into the Nether. At the same time, Gul'dan was trying to probe Medivh's mind for the location of the Tomb of Sargeras. The warlock was still deep within the Guardian's thoughts when Lothar and Khadgar killed him, ending Medivh's treachery and forcing Gul'dan into a coma.[43]

Medivh was the first Guardian to be killed in combat in centuries.[44] As a consequence of the killing, the pure, virtuous spirit of Medivh was allowed to live on and wander the astral plane for many years to come.[45] His body was buried in Morgan's Plot in Deadwind Pass.[46]

At the height of his powers, Medivh worked his magics and struggled with Sargeras in his tower of Karazhan. His powers were such that the trauma of his death laid a curse on his once wondrous tower and the surrounding area that became Deadwind Pass. The tower has become such a dangerous and accursed place, that those that venture in never return (Violet Eye chain).[47]


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Though he had died years ago, Medivh's spirit drifted beyond the borders of reality, and he watched as the plague of undeath started to spread in the Eastweald. He wanted nothing more than to warn the world of what was coming, but he had no way of communing with the people of Lordaeron. There was only one person he could reach on Azeroth, his mother Aegwynn. She had a strange dream, where she saw Medivh dressed in a cloak lined with raven feathers, telling her that he had a message for the world, and pleading with her to help bring him back to Azeroth. Though initially suspicious, Aegwynn did feel Medivh's soul drifting beyond the veil of reality, and she also sensed that it was free of Sargeras' touch.[48]

Aegwynn spent years building up the power to bring him back to life and she was successful.[49] She revived him[50] by summoning him to Azeroth. He explained that while his spirit was wandering beyond the physical realm, he had witnessed many things. Medivh's vast power had allowed him to glimpse into the Twisting Nether and touch the minds of the Legion's demons, allowing him to learn of the Lich King and the plague of undeath.[51]

Medivh, described as a trespasser, briefly returned to Karazhan. The trespasser, muttering some words, entered Karazhan through the main entrance. Once there he found a crushed astrolabe and when he picked it up he began to see memories of the past and in particular another man just like the trespasser holding the same astrolabe. He interacted with a past version of Khadgar (though it was a future version of Medivh from Khadgar's perspective). He explained to his erstwhile apprentice that with his burial in the past by Khadgar and his current return to life, the good (the Guardian) and the evil (Sargeras) battling within him had been destroyed, and that he was, perhaps for the first time, only Medivh. He then collected the energies and visions from Karazhan to be prepared for the next battle against the Burning Legion,[52] indicating the Third War.

Reign of Chaos

WC3RoC-logo.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.

Main article: The Prophet

Long after the Second War, a strange prophet appeared to various denizens of Azeroth, delivering a warning of a looming apocalyptic threat. He was able to appear as a supernaturally-large raven. Medivh chose not to reveal his true identity, as he would've been recognized as the evil sorcerer who brought the orcs to Azeroth. King Terenas of Lordaeron and Antonidas of Dalaran both consequently dismissed the Prophet as nothing more than a madman.[53]

He then appeared to the young warchief of the Horde, Thrall, son of Durotan — had a dream where the orcs and humans were fighting against each other while infernals rained from the sky. He awakened and the Prophet told him it was a vision, and that he must go to the ancient lands of Kalimdor if he wished to save his people. Thrall consulted with the elemental spirits, which quickly advised to trust the stranger's words, and set sail to Kalimdor in the far west beyond the sea.

After this, Medivh approached Terenas' son, Prince Arthas Menethil, who refused to leave his beleaguered people. Only the young daughter of Daelin Proudmoore, and apprentice of Antonidas, Jaina Proudmoore, sensed that he was perhaps right. When he appeared to her after the destruction of Stratholme, she heeded his warning and prepared to leave for the west. She set sail with a group of her people just as the invasion began. Thrall arrived to Kalimdor looking for his destiny, and his new acquaintance Cairne Bloodhoofchieftain of the Bloodhoof tribe — suggested him to go to "the Oracle" in the Stonetalon Peak caverns. Thrall fought his way through the Human Expedition until he arrived at the Oracle, but he found Jaina and some humans. As they prepared to battle each other, the prophet appeared. He told them that they must cease hostilities if they ever hoped to defeat the Burning Legion and escape its corruption. They reluctantly agreed.

