
Out of Enemy Hands

  • ️Tue Mar 05 2013

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AllianceOut of Enemy Hands

Loa-Infused Blade

Start Scout Captain Daelin [61.9, 52.0]
End Scout Captain Daelin [61.9, 52.0]
Level 32-35
Type Daily
Category Isle of Thunder
Experience 236000
Reputation +150 Kirin Tor Offensive
Rewards 19g 84s 50c
Repeatable Yes
Previous A [32-35 Daily] No Time To Rest
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [32-35 Daily] Very Disarming.


Steal 7 Loa-Infused Blades from Conqueror's Terrace


Magic is a frightening opponent when wielded by an experienced caster. A blade however, is terrifying in even the most inexperienced hands.

The Zandalari have some impressive weapons, made even more deadly by the magic they are enhanced with. We should relieve them of this advantage.

Steal as many of the weapons as you can find.


You will receive: 19g 84s 50c


What did you find out there? Anything that can be of use?


Excellent work, <class>! These weapons are impressive. Now we have a few less things to worry about in the field of battle.



Blades are found all over the terrace on hooks at the sides of tables and in weapon racks next to tents.



Stage 1: Securing a Beachhead

Three hubs (11 quests) plus one boss quest

Court of Bones
Ihgaluk Crag
Boss quests

Stage 2: Assaulting the Zandalari fortifications

Three hubs including Stage 1 areas (11 quests) plus one Stage 1 boss quest


Stage 3: Breaking into the Thunder Forges

Eight quests from Stage 1-2 areas, then three quests from one hub in Stage 3, followed by a Stage 3 boss quest

Beast Pens
Conqueror's Terrace
Boss quests

Stage 4: Breaking into Stormsea Landing

Six quests from Stages 1/2 (+one Stage 1 boss), then three quests from one Stage 3 hub, then two Stage 4 quests

  1. A [32-35 Daily] Maximum Capacitor / A [32-35 Daily] On Her Magic-ey Secret Service
  2. A [32-35 Daily] Forge Ahead!

Stage 5: The Final Gate

All quests listed in Stage 4, then one of:

PvP action

Seven quests, then A [32-35P Daily] High Recognition

Patch changes

External links

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