- ️Fri May 09 2008
Furbolg | |
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Faction/Affiliation | Independent, Alliance, Burning Legion, Old Gods' forces, Primalists |
Character classes |
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Racial capital |
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Racial leader(s) | Tribal chieftains |
Homeworld | Azeroth |
Area(s) | Northern Kalimdor, Northrend, Dragon Isles, Broken Isles, Verdant Wilds |
Language(s) | Furbolg, Darnassian, Common, Taur-ahe |
Furbolgs are a hulking, simple-minded race of bear-men[4] who live in the northern regions of Kalimdor, in the continent of Northrend, in the Broken Isles, in the Dragon Isles, and in the Verdant Wilds island.
Though they have no special love for war or murder, their tribes have become increasingly hostile as of late,[4] many tribes have fallen to multiple forms of corruption, including but not limited to the corruptions of the Burning Legion, the Old Gods and the Primalists. Some tribes and individuals aren't hostile and are tolerant of outsiders, with tribes such as the Timbermaw, Stillpine, and Longclaw.
In northern Kalimdor, the furbolgs were old allies of the night elves. The night elves concerned by the once peaceful race's condition have attempted to help the furbolgs settle their tensions, but the mighty bear-men retreat ever further into their territories and fall deeper into the rage that is overtaking their race, they turned into fearsome new enemies of the night elves.[4][5]
Furbolgs have oral traditions that say they have ancient origins.[6] They descend from an ancient race of bear-men known as the jalgar. The jalgar warred with the Dragonflayer vrykul, but when the Dragonflayers gained the upper hand by learning to ride proto-dragons, the jalgar were pushed south into the central forests of Kalimdor.[7]
The furbolgs were abundant before the Great Sundering.[4]
War of the Ancients
In the War of the Ancients, when the demons first invaded Azeroth, furbolg packs led by Unng Ak were convinced to join an alliance consisting of the night elves, the earthen, and the tauren by Jarod Shadowsong, or alternately by the dragon-mage Krasus when he traveled in time. It was a reluctant truce, since many night elves were xenophobic towards other races.[8][9] During the war in the region that would later become Azshara, Unng Ak's Blackmaw tribe furbolgs were reinforced by Huln Highmountain and his tauren, also in the region, the demons were being fought by night elves including Malfurion Stormrage and Jarod Shadowsong, Eche'ro, Krasus, Cenarius and summoned dryads.[10]
After the Sundering
After the war, the furbolgs formed positive relations with the night elves and tauren, though they preferred to live in peaceful isolation.[6] After the Great Sundering as the centuries passed the furbolgs reappeared and flourished in the land.[4]
A young furbolg found the titansteel Claws of Ursoc recognizing whom they had belonged to he took them to his tribe, the claws were all that remained of the bear god Ursoc in the physical world after his death in the War of the Ancients. For generations, those furbolgs worshiped the claws as the final sign of their bear god. Few furbolgs had the courage to try to wield Ursoc's claws in battle, but every time they did the results were horrifying. Ursoc had spent untold years mastering the claws' power and unlocking their potential; in the hands of an untrained mortal, they inspired an uncontrollable bloodlust that lashed out at friends as easily as enemies. After a number of attempts, the claws ceased to have any effect at all on the furbolgs, no matter what rituals they tried, as the power in the claws had become dormant as Ursoc's spirit standing guard in the Emerald Dream had simply seen enough, the furbolg tribe was not capable of controlling his power, so he withdrew it from the claws. Eventually, members of the Druids of the Claw brought the claws to Ursoc in the Emerald Dream.[11]
4,500 years before the First War, night elf druids created a world tree in the Grizzly Hills that became corrupted and was cut down by the druids, but the stump that was left behind was eventually taken over by the furbolg tribes, who built the settlement that became Grizzlemaw.
Third War
This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.
During the Third War, a tribe of furbolgs stationed near the borderline of Ashenvale was attacked by Grommash Hellscream and the Warsong clan sent by Neeloc Greedyfingers because they had been harassing the goblin. The orcs killed their chieftain and several members, and Neeloc hoped that the tribe would disperse by the death of their leader.[12] In Ashenvale, in a clearing housing a pool that was surrounded by furbolgs had Tichondrius and Mannoroth teleport there, the furbolgs fleed at their approach, but one who was slow was killed, the furbolgs continued to inhabit the surrounding forests as the orcs came into that area.[13][14]
In Ashenvale, a furbolg tribe was preparing to leave the place from the evil corrupting the lands, Tyrande Whisperwind located ten wandering tribesmen after which they were ready to evacuate their village with a furbolg champion given to serve her as a reward.[15] In Winterspring, Tyrande encountered the furbolgs that left Ashenvale, but it seemed they did not escape the corruption after all, with Malfurion Stormrage never seeing furbolgs so aggressive before, so they killed them.[16] Later in the Barrow Deeps, an ill furbolg shaman of a small band of cave-dwelling furbolgs was saved by Tyrande as she brought a vial from a fountain of life, the shaman gave a talisman that was able to summon furbolgs for aid in a fight. Also in the Barrow Deeps, a hidden trio of furbolgs was found that joined Malfurion's group.[17]
During the Battle of Mount Hyjal, the Barkskin furbolgs that inhabited Mount Hyjal fought the Burning Legion.
World of Warcraft
This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.
