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Image of Noxxion
Race Water elemental (Elemental)
Level 10-30 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Noxious Hollow, Maraudon
Status Killable
The Wicked Grotto

Tinkerer Gizlock
Lord Vyletongue
Celebras the Cursed
Meshlok the Harvester (rare)


Foulspore Cavern



Earth Song Falls

Rotgrip (bonus)
Princess Theradras


Noxxion is a water elemental boss in Maraudon. It is a living symbol of Maraudon's corruption, created by Lord Vyletongue.

Adventure Guide

Noxxion is a living embodiment of corruption. Theradras ordered her ally Lord Vyletongue to create this putrid elemental to be a powerful servant and a loyal pet to ease the princess's loneliness. Noxxion spreads its toxic essence into areas of Maraudon that have not yet withered under Theradras's malign influence.



  • Despite the fact that he is a poison/nature elemental, he is not immune to nature attacks or poisons.
  • The main mass of the fungus on the ceiling is above and behind him, with a unique animated object model that vomits fluid. It dies when Noxxion does.


Group strategy

Because all damage is nature, plate armor does not help. You may want to consider using the character with the most hit points as your tank, which may be a feral druid. When Noxxion's Spawns appear, you can opt to have a paladin with [Consecration] go in. It is difficult to hold on to aggro, and this is where groups will most often fail on this boss. Use AoE to handle the spawns, heal up if possible (bandages), and then concentrate on Noxxion when he re-appears again.



Patch changes

External links

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