Finally, the Prophet revealed his identity when the time came to rally the forces. Appearing in a dream to Thrall, the night elf Malfurion Stormrage, and Jaina, the Prophet told them that they must form an alliance to battle the common enemy. He told them that he was, in fact, Medivh, the Last Guardian of Tirisfal, and that it was his doing that brought the orcs, and, in turn, the Burning Legion, to Azeroth. Jaina, Thrall, and Malfurion became convinced that victory could only be achieved through an alliance, and they rallied together to defend the World Tree, Nordrassil. In the final hour, nature's spirits, called into action by the Horn of Cenarius' clarion call, swarmed around Archimonde, and destroyed the demon once and for all.[54]

Confident that the world was safe for now, and that he had repaid a fraction of debt for his terrible sins, Medivh vanished, to take his place "amongst the legends of the past."[54] More specifically, Medivh's powers were waning and his time on the physical plane had come to an end. Hoping that the people of Azeroth would continue fighting together as they had at Hyjal, the Last Guardian vanished[55] to places unknown.[9]

  • Medivh as a raven in Thrall's Vision.

    Medivh as a raven in Thrall's Vision.

  • Medivh as a raven close up.

    Medivh as a raven close up.

  • You must rally the Horde and lead your people to their destiny!

    You must rally the Horde and lead your people to their destiny!

  • Medivh as a raven, flying from Thrall's hut.

    Medivh as a raven, flying from Thrall's hut.

  • Medivh visits Lordaeron.

    Medivh visits Lordaeron.

  • I failed humanity once before, and I will not do so again.

    I failed humanity once before, and I will not do so again.

  • Medivh meets with the leaders of the mortal races.

    Medivh meets with the leaders of the mortal races.

Cycle of Hatred

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Three years after the end of the Third War, Medivh's image among the humans had improved. He was now revered as a hero despite what the demons had done to him,[56] presumably for guiding the Human Expedition to Kalimdor.

When Jaina found Magna Aegwynn, she was confused, because all the Guardians were supposed to be dead by then, including Medivh himself.[57]

The Burning Crusade

Bc icon.gif This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

Echo of Medivh in Karazhan (old model)

Medivh is involved in the Caverns of Time' Opening the Dark Portal dungeon, the second instance within the caverns opened after Thrall's Escape from Durnholde. It is set in the Black Morass just as Medivh prepares to open the Dark Portal, and the player group must protect him from members of the infinite dragonflight attempting to kill him and stop the opening of the Portal, which would prevent the Horde from crossing into Azeroth.

Medivh is also involved in the attunement process for Karazhan. After obtaining the fragments of Khadgar's key from instances in Outland, Khadgar sends you to the Black Morass to speak to Medivh to enchant it so that it will open the locked gates of Karazhan; Medivh will instead give you  [The Master's Key]. However, you must have completed the instance (Medivh must survive to open the Dark Portal) before you can speak to him and gain his key.

He shows up twice more in his old tower of Karazhan in Deadwind Pass which has been abandoned since Medivh's death at the hands of Khadgar and Lothar, shortly before the end of the First War. An "Echo of Medivh" is seen where players play a game of chess against him in the Gamesman's Hall, and an "Image of Medivh" is seen in a flashback on the Master's Terrace fighting off the blue dragon Arcanagos.

World of Warcraft: The Comic

Comics title.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft manga or comics.

In spite of his unknown fate, he left an avatar of himself in Karazhan to give a message of knowledge and power to his son, Med'an, so that Med'an could decide his own fate. The avatar commented himself as being gone from Azeroth.

  • Medivh appears to Med'an.

    Medivh appears to Med'an.

  • Instructing Med'an.

Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects

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While chasing an image of the lost Dragon Aspect Nozdormu in the Caverns of Time, Thrall encountered Medivh in the form of a black raven, who somehow knew that Thrall was from another time and that he was looking for Nozdormu.[58] It's unclear whether that Medivh was from an alternate timeline or the main timeline.


Legion-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Legion.


When Khadgar searched Karazhan for information that could aid him against the Legion, an apparition of Medivh appeared, offering to bestow the powers of the Guardian of Tirisfal upon his former student. However, when Khadgar refused the offer, the image was revealed to actually be a gargantuan nathrezim, whom Khadgar then destroyed with Atiesh.[59]

Pre-launch questline

A vision of Medivh made a cameo in Karazhan when Khadgar reminisced about his apprenticeship, calling Khadgar a Kirin Tor spy, just like he did when they first met. An echo of Medivh then said that that which was foreseen had come to pass and the circle neared completion. It ordered Karazhan's sentries to "attend" to the tower's guests, and his magic thwarted Khadgar's safeguards on the tower. According to Thar'zul, Medivh had opened the way to the Legion's victory.[60]

Return to Karazhan

When Khadgar and various adventurers, alongside the Kirin Tor, breached the Legion's defenses in Karazhan, Khadgar found himself unable to undo the Legion's magic that was binding the Legion worlds to the tower. At that instant, Medivh appeared, commenting on the many fragments of himself that he had left in the tower. Khadgar questioned his master's sudden, real, appearance, only to be told that they had to undo the binding first.