What once were believed to be only whispers and rumors of attacks by savage and cruel bands of furbolg in the night elves' enchanted forest have become an increasing concern for the Sentinels. It is thought that the passing of the Burning Legion and the vestiges of its demonic taint drove the simple and peaceful bear-men to madness. Their aged and wizened leaders have been replaced by ruthless firebrands who lead the crazed furbolgs to prey upon the denizens of Ashenvale Forest. Where the furbolgs coexisted peacefully with the night elves for ages, with claw and fang they now seek to carve out their own home in the endless forest.[18]
In the hills and forests of Teldrassil where the peaceful furbolgs used to dwell, they deserted their homes and amassed under the name of the Gnarlpine tribe. Ursal the Mauler, the Gnarlpine chieftain, is using the evil powers of the fel moss to corrupt them and drive them mad.[19][20] The Gnarlpines invaded Ban'ethil Barrow Den and Starbreeze Village, driving out or slaying the local inhabitants.
In Darkshore, a satyr Xabraxxis held sway of the Blackwood tribe furbolgs via talismans that channel magic that perverts the balance of nature. Xabraxxis was lured out and slayed by an Alliance adventurer in a war to reclaim the forest from the forces of corruption.[21]
In Ashenvale, the Thistlefur, Foulweald, and Bloodtooth tribes have been corrupted, but some furbolgs still live and try to protect the forest, as during their corruption, they weren't all corrupted, some of the furbolg fled, many were killed, and others were forced out of their tribes, such as uncorrupted Krolg who was cast out by the Foulweald.[22] The furbolgs' corruption has caused Ashenvale to become a fraction of its former glory, with the night elves of Ashenvale being under constant threat from the furbolg. Thistlefur furbolgs had their numbers grow greatly over a few months which led an Alliance adventurer to cull their numbers so they wouldn't attack Astranaar directly. The Horde killed Thistlefur furbolgs to thin them out as their village was on a path that circumvents Alliance's Astranaar.[23] Foulweald furbolgs had been attacking travelers along the road heading east before the Falfarren River. Issuing a challenge to the Foulwealds and defeating their leader Chief Murgut was a show of force by the Horde to remove them as a threat.[24] The corruption had made the evil, power-hungry and lusting Ran Bloodtooth stronger, and the fiercest furbolg threat in Ashenvale.[25]
In Felwood, the Deadwood tribe had been driven mad by the taint of the woods as their minds were polluted by the fel, they're found in Deadwood Village in the south and Felpaw Village in the north of Felwood. In Winterspring, the Winterfall tribe had fallen under the same corruptive sway as the furbolgs of Felwood, a hidden satyr Xandivious located in the tribe's leader's personal cave dominates the tribe and is responsible for their corruption, they're corrupted by Winterfall Firewater that's mainly made of elements from corrupted creatures in Felwood in the Deadwood Cauldron at Felpaw Village, with Winterfall Runners passing through Timbermaw Hold bringing the firewater to Winterspring.[26]
In the interconnecting parts of Felwood, Moonglade, and Winterspring, the Timbermaw tribe remains uncorrupted and has a base of underground tunnels Timbermaw Hold, they've escaped the darkness that had fallen on Kalimdor in the safety of Timbermaw Hold and were only taking careful steps outside of the safety of their base, they become wary of all strangers fearing that any outsider may mistake them for their corrupted brethren and attack. The Timbermaw's main concerns became putting an end to their corrupted brethren's suffering and finding a cure to heal the wounds the corruption of Felwood has inflicted upon the land, with the threat of corruption for the Timbermaw coming from the Deadwood furbolgs to their south and the Winterfall furbolgs to the east. Adventurers who sought out Timbermaw Hold in northern Felwood and proved themselves as friends of the Timbermaw tribe by driving back the corrupted Deadwood furbolgs could then pass through the hold to Winterspring.[27][28][29] Both the Alliance and Horde tried to make contact with Timbermaw furbolgs previously but were only able to broker a peace with them after valiant actions of adventurers in Winterspring, after the peace further diplomats were dispatched by both factions.[30] In northern Azshara, in a separate region from the rest of their tribe there were Timbermaw furbolgs near the closed entrance to Blackmaw Hold and in the settlements of Bear's Head and Ursolan.[31]
The Burning Crusade
This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.
On the Azuremyst Isles, there is a war between the Stillpine and the Bristlelimb furbolg tribes. A prophecy of the coming of the draenei and their alliance with the Stillpine tribe was foretold by Kurz the Revelator. During the crystal storm when the Exodar crashed the wildkin invaded Stillpine Hold and brought a beast of myth The Kurken that laid waste to the village. The Exodar draenei aided the Stillpine tribe against their enemies freeing them.[32][33][34]
The Comic
This section concerns content related to the Warcraft manga or comics.
The furbolgs of Thistlefur Hold retrieved the corrupted Idol of Remulos which corrupted them. Broll Bearmantle learning this flies with Lo'gosh to Ashenvale, fights the corrupted furbolgs and cleanses the corrupted idol of its fel energies. After the cleansing, the Thistlefur tribe furbolgs were released from corruption and gave the idol to Broll.[35]
Wrath of the Lich King
This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.
