
Priest quests

These are discussions of the salient points of each Priest quest.

This page contains Spoilers. If you want to figure these out on your own, do not read this page. While these are not step by step walkthroughs they do hit all the high points and give an outline to completion.


Available priest quests

Exile's Reach

  1. B Priest [1-10] A Priest's End
  2. B Priest [1-10] Resurrecting the Recruits

Shadowfang Keep quest (Level 8)

Blackrock Depths quest (Level 20)

Ahn'Qiraj item sets (Level 30)

Val'anyr quest (Level 30)

This quest is also available to Paladins, Shamans & Druids.

Legion Priest campaign

Main campaign
Champions of Legionfall
  1. N Priest [45] A Curious Contagion
  2. Complete all of:
  3. N Priest [45] Crafting a Cure
  4. N Priest [45] Safekeeping
  5. N Priest [45] To the Broken Shore
  6. Complete both:
  7. N Priest [45] Sterile Surroundings
  8. N Priest [45] Champion: Aelthalyste
Class mount
  1. N Priest [45] The Speaker Awaits
  2. N Priest [45] The Sunken Vault

The War Within

Shadow priest

Classic quests

Class trainer introduction (Level 1)

Buff and Heal introduction (Level 6)

First Racial ability (Level 10)

Humans and Dwarves - [Desperate Prayer]
Night elves - [Starshards]
Undead - [Touch of Weakness]
Trolls - [Hex of Weakness]

Second Racial ability (Level 20)

Humans - [Feedback]
Dwarves - [Fear Ward]
Night elves - [Elune's Grace]
Undead - [Devouring Plague]
Trolls - [Shadowguard]

Class item reward (Level 50)

  1. N Priest [52] Cenarion Aid
  2. N Priest [52] Of Coursers We Know
  3. N Priest [52] The Ichor of Undeath
  4. N Priest [52D] Blood of Morphaz

Silithus item reward (Level 56)

Dire Maul item reward (Level 60)

Zandalar item set (Level 60)

  1. N [60R] The Eye of Zuldazar
  2. N [60R] The Eye of Zuldazar
  3. N [60R] The Eye of Zuldazar
  4. N [60] The All-Seeing Eye of Zuldazar

Epic quest - Benediction / Anathema (Level 60)

  1. N Priest [60] A Warning
  2. N Priest [60] The Balance of Light and Shadow

Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian quest (Level 60)

  1. N [60R] Frame of Atiesh
  2. N [60R] Atiesh, the Befouled Greatstaff
  3. N [60D] Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian
This quest line was also available to Druids, Mages and Warlocks.

Season of Discovery


Sharing the Faith

Secrets of Another Faith

  1. A Priest [20] Secrets of Elune
  2. A Priest [20] Secrets of Elune
Night Elf
  1. A IconSmall NightElf Male.gifIconSmall NightElf Female.gif Priest [20] Secrets of the Light
  2. A IconSmall NightElf Male.gifIconSmall NightElf Female.gif Priest [20] Secrets of the Light
  1. H IconSmall Troll Male.gifIconSmall Troll Female.gif Priest [20] Secrets of Undeath
  2. H IconSmall Troll Male.gifIconSmall Troll Female.gif Priest [20] Secrets of Undeath
  1. H IconSmall Undead Male.gifIconSmall Undead Female.gif Priest [20] Secrets of the Loa
  2. H IconSmall Undead Male.gifIconSmall Undead Female.gif Priest [20] Secrets of the Loa


Eye of the Void

Binding Heal

  1. B Priest [50] Lost Heirloom
  2. B Priest [50] Relic of Light
  3. N Priest [50] Scarlet Research
  4. B Priest [50] The Prize Within

Second Racial Spell

  1. B Priest [60] Diplomatic Overtures
  2. B Priest [60] Shrine of Cooperation
  3. B Priest [60] Diplomat Ring
  4. B Priest [60] A Diplomatic Mission
  5. B Priest [60] Repairing the Shard
  6. N Priest [60] The Convocation Assembles
  7. N Priest [60] The Miracle

Cassandra's Tome