After the forces defeated the Legion in the Netherspace, Medivh spoke with Khadgar, telling him that he couldn't stay to fight the Legion and that he was needed elsewhere. When questioned further, Medivh told Khadgar he was Azeroth's new Guardian, prompting Khadgar to deny the power as he had already done before. Medivh corrected him, stating he possessed all the power necessary to defeat the Legion, and that power was his will, heart, and courage to face the Legion. Medivh called Khadgar Azeroth's guardian once more and stated that while it may be simpler to shut a door than pass through it, sometimes a step into the unknown is required to break the bonds of fate. With that, he flew off as a raven towards the Nether.

Some time later, at the end of the Legion's invasion, Sargeras was imprisoned by the Pantheon but not before he managed to mortally wound Azeroth's world-soul in Silithus. As the Alliance and Horde began to fight over her blood as a powerful resource, Khadgar instead returned to Karazhan to confer with Medivh. He hoped that somewhere in Medivh's ancient tomes there was an answer on how to heal the world.[61]

Battle for Azeroth

BattleForAzeroth-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

At the time of the Fourth War, the black dragon Wrathion journeyed to Karazhan to find a way to counter the Old Gods. While there, he encountered the shade of Medivh, who encouraged him that while Wrathion could not change the past, he could forge a new legacy to leave for the future. The Last Guardian also recounted his struggles under Sargeras' influence as the dark titan twisted his soul from within, about his spirit's return to the mortal realm, and how it guided Azeroth's champions in the fight against the very forces that once corrupted him.[62]

Bronze Celebration

Main article: WoW's Anniversary

Wrathion and Medivh in the Caverns of Time during the 15th Anniversary Event.

Medivh and Wrathion were found partaking in the festivities in the Caverns of Time during the 15th to 19th Bronze Celebration.


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Black Morass[48.8, 72.6] ?? Boss Alliance Horde As part of the Opening the Dark Portal instance.
Gamesman's Hall, Karazhan ?? Elite Alliance Horde As the Echo of Medivh.
Karazhan 10-45 Elite Alliance Horde As the Vision of Medivh during N [10-45] Hiding in the Stacks.
Master's Terrace, Karazhan & Return to Karazhan ?? Boss Alliance Horde As the Image of Medivh.
Guardian's Library, Return to Karazhan 47 Elite Alliance Horde As the Shade of Medivh.
Various in the Return to Karazhan ?? Boss Alliance Horde As a projection of the past.
Gamesman's Hall & Netherspace, Return to Karazhan ?? Boss Alliance Horde As the actual Medivh.
Caverns of Time ?? Boss Alliance Horde During Warcraft's Anniversary.


Bc icon.gif The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 7.1.0 but is present in Burning Crusade Classic.


Medivh's face in Warcraft I.

Medivh in Warcraft I.

Medivh's death has been portrayed in at least four different sources.

In Warcraft: Orcs & Humans, the player had to enter his lair and slay him. His lair was filled with summoned and cave beings: skeletons, scorpions, fire elementals and daemons.[63] Anduin Lothar, Khadgar, and Garona are all absent.

Medivh's death was clearly described in The Last Guardian, where it is established that he was slain by the three listed above — with Khadgar wielding the blade that was run through Medivh's heart (and Lothar then decapitating him); this version is supported by various sources.[45][64][65][66]

In the interlude "The Last Guardian" in the "Eternity's End" campaign in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Medivh is shown in a flashback being killed by 5 human footmen and a captain. Though the captain figure in the scene could be Lothar, Khadgar and Garona are nowhere to be seen. In The Last Guardian it is, however, described that Khadgar and Garona were wearing Stormwind garbs, which would explain why they could be displayed as normal footmen. In Warcraft III: Reforged, Medivh is shown being killed by a captain and an apprentice wizard.

Finally in Flashback we see Medivh being stabbed through the heart by Khadgar with Lothar standing just behind.

The idea that there were more involved than just Lothar, Khadgar, and Garona is supported by Shadows & Light ("...a squad of human warriors...")[67] and Horde Player's Guide ("A group of human heroes slowed the invasion by slaying Medivh").[68] However, both sources also confirm that Lothar, Khadgar, and Garona were involved as well.[69][70][71] In Tides of Darkness it is explained that Lothar was with Garona, Khadgar, and a handful of men when they defeated Medivh.[72]

  • Medivh's death in Warcraft: Orcs & Humans.

    Medivh's death in Warcraft: Orcs & Humans.

  • Medivh's death in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos.

    Medivh's death in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos.

  • Medivh's death in Warcraft III: Reforged.