In the Grizzly Hills, although the gentle furbolgs have grown accustomed to living in relative peace, recent incursions have forced the ancient tribes to engage in battle. Local human trappers are encroaching upon furbolg hunting grounds, and the goblin Venture Company has begun large-scale deforesting operations throughout the region, but the most imminent threat comes from the north where undead Drakkari ice trolls have begun pouring from Drak'Tharon Keep. The two races had previously survived for centuries without conflict, but the furbolgs found themselves in a desperate struggle to hold their land against the steadily increasing numbers of undead trolls.[36][37]
The furbolg deity Ursoc, who died in the War of the Ancients, was horribly twisted by a rebirth performed by the Grizzlemaw furbolgs. For centuries, the furbolgs who worshipped Ursoc tried to devise a way to resurrect him. Finally, they decided to attempt to regrow the failed world tree Vordrassil and use its magic to bring back Ursoc. For thousands of years prior, the furbolgs of the Grizzly Hills had been peaceful, but as the evil of Yogg-Saron which caused the ancient druids to tear down Vordrassil manifested itself in the new sapling it turned the furbolg of Grizzlemaw into monsters filled with bloodlust. Tribal war has broken out amongst them after years of peaceful coexistence. The best of intentions didn't count for much when the result was tainted by such strong a corruption. A Timbermaw tribe furbolg Tur Ragepaw came to Northrend and together with an adventurer was instrumental in defeating the incarnation of Ursoc and freeing his spirit of taint.[38]
This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.
In Teldrassil, the Gnarlpine tribe's corruption has returned, even after the cleansing of Teldrassil.[20] Ursal the Mauler the Gnarlpine furbolg leader seems to defy death itself in his pursuit of further corrupting Teldrassil.[39] As Teldrassil purged itself of the corruption that has perverted its growth for years, a malevolent growth has formed near the tree's edge, the source of the fel moss the Bough of Corruption that has tainted the Gnarlpine, and everything else, which would be struck down by a hero.[40]
In Darkshore, the Blackwood furbolgs have been sickened by Jadefire satyrs of Felwood who started to introduce their poison into Darkshore, an Alliance adventurer cleansed the afflicted Blackwood of corruption and killed the satyr responsible Sharax the Defiler.[41] With most of their tribe losing their way to madness or corruption the uncorrupted parts of the Blackwood tribe had to ally to an Alliance adventurer to help in killing the fire elementals that attacked their village, and in return Elder Brownpaw assisted Malfurion Stormrage at the Eye of the Vortex to die down the elementals' anger to save Darkshore.[42]
In Azshara, the furbolg Blackmaw tribe who have broken rank with their Timbermaw brethren tried to make an agreement with the night elves as the Horde began to aggressively settle Azshara. But the furbolgs' efforts were sabotaged by the Horde, as one of them doned an enchanted robe to take on the appearance of a night elven ambassador, deceiving and killing Blackmaw furbolgs and so turning them against the Alliance.[43][44]
In Ashenvale, the Thistlefur furbolgs that have been through corruption before were now corrupted by troll charms, most of which they've hoarded in Thistlefur Hold above their village, the charms themselves have a property to their carving that slowly corrupt those that aren't trolls. There are conflicting stories whether the Thistlefur attacked and killed the trolls and stole their charms or whether the charms were gifted to the Thistlefur by the trolls as a sign of friendship.[45] Thistlefur furbolgs had expanded to the neighboring Ruins of Ordil'Aran, attracted by three moonstones that the Cultist of the Dark Strand had uncovered, with the killed cultists corpses littering the area in the aftermath as victims of their own curiosity.[46] Foulweald tribe allied with the Horde when they took Silverwind Refuge from the night elves, only for their Chief Murgut to sell his own people into slavery. Krolg who was cast out by the Foulweald had an Alliance adventurer slay Murgut and for the power of modifying Dartol's Rod also had them slay Ran Bloodtooth, who was the king of all of the Ashenvale furbolg and the chieftain of the Bloodtooth tribe, the most powerful tribe which keep themselves secluded in Bloodtooth Camp, after which Ran's skull with his tainted essence was fashion upon Dartol's Rod, giving the rod power to influence furbolgs, with Dartol's Rod's power the captured furbolgs penned in Silverwind Refuge by the orcs including Krolg's brother Ota Wen were convinced to rise up and break out of their cage and attack the Horde.[47]
In Timbermaw Hold, the Timbermaw tribe stopped being hostile to unknown members of the Alliance and Horde allowing them free passage in their tunnels. In Felwood, the Deadwood tribe remains corrupted, in order to protect the Timbermaw tribe without slaughtering every last one of the Deadwood furbolgs piles of weapons are stolen from them to stop some bloodshed.[48] In Winterspring, the Winterfall tribe was bringing ingredients from Felwood and was brewing corrupt firewater with in a cauldron near the Frostfire Hot Springs where they purify it, to the east High Chief Winterfall was then slain in Timbermaw Post because of his corrupt behavior, and in Winterfall Village in the absence of their chieftain their greatest warrior Grolnar the Berserk rose to a position of power, Grolnar gorged on enough corrupt firewater to become a bloated and horrible beast able to kill ten lesser furbolgs, but an adventurer was able to slay him.[49]
This section concerns content related to Legion.
