
Murkblood tribe

MobMurkblood tribe
Main leader IconSmall Broken Male.gif Swamplord Musel'ek
Secondary leaders IconSmall Broken Male.gif Ortor of Murkblood
Race(s) Broken Broken
Base of operations Sunspring Post‎
Theater of operations Underbog, Nagrand, Shadowmoon Valley
Language(s) Draenei
Affiliation Independent
Status Active

The Murkblood tribe is a tribe of hostile Broken draenei located in the Underbog and Nagrand. They are enemies of the Mag'har and the Kurenai.


They are led by Swamplord Musel'ek[1] who rules from the Underbog in Coilfang Reservoir. Under Musel'ek's general, Ortor, the Murkblood sacked the Mag'har post of Sunspring, killing a thousand Mag'har, much of whom were civillians.[2] The Murkblood then framed the Kurenai for the destruction of Sunspring.[3] Their Murkblood Putrifiers have also subjugated air spirits in Nagrand which drew the ire of the Earthen Ring.[1]

The Murkbloods within Netherwing Ledge have been enslaved by the Dragonmaw Clan and are mining in the mines on Netherwing Ledge. They have made an alliance with the Netherwing dragonflight.