The most powerful mages focus their powers into magical staves, and Medivh was no different. His staff, Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian, was possessed by the eponym demon, agent of Sargeras, thus boosting Medivh's already-immeasurable powers. When Medivh was killed, Atiesh was taken to Dalaran, where it was revealed that the demon within killed anyone who dared try to wield it. It was locked away in a secret and secure vault for nearly three decades following Medivh's death, until Dalaran was destroyed by Archimonde, along with the staff.

WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Atiesh was shattered into 42 pieces—the 40 splinters of the shaft, the base, and the headpiece. The base was found by Brann Bronzebeard through his exploration of Azeroth, and ended up in C'Thun's possession in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj when the dwarf adventured there. The headpiece was located by the archlich Kel'Thuzad, who was responsible for summoning Archimonde in the first place. The 40 splinters of the shaft were given to Kel'Thuzad's lieutenants, spread out across his citadel of Naxxramas in the Eastern Plaguelands. Even if the staff were restored, it would need to be exorcised of the dark taint.[73]

Comics title.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft manga or comics.

The base was retrieved by Garona Halforcen from within the corpse of C'Thun.[74] The staff was purified and restored by Medivh's son, Med'an. Medivh had poured a large amount of power into the base as Med'an's legacy that would only answer to his touch.[75]

In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Medivh is categorized as a wizard. Brighteyes is rumored to be the blood of Medivh.


Medivh’s soul constantly struggled with that of Sargeras for control of his body and mind. The fight between them was constant, and resulted in Medivh shifting periodically between stretches of calmness and lucidity and bouts of strangely incomprehensible behavior. To outsiders, he often seemed to make abrupt decisions or reverse his position on issues. When the struggle between the two souls became too great for Medivh's body to handle, he sank into a catatonic state and became completely unresponsive. These periods varied greatly in duration and could range from a matter of minutes to months.

When Medivh was in control of his body and mind, he was a friendly and wise individual. He cared deeply for a number of the high-ranking human leaders and put the needs of the kingdom above almost everything else. He had defended Lordaeron from attack many times throughout the years and has built a great reputation as a staunch defender of the land. He was not naturally biased against any of the races, and displayed a fair amount of interest in people who brought to him stories of distant lands or cultures.

However, when Sargeras was in control, Medivh’s personality shifted dramatically. He became sullen and distant, barely acknowledged the presence of close friends, and practically ignored strangers. He was secretive and often traveled to faraway places abruptly. In private, Medivh would not hesitate to do away with annoying visitors by using his spells to kill or incapacitate them. However, he was moderately concerned about his cover being blown with the Lordaeron leadership and would not act out of character in public.[67][76]

Medivh's tactics were often erratic, depending upon which personality was in control at the time. Nonetheless, the common theme with both personalities was to stay at range and harass enemies with potent spells. He often cast only a few spells and then retreated for a few rounds to strike again later from another direction.[76]

Medivh, the Prophet, chose to remain uninvolved directly in the upcoming war (leading some to suspect he had remained a ghost).[77]

Status as an Eternal

Medivh is classified as an Eternal in the legends chapter of Shadows & Light, but the book is not specific as to how or when he reached that status.[69] The article is mostly concerned with the period in history when he was possessed by Sargeras. This likely means that he was an Eternal only because he was possessed by one. It doesn't seem to be related to the fact he was a guardian, as other guardians are not Eternals, for example Aranda.

Although the article does make a brief reference to his period as the legendary Oracle, it is not likely the reason for his Eternal status. The majority of the article concerned with the period when he had dual personalities where he struggled with Sargeras for control of his body, this includes the role-playing notes and combat section. It explains how others might react to his mood swings and personality changes. His abilities are also a combination of a guardian and Sargeras' abilities.

The book is also pretty clear that no new Eternals have appeared in modern times.[78]

When Khadgar killed Medivh and destroyed the spirit of Sargeras, Medivh's spirit escaped.[79] The spirit of Medivh foresaw the eventual downfall of Lordaeron,[80] and with his mother's help his spirit attained form.[81]

WC3RoC-logo.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.

It should be noted Medivh considers himself no longer a human as he was before referenced by his quote in Warcraft III: "I left my humanity behind long ago. I am something...different now."