During the third invasion of the Burning Legion, in the Grizzly Hills, a druid champion of the Dreamgrove fought ancestor furbolg spirits in three trials in order to gain the blessing of Ursol for the Claws of Ursoc artifact, after which the druid entered the Emerald Dream seeking the claws and blessing of the spirit of Ursoc, but Ursoc's Lair in the Dream has been corrupted by the Emerald Nightmare where satyrs were tormenting ancestor furbolg spirits and attacking the spirit of Ursoc, while the druid was able to retrieve the claws in the battle the spirit of Ursoc was claimed by Xavius.[50]
In Val'sharah, the Grizzleweald tribe were under attack by a group of grell, and members of the Smolderhide tribe have gone into a frenzied rage from a Nightmare Totem being the source of their madness, the Smolderhide started pushing into new territory including taking over Steelclaw Vale, cutting off sleeping druids in their barrow dens which led class champions to quell them.[51]
In the Emerald Nightmare in a twisted version of the Grizzly Hills, class champions fought Nightmare-corrupted furbolgs, from who they freed a captive Timbermaw furbolg Tur Ragepaw who had come there to purge the foulness in the area after communing with nature. Tur aided the champions in defeating Ursoc who was consumed and compelled to serve by the Nightmare.[52]
Battle for Azeroth
This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.
During the Fourth War, the home of the Blackwood tribe furbolgs Blackwood Den was attacked and taken over by the Horde during their invasion of Darkshore, both Horde and Alliance slew Frenzied Blackwood Furbolgs as the ruin wrought by the Horde drove Blackwood furbolgs mad, but the Alliance would manage to rescue three Blackwood leaders that were captured by the Horde.[53] During the invasion Horde poachers were able to take the furbolg's Blackwood Camp.
Wildlands tribe furbolgs inhabiting the Verdant Wilds one of the islands that became rich in azerite became involved in the fighting over the resource.
At the time of the Battle for Darkshore, the Horde had established their outpost of Kor'gar in place of the furbolg's Blackwood Den and continued to fight the Blackwoods in the region, the furbolgs were able to reclaim their Blackwood Camp, but in unknown events furbolg Gren Tornfur became corrupted consumed by dark magic and the other furbolgs in the camp are found dead around him.
This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.
On the Dragon Isles, the forest-dwelling furbolg of the Azure Span are dealing with conflicts that have splintered their clans. Many have been lured with the promise of being able to bend the elements to their will.[54] With some furbolgs being transformed into stone-like forms.
On Longclaw Island, the Longclaw tribe furbolgs came seeking shelter from the elemental corruption taking hold of the mainland.[55]
Ceremonial beads, decorated with shells and feathers, are worn by a clan's chieftain.[56] Winterspring's furbolg prize the brilliant white feathers of the snowy owls for ritual purposes.[57]
These days, it seems few furbolg ever become shaman. Shamanism is much more common among the free-willed furbolg tribes. Furthermore, some free-willed furbolg are even capable of basic shapeshifting, much like a trained druid.[58]
The furbolg tribes worship the twin bear Ancients, Ursoc and Ursol, as gods.[59]
The Snowden dwarf family are specialists in furbolg language and culture.[60]
Furbolgs have a long history of brewing,[61] and tend to bees for honey.[62]
Tribes and clans
Barkskin — Found in Mount Hyjal during the Third War. They assisted the night elves, orcs and humans during the Battle of Mount Hyjal.
- Blackmaw — Found in Azshara. They existed during the War of the Ancients. Agents of the Alliance attempted to ally with the Blackmaw but their efforts were thwarted by the Horde. They are led by Ungarl.
- Blackwood — Found in Darkshore. They were led by Elder Brownpaw.
- Bristlelimb — Found on the Azuremyst Isles. They are rivals of the Stillpine tribe. They are led by High Chief Bristlelimb.
- Grizzleweald — Found in Val'sharah.
- Longclaw — Found on Longclaw Island in Azure Span. They came to the island to escape the elemental corruption on the mainland. They are led by Adday.
- Smolderhide — Found in Val'sharah.
- Stillpine — Found on the Azuremyst Isles. They are rivals of the Bristlelimb tribe and allies of the draenei and the Alliance. They are led by High Chief Stillpine.
- Timbermaw — Found in Timbermaw Hold connecting Felwood, Winterspring and Moonglade. In the times before the Cataclysm the tribe was in Azshara, but that part broke away from them as the Blackmaw tribe. They claim to be the last uncorrupted furbolg tribe.
- Wildlands — Found in the Verdant Wilds. They are led by Gurlack.
- Winterpelt — Found in the Azure Span. Some have been corrupted by the Primalists. They are led by Kranac Sagesnow.
- Bloodtooth — Found in Ashenvale. They are led by Ran Bloodtooth.
- Deadwood — Found in Felwood. They are rivals of the Timbermaw tribe. They are presumably led by Chieftain Bloodmaw.
Felwood — Found in Ashenvale and Winterspring during the Third War.
- Foulweald — Found in Ashenvale. They are led by Chief Murgut.
- Frostpaw — Found in Grizzly Hills. They are rivals of the Redfang tribe.
- Gnarlpine — Found in Teldrassil. They are led by Ursal and Ferocitas the Dream Eater.
- Redfang — Found in Grizzly Hills. They are rivals of the Frostpaw tribe.
- Rustpine — Found in the Azure Span. Splintered, not all have been corrupted by the Primalists.
- Thistlefur — Found in Ashenvale. They are led by Dal Bloodclaw.
- Winterfall — Found in Winterspring. They are rivals of the Timbermaw tribe. They are led by Grolnar the Berserk.
The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages of World of Warcraft: Legion.
- The Blackroot furbolgs
In Warcraft III
This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne.
