Priest quests
These are discussions of the salient points of each Priest quest.
This page contains Spoilers. If you want to figure these out on your own, do not read this page. While these are not step by step walkthroughs they do hit all the high points and give an outline to completion.
- 1 Available priest quests
- 2 Classic quests
- 2.1 Class trainer introduction (Level 1)
- 2.2 Buff and Heal introduction (Level 6)
- 2.3 First Racial ability (Level 10)
- 2.4 Second Racial ability (Level 20)
- 2.5 Class item reward (Level 50)
- 2.6 Silithus item reward (Level 56)
- 2.7 Dire Maul item reward (Level 60)
- 2.8 Zandalar item set (Level 60)
- 2.9 Epic quest - Benediction / Anathema (Level 60)
- 2.10 Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian quest (Level 60)
- 3 Season of Discovery
Available priest quests
Exile's Reach
[1-10] A Priest's End
[1-10] Resurrecting the Recruits
Shadowfang Keep quest (Level 8)
[8-30] Patrice Lancaster Sends Word (Dwarf, Draenei, Human, Worgen?)
[8-30D] Favored of the Light
[8-30] The Temple of the Moon
[8-30D] Favored of Elune
[8-30] Patrice Lancaster Sends Word
[8-30D] A Budding Young Surgeon
[8-30] Journey to Orgrimmar
[8-30D] Forsaken Faith
[8-30] Journey to Orgrimmar
[8-30D] A Seer's Staff
[8-30] Journey to Orgrimmar
[8-30D] A Seer's Staff
[8-30] Journey to Orgrimmar
[8-30D] Staff of the Light
[8-30] Journey to Orgrimmar
[8-30D] A Seer's Staff
Blackrock Depths quest (Level 20)
[20-30] Meet with Patrice Lancaster
[20-30D] Twilight Scheming
[20-30] Journey to Orgrimmar
[20-30D] Twilight Scheming
[20-30] Journey to Orgrimmar
[20-30D] Twilight Scheming
[20-30] Journey to Orgrimmar
[20-30D] Twilight Scheming
[20-30] Journey to Orgrimmar
[20-30D] Twilight Scheming
[20-30] Journey to Orgrimmar
[20-30D] Twilight Scheming
Ahn'Qiraj item sets (Level 30)
[30R] Gavel of Infinite Wisdom
[30R] Ring of Infinite Wisdom
[30R] Shroud of Infinite Wisdom
[30R] Footwraps of the Oracle
[30R] Mantle of the Oracle
[30R] Tiara of the Oracle
[30R] Trousers of the Oracle
[30R] Vestments of the Oracle
Val'anyr quest (Level 30)
[30R] Ancient History
[30R] Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings
Legion Priest campaign
- Main campaign
[10-45] Priestly Matters
[10-45] A Legend You Can Hold
- Acquire the chosen artifact:
- Discipline (
[Light's Wrath])
[10-45] The Light's Wrath
[10-45] A New Threat
[10-45] A Forgotten Enemy
[10-45] Eyes of the Dragon
[10-45] Harnessing the Holy Fire
[10-45] Unleashing Judgment
[10-45] The Nexus Vault
[10-45] A Gift of Time
- Holy (
[T'uure, Beacon of the Naaru])
[10-45] The Vindicator's Plea
[10-45] House Call
[10-45] Out of the Darkness
[10-45] Salvation From On High
[10-45] Return of the Light
- Shadow (
[Xal'atath, Blade of the Black Empire])
[10-45] Blade in Twilight
- Discipline (
[10-45] The Light and the Void
[10-45] Actions on Azeroth
- Other artifacts
[10-45] A Second Legend
[10-45] The Third Legend
- Other artifacts
[10-45] Proper Introductions (optional)
- Complete all of:
[10-45] Rise, Champions
[10-45] Champion: Calia Menethil
[10-45] Champion: High Priestess Ishanah
[10-45] Spread the Word
[10-45] Recruiting the Troops
[10-45] Troops in the Field
[10-45] Tech It Up A Notch
[10-45] Relieving the Front Lines
[10-45] A Second Legend
[10-45] The Third Legend
[10-45] Whispers in the Void
[10-45] The Best and Brightest
- Complete both:
[10-45] Murloc Mind Control
[10-45] An Ample Supply
[10-45] Problem Salver
- Complete both:
[10-45] Champion: Yalia Sagewhisper
[10-45] Champion: Zabra Hexx
[10-45D] Eye of Azshara: Looking Through the Lens
[10-45] Velen's Vision
- Complete all of:
[10-45D] Halls of Valor: The Light Within
[10-45] Demonic Runes
[10-45] Recruiting More Troops
[10-45] Awakening the Light
[10-45] Champion: Sol
Level 45
[45] Infiltrating Our Enemies
[45] Onslaught Envoy
- Complete both:
[45] Scarlet Redemption
[45] Apostate Liberation
[45] Unexpected Guests
[45] Champion: Mariella Ward
[45] Forgotten Shadows
[45] Secrets of the Void
[45] Into the Void
[45] Champion: Natalie Seline
[45] Rising Shadows
[45] Crossing Legion Lines
- Complete both:
[45] The Mind of the Enemy
[45] Allies of the Light
[45] United As One
[45] Aiding the Conclave
- Complete all of:
[45] Elixirs of Aid
- Repeatable quests:
[45] Starlight Rose
[45] Runescale Koi
[45] Leyblood
- Repeatable quests:
[45] Fortifying the Temple
[45] Lumenstone
[45] A Light in the Darkness
[45] Champion: Alonsus Faol
[45] High Priest of Netherlight
[45] A Hero's Weapon
- Patch 7.2 campaign
[45] Champions of Legionfall
[45] A Curious Contagion
- Complete all of:
[45] Sampling the Source
[45] Shambling Specimens
[45] Mischievous Sprites
[45] Crafting a Cure
[45] Safekeeping
[45] To the Broken Shore
- Complete both:
[45] Countering the Contagion
[45] Administering Aid
[45] Sterile Surroundings
[45] Champion: Aelthalyste
[45] Further Advancement
- Class mount
[45] The Speaker Awaits
[45] The Sunken Vault
- Champions of Legionfall
[45] A Curious Contagion
- Complete all of:
[45] Sampling the Source
[45] Shambling Specimens
[45] Mischievous Sprites
[45] Crafting a Cure
[45] Safekeeping
[45] To the Broken Shore
- Complete both:
[45] Countering the Contagion
[45] Administering Aid
[45] Sterile Surroundings
[45] Champion: Aelthalyste
- Class mount
[45] The Speaker Awaits
[45] The Sunken Vault
The War Within
[73-75] Bless These Homes
- Shadow priest
[75-78] Prove One's Mettle
Classic quests
Class trainer introduction (Level 1)
[3] Hallowed Letter (Human)
[3] Healing the Wounded or
[3] Learning the Word (Warlords of Draenor)
[1] Hallowed Rune (Dwarf)
[3] Hallowed Rune (Cataclysm version)
[3] Words of Power
[1] Hallowed Sigil (Night Elf)
[3] Hallowed Sigil (Cataclysm)
[3] Healing for the Wounded or
[3] Learning the Word (Warlords of Draenor)
[1] Hallowed Tablet (Troll)
[1-10] The Basics: Hitting Things (Cataclysm)
[3] The Arts of a Priest
[3] Hallowed Scroll (Undead)
[2] Priest Training (Draenei)
[3] Aiding the Injured or
[3] Learning the Word (Warlords of Draenor)
[2] Priest Training (Blood Elf)
[3] Healing the Wounded or
[3] Learning the Word (Warlords of Draenor)
[1-30] The Future of Gnomeregan (Gnome, Cataclysm)
[3] Hallowed Note (Tauren, Cataclysm)
[3] Healing in a Flash or
[3] Learning the Word (Warlords of Draenor)
[1-30] Seek the Sister (Worgen, Cataclysm)
[3] Flash Heal (Goblin, Cataclysm)
Buff and Heal introduction (Level 6)
[4] In Favor of the Light
[4] In Favor of the Light
[4] In Favor of Elune
[5] Help Tavara
First Racial ability (Level 10)
- Humans and Dwarves -