The Last Guardian

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

  • You didn't teach me very much, Mother. You were always far too busy with your duties as Guardian to actually raise the son you brought into the world to succeed you. But one lesson you did impart on one of the rare occasions when you bothered to acknowledge my existence was that the council were fools. It was Sargeras who taught me what the final fate of all fools must be. You see, Mother, I learned all my lessons well.
  • It's not all demons and magic in this world. Sometimes a simpler answer suffices.
  • No matter how learned and knowledgeable, how wise and how wonderful, how powerful and puissant, there is always one more sliver of power, one more bit of knowledge, one more secret to be learned by any mage. I think these two fell into that trap, and called upon forces from beyond the Great Dark Beyond, and paid the price for it. Idiots. They were friends and colleagues, and they were idiots.
  • You did the right thing, no more or less than asked by me. But, you asked questions because you don't know much about demons, and that is ignorance. And ignorance I will not tolerate.
  • Massive trauma usually will force out the life essence... (on how to defeat a demon)
  • The former can advise the latter, but the latter must be free to challenge the former, to avoid what happened to the Kaldorei.
  • The orcs are not demons. They are flesh and blood, and as such the worry of warriors, not wizards.
  • "Nature magic?""Ripening, culling, harvesting? Can you take a seed and pull the youth from it until it becomes a flower?"

Warcraft III

WC3RoC-logo.png This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.

Medivh's face in Warcraft III.

  • The Sands of Time have run out, Son of Durotan... The cries of war echo upon the winds. The remnants of the past scar the land, which is besieged once again...by conflict. Heroes arise to challenge fate! And lead their brethren into battle. As mortal armies rush blindly towards their doom, the Burning Shadow comes to consume us all! You must rally the Horde and lead your people to their destiny! Seek me out...
  • Human? Ha ha ha... <mournful laughter>. I left my humanity behind long ago, young warchief. I am something... different now. Know that I have seen the future and beheld the great burning shadow that is coming to consume this world. You sense it as well, don't you?
  • I failed humanity once before... and I will NOT do so again. If you cannot take up this cup, then I shall find another who will.
  • Listen to me boy, this land is lost! The shadow has already fallen, and nothing you do will deter it! If you truly wish to save your people, lead them across the sea...to the west!
  • Then your choice is already made. Just remember, the harder you strive to slay your enemies, the faster you will deliver your people right into their hands.
  • The dead in this land might lie still for the time being, but don't be fooled. Your Young Prince will find only death in the Cold North.
  • Commendable as that may be, his passions will be his undoing. It falls to you now, young sorceress. You must lead your people across the sea, to the distant land of Kalimdor. Only there can you combat the shadow and save this world from the flame.
  • Destiny is at hand, young sorceress. The time to choose has come. For the fate of all who live, humanity must join forces with the Horde.
  • The roots will heal in time... as will the entire world. The sacrifices have been made. Just as the orcs, humans, and night elves discarded their old hatreds and stood united against a common foe, so did Nature herself rise up to banish the Shadow... forever. As for me, I came back to ensure that there would be a future, to teach the world that it no longer needed Guardians. The hope for future generations has always resided in mortal hands. And now that my task is done, I will take my place... amongst the legends of the past. (Last words spoken)

World of Warcraft

Bc icon.gif This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

Caverns of Time

Medivh in the Caverns of Time.

Event Begins
The time has come! Gul'dan, order your warlocks to double their efforts! Moments from now the gateway will open and your Horde will be unleashed on this ripe, unsuspecting world.
Shield at 75%
Champions! My shield grows weak!
Shield at 50%
My powers must be concentrated on the portal! I do not have time to hold the shield!
Shield at 25%
The shield is nearly gone! All that I have worked for is in danger!
No! Damn this feeble, mortal coil!
Dark Portal Opened
  • What is this? Champions, coming to my aid? I sense the hand of the Dark One in this. Truly this sacred event bears his blessing.
  • I am grateful for your aid, champions. Now, Gul'dan's Horde will sweep across this world like a locust swarm, and all my designs, all my carefully-laid plans will at last fall into place.
A small army of orc warriors with the Shadow Council comes through.
Orcs of the Horde! This portal is the gateway to your new destiny! Azeroth lies before you, ripe for the taking!
The leader turns to the others.
Shadow Council Enforcer yells: Gul'dan speaks the truth! We should return at once to tell our brothers of the news! Retreat back through the portal!

Karazhan Attunement

"That key, I recognize it. That is Khadgar's key... of course I haven't given it to him yet.
I seem to have memories about future events surrounding you and this key.
<Medivh looks at you like he's just seen a ghost>
You have trying times ahead of you, <name>. Let us hope your strength does not fail you.
Regarding the key, I am to hand it to Khadgar when he's sent to me. I couldn't hope for a better apprentice.
I suppose you will need a key of your own.
<Medivh reaches into his robe and hands you his own key>
Go on then. And best of luck, <class>.

Conversation with Arcanagos

Image of Medivh battling Arcanagos.