Polar furbolgs
Polar furbolgs are white-furred furbolg who live in Northrend.
Note: Although polar furbolgs appeared in Warcraft III, the term is not used in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King.
In the RPG
This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.
A shamanistic race of humanoid bears, furbolgs have lived peacefully on Kalimdor and Northrend for millennia. Furbolgs live in isolated villages or in burrow-like tunnel systems, some of which are complex and extensive. They make their homes in secluded glades and wilderness idylls; many live in Ashenvale Forest and are friends of the night elves. Furbolgs are physically powerful but somewhat lacking in mental prowess.
The center of every furbolg tribe is the shaman. Those furbolgs who show skill in divine magic are singled out to become leaders of the tribes, as furbolgs society is organized into tribes, and an elder shaman leads every furbolg tribe. Shamans act as leaders both in spiritual matters and in war, and are often the most powerful combatants in the tribe, they consult with forest spirits to provide leadership and guidance to their tribes. Furbolgs venerate their shamans and have a very intimate relationship with nature. Unlike many other intelligent races, furbolgs feel that they are a part of nature - it is not some outside force to tame, exploit or revere.
Furbolg trackers are also important members of furbolg society. They, along with younger shaman, move through their tribe's domain, marking game trails and keeping track of migrations. Furbolgs are hunters, moving in predictable patterns as their prey travels with the change of the seasons, tribes migrate to and from their set hunting grounds. A typical hunting ground has hunting furbolgs erect small temporary villages, which will have a central lodge constructed of sturdy logs, or a single log building in the center and a number of less permanent structures surrounding it. Furbolgs also forage; they can eat almost anything, but they have a particular fondness for berries.
Furbolgs naturally have a peaceful society and avoid combat rather than seek it out. They survive in the wild places mostly by keeping to themselves. They are peaceful creatures, but savage and dangerous when angered. A furbolg who must fight is terrifying to behold, and most intelligent creatures take steps to make sure that furbolgs in the area remain happy and content. Strong furbolg warriors are proud to face their enemies and prey with only their claws; other furbolgs use primitive weapons such as spears, often decorated with feathers.
Since the Third War, The Burning Legion's arrival profoundly impacted furbolg society. The demons' invasion drove many furbolgs to madness and rage. Now, furbolg have a reputation as dangerous and feral creatures. These corrupted and dangerous furbolgs roam the wilderness, destroying and killing in a haze of burning fury. The uncorrupted furbolgs look sadly at their altered brethren, but know that they must slay them if they happen upon them. Uncorrupted furbolgs find it easiest to distance themselves from other races because members of both the Alliance and the Horde take it on faith that all furbolgs are evil and must be destroyed. Despite this fact, uncorrupted furbolgs remain allies of the night elves and, by association, humans, dwarves and gnomes as well. They are not members of the Alliance but are certainly friends of it. Uncorrupted furbolgs look sadly at their corrupted brethren and, if they make friends with members of the other races, seek help clearing tainted furbolgs from the land or discovering ways to heal them. Before the war, their peaceful existence in their forests was concerned with the everyday trials of tribal life, shamanistic culture, and cultivating the forests.
Concerned more with communing with the Earth Mother and protecting their settlements, few furbolgs pursue the more intellectual paths, although some have been known to attempt them. Some furbolgs rarely venture from their secluded villages, with a few of them seek the companionship of other races and thrill to the prospect of adventure and travel beyond their forest home, they thirst for adventure and want to learn about the newcomers to their continent these furbolgs will be found traveling around Kalimdor, visiting the cities of the other races and enjoying the new cultures, their neutral stance benefits them in this exploration, and furbolgs are allowed in any city without prejudice.[63][64][65]
Corrupted furbolg
Corrupted furbolgs are furbolgs twisted into savage and violent versions of their more peaceful kin through the Burning Legion’s evil influence. They are hunched like their normal kin, standing about 9 feet tall and weighing between 300 and 400 pounds. They have strange markings in their fur and indulge in scarring and piercing to enhance their savage appearance. They are also known to decorate themselves in the remnants of those they have killed. Some corrupted furbolgs display additional demonic characteristics, such as horns, the ability to generate fire, and so on. These are unique individuals who often end up as the leaders of their own war parties. Unlike a standard furbolg, corrupted furbolgs are violent and survive by raiding and looting the communities they come across. They are willing to cooperate with other corrupted creatures to further the Burning Legion’s aims.[66]
Corrupted furbolgs have abandoned the worship of nature and with it the structures of their past. Instead, they are driven by the most powerful among them. Should more than one furbolg achieve power, the corrupted furbolg band will split into smaller groups and each will go its separate way. The ranks of the corrupted are filled by the taint of the Burning Legion. Corrupted furbolgs have no taboos against biting, and use their powerful jaws as weapons. They do not usually wear armor or use weapons. If possible, a corrupted furbolg will charge in preference to other maneuvers.[66]
Corrupted furbolgs speak Ursine, and sometimes the Darnassian tongue. Their alignment is always chaotic evil.[67]
Early history
Furbolgs originated from Northrend. They lived on Azeroth before Titans came to the world. Their oral histories speak of the first time Titans stepped on the world and roamed the wilds. Furbolg may have descended from early Pandaren who settled up in Northrend, becoming more feral; or furbolg of Northrend may have discovered Pandaria and their culture became more contemplative.[68]
Recent history
"Faced with the unexpected attacks by demons, undead and their own people, the furbolgs joined the fight, putting their generations of hunting experience to more violent purposes. Formidable warriors, they’ve always been. Formidable soldiers, well, that is a newer concept. Some furbolgs hired themselves as mercenaries to forces on both sides.
