
Moon Priestess Lasara

  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
AllianceMoon Priestess Lasara
Image of Moon Priestess Lasara
Title <Darnassus Quartermaster>
<Altar of Elders>
<Renown Quartermaster>
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Class Priest
Resource Mana
Affiliation(s) Darnassus, Sisterhood of Elune, Army of the Black Moon, Dream Wardens
Occupation Priestess of the Moon, Vendor
Location Various
Status Alive

Moon Priestess Lasara is a night elf priestess and quartermaster for Darnassus located west of the Temple Gardens in Darnassus, next to the portal to Rut'theran Village.


Battle for Azeroth

BattleForAzeroth-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

By the time of the Fourth War, Lasara survived the Burning of Teldrassil and made her way to Stormwind Embassy in Stormwind City. Later she participated in the Battle for Darkshore, manning the Altar of Elders in Bashal'Aran.[1]


Shadowlands-Icon-Inline.png This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

After the armistice, Lasara was present in Bashal'Aran and witnessed Tyrande Whisperwind's speech about Horde's defeat in Darkshore.[2]

Dragonflight-Icon-Inline.png This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

A few years later, Lasara could be found at the Central Encampment under Amirdrassil in the Emerald Dream, acting as a vendor for the Dream Wardens.

After Fyrakk's death, she attended the gathering at Amirdrassil when it bloomed on the Dragon Isles.[3] She then stayed in Bel'ameth and was seen at the Terrace of the Moon.


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Darnassus;[36.5, 48.5] Stormwind Embassy, Stormwind City[55.2, 12.8] 1-80 Alliance Horde
Battle for Darkshore;[53.0, 59.2] Bashal'Aran, Darkshore[47.4, 34.2] 50 Alliance
Central Encampment, Emerald Dream;[50.3, 61.6] Amirdrassil 70 Alliance Horde
Terrace of the Moon, Amirdrassil[46.5, 70.6] Amirdrassil Alliance Horde


Inv misc tournaments tabard nightelf.png [Darnassus Tabard]
Inv misc bag 04.png [Darnassian Satchel]
Inv misc cape 16.png [Mantle of Darnassus]
1g 94s 70c
Inv misc cape 18.png [Cape of Darnassus]
1g 93s 97c
Inv misc cape 17.png [Shroud of Darnassus]
1g 93s 23c
Emerald Dream
Moon Priestess Lasara<Renown Quartermaster>
Renown Item Cost Type
6  [Flourishing Whimsydrake: Back Fins] 250 Dragon Isles Supplies Drakewatcher manuscript
 [Flourishing Whimsydrake: Ridged Brow] 250 Dragon Isles Supplies Drakewatcher manuscript
 [Flourishing Whimsydrake: Underbite Snout] 250 Dragon Isles Supplies Drakewatcher manuscript
7  [Solar Synthesis Gloves] 300 Dragon Isles Supplies Cloth hands
 [Drowsed Shepherd's Gloves] 300 Dragon Isles Supplies Leather hands
 [Auburn Scavenger Gauntlets] 300 Dragon Isles Supplies Mail hands
 [Fallen Protector Handguards] 300 Dragon Isles Supplies Plate hands
13  [Flourishing Whimsydrake: Long Snout] 450 Dragon Isles Supplies Drakewatcher manuscript
 [Flourishing Whimsydrake: Neck Fins] 450 Dragon Isles Supplies Drakewatcher manuscript
 [Flourishing Whimsydrake: Horns] 450 Dragon Isles Supplies Drakewatcher manuscript
14  [Solar Synthesis Crown] 600 Dragon Isles Supplies Cloth head
 [Drowsed Shepherd's Hood] 600 Dragon Isles Supplies Leather head
 [Auburn Scavenger Helm] 600 Dragon Isles Supplies Mail head
 [Fallen Protector Greathelm] 600 Dragon Isles Supplies Plate head
15  [Juniper] 375 Dragon Isles Supplies Companion pet
 [Spruce] 375 Dragon Isles Supplies Companion pet
16  [Ensemble: Elegant Green Dragon Outerwear] 500 Dragon Isles Supplies Ensemble
 [Survivalist's Shovel] 300 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic one-hand sword
 [Ranger's Longbow] 300 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic bow
 [Caretaker's Trowel] 300 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic dagger
 [Cultivator's Watering Can] 300 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic off-hand
 [Elderwood Cane] 300 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic staff
17  [Reins of the Lunar Dreamstag] 1,200 Dragon Isles Supplies Mount
 [Reins of the Suntouched Dreamstag] 1,200 Dragon Isles Supplies Mount
18  [Dreambound Augment Rune] 100,000g Augment rune
19  [Flourishing Whimsydrake: Night Scales] 1,250 Dragon Isles Supplies Drakewatcher manuscript
 [Flourishing Whimsydrake: Sunset Scales] 1,250 Dragon Isles Supplies Drakewatcher manuscript
20  [Small Dreamseed] 100 Dragon Isles Supplies Emerald Bounty seed
 [Plump Dreamseed] 500 Dragon Isles Supplies Emerald Bounty seed
 [Gigantic Dreamseed] 1,500 Dragon Isles Supplies Emerald Bounty seed
Terrace of the Moon, Amirdrassil
Inv tabard darnassus a 01.png [Darnassian Tabard]
250 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv cape armor darnassus a 01.png [Darnassian Cloak]
250 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv shoulder armor darnassus a 01.png [Darnassian Moonsilver Spaulders]
250 Dragon Isles Supplies
Inv misc tournaments tabard nightelf.png [Darnassus Tabard]
Inv misc bag 04.png [Darnassian Satchel]
Inv misc cape 17.png [Shroud of Darnassus]
4s 55c

Objective of


Central Encampment and Terrace of the Moon gossip

Goddess be with you <name>.

Buy Show me your wares.

Patch changes


External links