Medivh yells: You've got my attention, dragon. You'll find I'm not as easily scared as the villagers below.
Arcanagos yells: Your dabbling in the arcane has gone too far, Medivh. You've attracted the attention of powers beyond your understanding. You must leave Karazhan at once!
Medivh yells: You dare challenge me at my own dwelling? Your arrogance is astounding, even for a dragon.
Arcanagos yells: A dark power seeks to use you, Medivh! If you stay, dire days will follow. You must hurry, we don't have much time!
Medivh yells: I do not know what you speak of, dragon... but I will not be bullied by this display of insolence. I'll leave Karazhan when it suits me!
Arcanagos yells: You leave me no alternative. I will stop you by force if you won't listen to reason.
Arcanagos glows with a blue aura as Medivh casts a pyroblast that reflects off the dragon. Injured, Medivh stands back to his feet.
Medivh begins to cast a spell of great power, weaving his own essence into the magic.
Arcanagos begins to burn.
Arcanagos yells: What have you done, wizard? This cannot be! I'm burning from... within!
Arcanagos flies off into the distance aflame.
Medivh says: He should not have angered me. I must go... recover my strength now...

Chess Event

Main article: Chess Event#Quotes

Return to Karazhan

Legion-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Legion.

Main article: Nightbane (Return to Karazhan tactics)#Quotes
Main article: Shade of Medivh#Quotes
Main article: Viz'aduum the Watcher#Quotes

Hearthstone trailer

"The Kirin Tor will tell you that mastering the magical arts is like learning the rules of a game. Fools. True power is taken by those brave enough to break boundaries. I am Medivh, the Last Guardian. If magic is a game, then it is one I play to win."
  • "True power is taken by those brave enough to break boundaries."

    "True power is taken by those brave enough to break boundaries."

Heroes of the Storm trailer

"Time is running out. The Nexus is not ready. All my life, I have stood against the forces of darkness. I wield my power to protect the innocent. While I was not born to this realm, my duty remains. Now, I sense an approaching evil that is all too familiar. I am the Guardian Medivh, and I will fight alongside these heroes. We will face this enemy together, and together we will defeat him!"

Hearthstone: One Night in Karazhan trailer

"Your host, the great magus Medivh, invites you back to party down - with me!"
"Come inside... Meet your friends at the door. We've got a feast like you've never seen before. Shake your stuff to our musical beat. Play life-size chess, but don't you dare cheat! Most of all, throw your worries away. Dive right in - you'll never be the same! This is the place of funky magical phenomena. Anything goes - for one night, in Karazhan!"


The game manuals for Warcraft: Orcs & Humans and Warcraft II stated that Medivh was born 45 years BDP. Sean Copeland later stated that the Guardian was born in the year -44.[82] World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1 returns to the -45 version, meaning that Medivh was killed at the age of 48 in the year 3 ADP.

In Hearthstone

Hearthstone This section contains information exclusive to Hearthstone and is considered non-canon.

  • A card back themed after Medivh in Hearthstone.

    A card back themed after Medivh in Hearthstone.

  • Medivh, the Guardian in One Night in Karazhan.

  • One Night in Karazhan expansion key art.

    One Night in Karazhan expansion key art.

  • Mage Armor spell in the One Night in Karazhan adventure.

    Mage Armor spell in the One Night in Karazhan adventure.

  • Medivh in Mercenaries.

    Medivh in Mercenaries.

  • Medivh in Mercenaries.

    Medivh in Mercenaries.

  • Medivh in Mercenaries.

    Medivh in Mercenaries.

In Heroes of the Storm

Heroes of the Storm This section concerns content related to Heroes of the Storm and is considered non-canon.

Medivh is a playable character in Heroes of the Storm.[84] Among his abilities, he can create little Dark Portals.