"After the war, emissaries from both the Alliance and the Horde (advised by the night elves and the tauren, I expect) approached the furbolgs and invited them into the affiliations, but they declined both. Perhaps it was their reluctance to choose between their friends, the night elves, and the tauren. They do seem to be closer to the night elves, but I don’t think they want to claim themselves the enemies of the tauren simply by association. Perhaps they simply felt their problems had always been their own, and they would make their current problems their own as well. They are a proud folk.[69]
"When not attempting to heal their forests or their own people, furbolgs focus on hunting the Legion’s agents, who they blame mostly for their plight. You do not want to get between a furbolg and a demon. To keep life on track, more young furbolgs than ever are training to become shaman, seeing the holy men and women as the only adults who seem calm in these days of horror and uncertainty. With half of the population looking to pick up the spear (although they are deadly enough with their claws and bite) and the other half studying the magic of nature, the furbolgs are a people whose society is changing.
"One positive thing the war has done for the furbolgs is get them more acquainted with the world outside their forests. Formerly only the friends of the night elves and tauren, beings of the forest, and a self-contained people, now the furbolgs are watching the movements — political or otherwise — of the Alliance and Horde; traveling more; learning more about the world outside their forests; and widening their view of life as it applies to them in this new and harsher world."[70] ~ Attributed to Brann Bronzebeard
After generations of peaceful existence on Kalimdor, the furbolgs have found an almost warlike passion concerning the Scourge, when the Scourge ravaged the land in the last war. Formerly slow to anger, furbolgs now consider the Scourge to be their ultimate racial enemy and will attack any Scourge they see on sight. The Scourge was behind the destruction of much of their race, and the furbolgs vow revenge. When their peaceful life was shattered, the furbolgs' great size was suddenly used for more than channeling earth magic; the gentle giants discovered hate and rage, and used their bulk to fight the Scourge. Their lack of intelligence caused many to be driven mad by the invading Scourge: Some lost their minds after drinking from polluted wells, and some went insane when exposed to the extended use of dark arcane magic. They mourn their maddened brethren, and they are sickened by the fact that the sick furbolgs still haunt the forests. Some warriors charge themselves with the tragic task of finding and destroying the feral furbolgs, lest they damage the forest or any travelers. These mad ones are no longer considered part of the furbolg clan, and the warriors feel great sorrow at the task of freeing them from their prisons of their maddened minds. Often a shaman will travel with the warriors to give a final, spiritual passage to the feral furbolgs.[71]
Furbolgs are tied to nature. Some accounts have them worshipping primitive godlike figures (they venerate the bear twins, Ursoc and Ursol),[72][73] but primarily they revere nature and the spirits of the world.[74] The furbolg follow in the path of the long-dead ursine demi-gods Ursoc and Ursol, who fell in the War of the Ancients 10.000 years ago.[75] The bear twins are the primary patrons of those who believe in a balance between nature and all living creatures. The furbolg are the most fervent followers of the twins in the present day, following in their magical tradition and carving their fortress, Timbermaw Hold, in the form of a gigantic, growling bear head.[76] Timbermaw Hold is the shrine to the Ancients Ursoc and Ursol erected by the furbolgs requiring years and the labor of hundreds to construct.[77] Furbolgs try to mimic the ales made by Ursoc.[78] Furbolg shamans often bring Amity wine to peace talks and important discussions.[79]
Furbolg leaders are shaman or druids — which furbolgs usually also call shaman, making little distinction between the two practices. Furbolg priests are unheard of; only those who break far from furbolg society would follow the path of a deity or philosophy. Ursa totemics follow the paths of the bear twins.[74][73]
- Main article: Azeroth magic#Furbolgs
Independent. Furbolgs have long been friends of the night elves and regard the tauren with esteem. They are wary of all other races. The night elves have shared their forests with the furbolgs for generations, and appreciate their gentle respect for the flora. The tauren identify with the furbolgs' dedication to the Earth Mother and practice of divine magic. Their friendship with these two races makes them a unique, neutral bridge between the Alliance and the Horde. As they trust and admire both races, they cannot decide which group to join, so they choose neither, for now. Being neutral has its advantages, however, as they understand the night elves and the tauren well. This understanding has allowed some of the more ambitious (and intelligent) furbolgs to travel to Theramore or the Horde lands with a night elf delegation to mediate talks with Horde representatives, usually tauren. There are few furbolgs who can aid with diplomacy, however, because the furbolgs' most obvious weakness is their lower than normal intelligence.
The furbolgs are pretty chilly toward the other independent races. They don't appreciate the goblins' capitalistic attitudes or their deforestation attempts. The pandaren probably identify with the furbolgs the most, being spiritual beast-men themselves, but they are new comers to the continent and the furbolgs are not sure of their reasons for being here. Furbolgs have outright hatred for the blood elves and naga, as those arcane magic users are perversions of the night elves and threw their lot in with Illidan, an enemy of their allies. The troll races pervert the furbolgs' forests and attack their allies, the night elves, so they are not trusted either.