[10] Desperate Prayer
[10] Desperate Prayer
[10] Desperate Prayer
[10] Desperate Prayer
[10] Desperate Prayer
[10] Desperate Prayer
[10] Desperate Prayer
- Night elves -

[10] Returning Home
[10] Returning Home
[10] Returning Home
[10] Returning Home
[10] Returning Home
[10] Returning Home
- All lead to:
[10] Stars of Elune
- Undead -

[10] Touch of Weakness
[10] Touch of Weakness
[10] Touch of Weakness
[10] Touch of Weakness
[10] Touch of Weakness
- Trolls -

[10] Hex of Weakness
[10] Hex of Weakness
[10] Hex of Weakness
[10] Hex of Weakness
[10] Hex of Weakness
Second Racial ability (Level 20)
- Humans -

[20] Arcane Feedback
[20] Arcane Feedback
[20] Arcane Feedback
- Dwarves -

[20] A Lack of Fear
- Night elves -

[20] Elune's Grace
[20] Elune's Grace
[20] Elune's Grace
[20] Elune's Grace
- Undead -

[20] Devouring Plague
[20] Devouring Plague
[20] Devouring Plague
- Trolls -

[20] Shadowguard
[20] Shadowguard
[20] Shadowguard
Class item reward (Level 50)
[52] Cenarion Aid
[52] Of Coursers We Know
[52] The Ichor of Undeath
[52D] Blood of Morphaz
Silithus item reward (Level 56)
[60] Armaments of War
Dire Maul item reward (Level 60)
Zandalar item set (Level 60)
[60R] Paragons of Power: The Confessor's Bindings
[60R] Paragons of Power: The Confessor\'s Mantle
[60R] Paragons of Power: The Confessor's Wraps
[60R] The Eye of Zuldazar
[60R] The Eye of Zuldazar
[60R] The Eye of Zuldazar
[60] The All-Seeing Eye of Zuldazar
Epic quest - Benediction / Anathema (Level 60)
[60] A Warning
[60] The Balance of Light and Shadow
Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian quest (Level 60)
[60R] Frame of Atiesh
[60R] Atiesh, the Befouled Greatstaff
[60D] Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian
Season of Discovery
[2] Meditation on the Light
[2] Meditation on the Light
[2] Meditation on Elune
[2] Wisdom of the Loa
[2] Meditation on Undeath
Sharing the Faith
[5] Sharing the Faith
[5] Sharing the Faith
[5] Sharing the Faith
[5] Sharing the Faith
Secrets of Another Faith
- Human/Dwarf
[20] Secrets of Elune
[20] Secrets of Elune
- Night Elf
[20] Secrets of the Light
[20] Secrets of the Light
- Troll
[20] Secrets of Undeath
[20] Secrets of Undeath
- Undead
[20] Secrets of the Loa
[20] Secrets of the Loa
[35] The Troll Scroll
Eye of the Void
[50] Seven Eyes I Seek...
Binding Heal
[50] Lost Heirloom
[50] Relic of Light
[50] Scarlet Research
[50] The Prize Within
Second Racial Spell
[60] Diplomatic Overtures
[60] Shrine of Cooperation
[60] Diplomat Ring
[60] A Diplomatic Mission
[60] Repairing the Shard
[60] The Convocation Assembles
[60] The Miracle