Notes and trivia

  • He was called Med by Anduin Lothar.
  • One of Medivh's many areas of expertise was astronomy. He owned books with star maps of constellations of Draenor, the homeworld of the orcs.[85] Karazhan had an observatory called the Celestial Watch.
  • The  [Amulet of the Last Guardian] and the  [Wine-Stained Mantle], forming the Burden of Power set, belonged to Medivh.
  • Medivh was the only human Deathwing respected and perhaps even feared.[86]
  • As befitting his title, he had amassed a vast collection of writings and artifacts that dwarfs even that of the Kirin Tor.[87]
  • Prior to the First War, the bards were noticeably sketchy when it came to the matters involving Medivh.[4]
  • It was originally stated that Medivh's coma lasted for 6 years.[88] It was later retconned to 20,[10][89] until World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2 changed it to almost 10.[90]
  • The Return to Karazhan dungeon features visions of Medivh killing Nielas Aran as well as Llane and Lothar watching over Medivh in his coma, events that in reality happened in Stormwind Keep and Northshire Abbey rather than Karazhan.
  • Khadgar learned several tricks from Medivh, including transformation into a raven.[91] He later said that it is Atiesh that allows its wielder to transform into a raven.[92] However, Medivh turns into a raven without Atiesh in Return to Karazhan.
    • During the development of Warcraft III, Blizzard played with several ideas such as having Medivh's cloak be an ancient night elf artifact that turns the wearer into a raven.
  • A black raven can be seen endlessly circling Karazhan. A black raven also appears on the loading screens for the Karazhan raid and Return to Karazhan.
  • At the time of Warcraft III's release, the developers themselves were not entirely sure whether Medivh was alive during the events of the Third War or if he was some kind of revenant from the past.
  •  [Medivh's Silver Coin] can be fished from the Dalaran Fountain.
  • The Last Guardian describes Medivh as having green eyes like his mother, but he is depicted with brown eyes in the games and artwork.
    • It could be speculated that the green color was a result of Sargeras' possession.
  • While he was possessed by Sargeras, Medivh made several victims and experiments:
    • He was responsible for summoning fleshbeasts into the world. He used them in his clandestine experiments in the laboratories of Karazhan.[94]
    • The Ghastly Charger was one of his victims.[95]
    • According to a Warcraft II map, Medivh's magics created a giant beetle which would eventually be turned into Beetle Island at the time of the Second War.
    • He also showed the ability to turn people such as a group of merchants into death knight-like beings. Although not stated, Medivh likely cursed Attumen as well.
  • Warcraft III level designer David Fried acknowledged that Medivh's warning to Terenas was extremely vague and that he should've mentioned the Burning Legion and orcs as well.[96]
  • Medivh is voiced by Michael Bell[97] in Warcraft III, Heroes of the Storm, and Legion, and by Cam Clarke in The Burning Crusade and Hearthstone.
  • Medivh's model introduced in The Burning Crusade was based on the male night elf model. He received a new model in patch 7.1.0 which uses male human animations.
    • During the Warlords of Draenor alpha stage, a mysterious figure using the same animation sets as male night elves but without the long ears appeared alongside Gul'dan during H [10-40] All is Revealed. It was speculated by many that the figure was meant to be Medivh, but it was eventually removed before the beta stage.[98]


  • Medivh in the Warcraft: Orcs & Humans manual.

  • Medivh opening the Dark Portal in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos.

    Medivh opening the Dark Portal in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos.

  • Medivh action figure.

    Medivh action figure.

  • Medivh action figure's raven accessory.

    Medivh action figure's raven accessory.

  • Medivh on the cover of World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1.

  • Patch 7.1 Return to Karazhan key art.

  • Alternate version of patch 7.1 Return to Karazhan key art.

    Alternate version of patch 7.1 Return to Karazhan key art.

  • Projections of a comatose Medivh, with Lothar and Llane checking up on him.

    Projections of a comatose Medivh, with Lothar and Llane checking up on him.

  • Warcraft III: Reforged concept art.

  • Shadows & Light

  • Medivh in the TCG.

    Medivh in the TCG.

  • Medivh in the TCG.

    Medivh in the TCG.

  • Medivh the Prophet in Reign of Fire.

  • Medivh and Garona in Betrayal of the Guardian.

  • Caverns of Time raid set art.

Heroes of the Storm
  • Medivh key art.

    Medivh key art.

  • Artwork with added background.

    Artwork with added background.

  • Medivh, the Last Guardian.

    Medivh, the Last Guardian.

  • Magus Medivh (formerly Master Medivh).

    Magus Medivh (formerly Master Medivh).

  • Knight Owl Medivh.

    Knight Owl Medivh.

  • Medivh in Raven Form.

    Medivh in Raven Form.

Fan art
  • "Death of Medivh" by Shawnfox.

    "Death of Medivh" by Shawnfox.

  • "Return to Karazhan" by Z Smith.

    "Return to Karazhan" by Z Smith.

  • "Medivh" by designosaurus.

    "Medivh" by designosaurus.

  • Family tree.

    Family tree.