Regardless of their close affiliation with the night elves, the furbolgs are slightly uneasy around the other Alliance races. They worry about the introduction of so many new races to the continent of Kalimdor, especially since many of those new races are strong arcane magic users. They don't understand a lot of what happened during the war with the Scourge, but they do understand that it was arcane magic that brought them. With the Scourge thriving on Lordaeron and gathering forces in the north, the furbolgs are of the opinion that the less arcane magic used at this time, the better.
If pressed, the furbolgs would admit to feeling closer to the races of the Horde than the Alliance. The races of the Horde are closer to the earth than the arcane magic practitioners of many Alliance races. Their close friendship with the tauren allows the furbolgs to encounter orcs and trolls frequently on their visits to the tauren lands. They have exchanged shamanistic ideas and philosophies regarding the Earth Mother and her gifts, and the furbolgs genuinely enjoy the company of the Horde races. However, they still prefer their independent state.[80][74]
Furbolgs resemble bears with a few humanoid characteristics — bipedal gait, dexterous hands, and the ability to speak. They dress in loose loincloths or togas when they wear anything at all. Fur color normally ranges from light brown to black, and white furbolgs from Northrend are called polar furbolgs. Fur color also denotes status in the tribe: shaman have gray fur, and black fur marks the most powerful furbolg fighters. Furbolgs are big and strong, averaging 7 to 10 feet in height and 3 feet in width. Many furbolgs continue to grow even after they reach maturity, adding layers of muscle. Furbolgs weigh 300 to 400 pounds on average, though some reach 500 pounds.[74]
Furbolgs have their own language, Ursine, and a few speak Darnassian. Furbolgs sometimes learn the languages of their friends and, occasionally, their enemies, including, Common, Low Common, and even Taur-ahe.[81] Some furbolgs speak common and low common as primary languages.[82]
Furbolg names tend to be simple and denote important characteristics of the individual.
- Male Names: Darkmaw, Swifttrack, Treebreak.
- Female Names: Gripjaw, Ragerun, Softstep.
- Family Names: Furbolgs do not have family names, but they sometimes use their tribes’ names (like Felpaw, Snow Flurry, or Timbermaw) in their place.[74]
Most furbolg tribes live in isolated villages in Ashenvale Forest. A few live in other wilderness areas on Kalimdor. Grizzlemaw, in the Grizzly Hills region in Northrend, is by some accounts the center of furbolg civilization. Furbolgs often place totems around their territory.[74] Grizzly Hills is the homeland of the furbolg, and they outnumber every other race there combined. In central Grizzly Hills the only known furbolg city, Grizzlemaw, hold but half their number, the rest are gathered in clans and scattered throughout the region.[83] The furbolgs in Grizzlemaw are led by Baergar Blackpaw.
RPG only clans
- Felpaw clan or tribe - Found in Felpaw Village in Felwood.[84][74]
- Snow Flurry clan or tribe - Found in the Snow Flurry hunting grounds in the Grizzly Hills.[83][74]
- Snowspring clan - Found in the Snowspring territory of the Grizzly Hills.[83]
- Winterpaw clan - Found in the Winterpaw land territory of the Grizzly Hills.[83]
Notes and trivia
Some pandaren from Warcraft III are very similar in appearance to furbolgs.
Furbolgs origins were described by Chris Metzen as: "The initial idea was trying to spin a somewhat cool Ewok, some super-foresty badass furbolg kind of character, but make it hard. Back in the day we were playing tabletop role-playing games - the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game was always the best. So we'd anthropomorphize. Animal characters and the wolverines were always badass. In a way we were trying to fuse a bear and a wolverine into some kind of badass forest race. Once we got the furbolg, which became much more bear-like than the wolvar, I think ultimately in Northrend we wound up developing, so it just shook out a number of ways."[87]
Furbolgs are probably loosely based on the Fir Bolg of Irish mythology. The Fir Bolg were a pre-Celtic race who inhabited Ireland millennia ago; as with most such beings, it is unclear whether they were human, near-human, or something else entirely. The Fir Bolg were forced out of Ireland by the Tuatha de Danaan, who are vaguely similar to elves.
More specifically, "furbolg" is likely a pun on "firbolg", a race of giants in the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game that were inspired by the aforementioned Fir Bolg.
A furbolg settlement in Legion.
- Hearthstone
See also
- ^
[52] The Hunter's Charm
- ^ Gurrag <Shaman Trainer>
- ^ Blackmaw Warrior
- ^ a b c d e Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Game Manual
- ^ World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor, pg. 53
- ^ a b Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 183
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 65
- ^ The Sundering, chapter ??
