
No Safe Haven

  • ️Tue Jul 17 2018

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HordeNo Safe Haven
Start Zolani
End Zolani
Level 10-60
Category Zuldazar
Experience 16,450
Reputation +75 Zandalari Empire
Rewards 50x [War Resources]

23g 40s

Previous H [10-60] In Bwonsamdi's Shadow
Next H [10-60] Mending Body and Soul


Rescue 12 Zeb'ahari villagers.


I brought Rastakhan to Zeb'ahari to hide him, <name>. I did not dream Zul's followers would find us so soon.

De people of Zeb'ahari are being hunted by those who answer to de prophet. I have brought dis upon dem by keeping de king in their village.

Help me save dem, <name>. Gather those who can still walk and send dem to me.

I can do nothing for those who died, but we can still rescue de living.


You will receive:

Inv faction warresources.png 50x [War Resources]


I hope we can get dem out.


I will try to help dem secure their village.

Stay sharp, <name>. Zul will not stop while ol' Rastakhan's fate hangs in de balance.



  1. H [10-60] The Wounded King
  2. H [10-60] In Bwonsamdi's Shadow
  3. H [10-60] Ancient Tortollan Remedies, H [10-60] The Scent of Vengeance, H [10-60] No Safe Haven & H [10-60] The Loa-Speaker's Betrayal
  4. H [10-60] Mending Body and Soul
  5. H [10-60] The Will of the Loa
  6. H [10-60] Rastakhan's Might, H [10-60] Zul's Mutiny & H [10-60] A Strange Port of Call
  7. H [10-60] The Temple of Rezan
  8. H [10-60] House of the King & H [10-60] Heads Will Roll
  9. H [10-60] Partners in Heresy
  10. H [10-60] To Sacrifice a Loa

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