Patch changes

See also


  1. ^ The Last Guardian
  2. ^ The Last Guardian, chapter 16
  3. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 80
  4. ^ a b c d The Last Guardian, chapter 1
  5. ^ Dalaran Agent#Quotes
  6. ^ The Last Guardian, pg. 79
  7. ^ Tides of Darkness, pg. 11
  8. ^ Infinite Vanquisher says: Magna Medivh dies today!
  9. ^ a b The Burning Crusade Flash site#Story of Medivh
  10. ^ a b c Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 74
  11. ^ Whispers, pg. 22
  12. ^ The Last Guardian, chapter 2
  13. ^ The Last Guardian, chapter 11
  14. ^ Time-Lost Rift Lord#Quotes
  15. ^ Warcraft II manual: A Brief History of the Fall of Azeroth. "Delving into the forbidden arts of Necromancy, Medivh began to unravel the mysteries of life and death."
  16. ^ Medivh the Corrupted
  17. ^ "Human Campaign: Medivh", Warcraft: Orcs and Humans. Blizzard Entertainment. "The evil warlock Medivh has begun draining the soul of the land itself to increase his dark powers."
  18. ^ Warcraft: Orcs & Humans manual, Chronicles of the War in Azeroth, 577
  19. ^ Disturbing the Past
  20. ^ Threat!
  21. ^ The Schools of Arcane Magic - Divination
  22. ^ World of Warcraft: The Comic
  23. ^ Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness manual, "A Brief History of the Fall of Azeroth".
  24. ^ Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
  25. ^ a b World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 152 - 153
  26. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 161 - 162
  27. ^ The Last Guardian, 102.
  28. ^  [The Last Guardian]
  29. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. ??
  30. ^ Sean Copeland on Twitter
  31. ^ Warcraft: Orcs & Humans manual#571
  32. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 162
  33. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 106 - 111
  34. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 117
  35. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 118
  36. ^ The Last Guardian, pg. 243
  37. ^ Archive of the Tirisgarde#Ebonchill, Greatstaff of Alodi
  38. ^ Dark Riders
  39. ^ The Last Guardian, chapter 2
  40. ^ The Last Guardian, pg. 184. "[…]afraid things are going just the way I expected!"
  41. ^ The Last Guardian, chapter 16
  42. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 121
  43. ^ Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness manual, The History of Orcish Ascension, The First War of Orcish Ascension
  44. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, pg. 134
  45. ^ a b  [The Dark Portal and the Fall of Stormwind]
  46. ^ The Last Guardian, pg. 301
  47. ^ World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Blizzard Entertainment.
  48. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. ??
  49. ^ Cycle of Hatred, pg. 71
  50. ^ Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 73
  51. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. ??
  52. ^ The Last Guardian, prologue & epilogue
  53. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 45
  54. ^ a b "Eternity's End: Eternity's End", Warcraft III. Blizzard Entertainment.
  55. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 3, pg. 81
  56. ^ Cycle of Hatred, chapter 6
  57. ^ Cycle of Hatred, chapter 8 - "This was Tirisfalen magic—but all the Guardians were supposed to be dead, including Medivh, the last of them."
  58. ^ Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects
  59. ^ Harbingers - Khadgar
  60. ^ N [10-45] Hiding in the Stacks
  61. ^ B [45] The Speaker's Perspective
  62. ^ Torn Journal Page #58
  63. ^ Medivh (WC1 Human)
  64. ^ World of Warcraft: The Comic, Hard Choices
  65. ^ World of Warcraft: The Comic, Flashback (only Khadgar's part)
  66. ^ The Last Guardian, chapter 16
  67. ^ a b Shadows & Light, pg. 45
  68. ^ Horde Player's Guide, pg. 133
  69. ^ a b Shadows & Light, 44.
  70. ^ Shadows & Light, pg. 41
  71. ^ Horde Player's Guide, pg. 168
  72. ^ Tides of Darkness, pg. 8 - 9
  73. ^ N [60D] Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian
  74. ^ The Gathering
  75. ^ Armageddon
  76. ^ a b Shadows & Light, pg. 47
  77. ^ Shadows & Light, pg. 46
  78. ^ Shadows & Light, pg. ??
  79. ^ Lands of Conflict, pg. 33
  80. ^ Lands of Conflict, pg. 34
  81. ^ World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, pg. 11
  82. ^ Sean Copeland on Twitter (2013-12-16)
  83. ^ Rafaam Unleashed dialogue
  84. ^ Blizzard Entertainment Blizzard Entertainment 2016-05-06. In Development – Chromie, Medivh, Widowmaker Nova, and more!. Retrieved on 2016-05-06.
  85. ^ Beyond the Dark Portal, chapter 16
  86. ^ Day of the Dragon, chapter 13
  87. ^  [Wrathion's Journal]
  88. ^ Warcraft: Orcs & Humans manual, Chronicles of the War in Azeroth, 577
  89. ^ The Last Guardian, chapter 8
  90. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 2, chapter: "Awakening of Medivh"
  91. ^ The Tomb of Sargeras, part 2
  92. ^ N [10-45] Down to Azsuna
  93. ^ Burning Crusade Bestiary
  94. ^  [Ghastly Charger's Skull]
  95. ^ Warcraft III - Design Insights Highlights 01: Human Campaign
  96. ^ Video Games: Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
  97. ^ Blizzplanet

External links