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 104
- ^
[10-45] Huln's War - The Arrival, and it's followup quests
- ^ Tome of the Ancients
- ^ The Spirits of Ashenvale (WC3 Orc)
- ^ The Blood of Mannoroth (WC3 Orc)
- ^ The Hunter of Shadows (WC3 Orc)
- ^ WarCraft III -> Enemies at the Gate
- ^ The Druids Arise (WC3 NightElf)
- ^ WarCraft III -> Brothers in Blood
- ^ The World of Warcraft Bestiary: Furbolg
- ^
[3] The Woodland Protector
- ^ a b
[1-30] Gnarlpine Corruption
- ^
[18] The Blackwood Corrupted
- ^
[Teronis' Journal],
[28] Raene's Cleansing
- ^
[25] Culling the Threat,
[7-30] Between a Rock and a Thistlefur
- ^
[24] An Aggressive Defense,
[26G] King of the Foulweald
- ^
[30] Raene's Cleansing,
[30] Raene's Cleansing,
[Ran Bloodtooth's Skull]
- ^
[48] Timbermaw Ally,
[15-30] Deadwood of the North,
[15-30] A Talking Totem,
[55] Speak to Salfa,
[56] Falling to Corruption,
[56] Mystery Goo,
[56] Toxic Horrors, and
[15-30G] The Root of All Evil
- ^ Grazle#Quotes and Nafien#Quotes
- ^
[48] Timbermaw Ally,
[55] Speak to Nafien, and
[55] Speak to Salfa
- ^ http://web.archive.org/web/20070710234728/http://www.wow-europe.com/en/info/basics/factions/timbermaw/index.html
- ^
[60] The Brokering of Peace
- ^ Gatekeeper Rageroar, Timbermaw Den Watchers, Timbermaw Pathfinders, Timbermaw Shamans, Timbermaw Totemics, Timbermaw Ursas, and Timbermaw Warriors
- ^ The Prophecy of Akida quest chain
- ^ Stillpine Hold quest chain
- ^ Stillpine Ambassador Olorg
- ^ Balancing the Scales and The Beast Within!
- ^
Blizzard Entertainment. World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King: Grizzly Hills. Archived from the original on 2008-05-09.
- ^ The Art of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, pg. 94: “Although plagued by trappers and the deforestation efforts of the goblin Venture Company, the furbolgs' most imminent threat comes from the north, where undead Drakkari ice trolls have begun pouring from their stronghold of Drak'Tharon Keep.”
- ^ Ursoc quest chain
- ^
[1-30] Ursal the Mauler
- ^
[1-30] The Vengeance of Elune
- ^
[5-30] What's Happening to the Blackwood Fulbolg?,
[5-30] The Bear's Paw,
[5-30] Cleansing the Afflicted and
[5-30] The Defiler
- ^
[5-30] Mutual Aid,
[5-30] Soothing the Elements,
[5-30] The Blackwood Pledge
- ^
[5-30] The Blackmaw Scar
- ^
[5-30] The Blackmaw Doublecross
- ^
[7-30] Troll Charm,
[7-30] Too Far Gone,
[7-30] A Not-So-Charmed Life
- ^
[7-30] Rear Guard Duty,
[7-30] The Reason Why
- ^
[7-30] Dartol's Rod,
[7-30] King of the Foulweald,
[7-30] A New Adornment,
[7-30] True Power of the Rod
- ^ Timbermaw Hold (faction),
[15-30] Deadwood of the North,
[15-30] Disarming Bears
- ^
[15-30] Falling to Corruption,
[15-30] Mystery Goo,
[15-30] Winterfall Runners,
[15-30] High Chief Winterfall,
[15-30] Bearzerker
- ^
[10-45] To The Hills,
[10-45] The First Trial of Ursol,
[10-45] The Second Trial of Ursol,
[10-45] The Third Trial of Ursol,
[10-45] When Dreams Become Nightmares
- ^
[10-45] All Grell Broke Loose,
[10-45] Frenzied Furbolgs,
[10-45] Totemic Call,
[10-45] Awakening the Archdruid,
Smolderhide Problem
- ^ Dire Shaman, Grisly Trapper, Guardian Gorroc, Guardian Rurson, Tur Ragepaw, Ursoc (tactics)
- ^
[110] The Blackwood Den,
[110] Mercy for the Mad,
[110] Blurred Vision,
[110] Enraged Furbolgs
- ^ https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/news/23823429/dragonflight-zone-preview-the-azure-span
- ^ Adday
- ^
[10-45] The Chieftain's Beads
- ^ Snowy Owl
- ^ The Old Wizard's Almanac
- ^
[98-110] Fallen Offerings
- ^
[10-70] Bear With Me
- ^
[70] Honeyfreeze Mead
- ^ Saza
- ^ Alliance & Horde Compendium, pg. 16-17, pg 69
- ^ Alliance Player's Guide, pg. 9
- ^ Manual of Monsters, pg. 45
- ^ a b Manual of Monsters, pg. 46-47
- ^ Manual of Monsters, pg. 46
- ^ Lands of Mystery, pg. 85
- ^ Alliance Player's Guide, pg. 147
- ^ Alliance Player's Guide, pg. 149
- ^ Alliance & Horde Compendium, pg. 69
- ^ World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, pg. 250 - 251
- ^ a b Alliance Player's Guide, pg. 65
- ^ a b c d e f g h Alliance Player's Guide, pg. 10
- ^ Shadows & Light, pg. 68
- ^ Shadows & Light, pg. 85
- ^ ''World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, pg. 382
- ^ World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, pg. 251
- ^ Alliance Player's Guide, pg. 94
- ^ Alliance & Horde Compendium, pg. 69-70
- ^ Alliance Player's Guide, pg. 9 - 10
- ^ Alliance & Horde Compendium, pg. 17
- ^ a b c d Lands of Mystery, pg. 102
- ^ Lands of Mystery, pg. 15
- ^ https://web.archive.org/web/20100410125925/classic.battle.net/war3/neutral/pandaren.shtml
- ^ World of Warcraft: The Magazine Volume II Issue I
- ^ The Art of Blizzard Entertainment
Kalimdor |
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Northrend | ||||||
Dragon Isles | ||||||
Broken Isles | ||||||
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Ancient guardian |
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This is a sub-template of Sapient Species |