
Priestess of the Moon

For the Warcraft III unit, see Priestess of the Moon (Warcraft III). For other uses, see Priestess of the Moon (disambiguation).
"Priestess of Elune" redirects here. For the specific NPCs, see Priestess of Elune (Winterspring) and Priestess of Elune (Legion).

The priestesses of the moon[1][2] (also capitalized,[3] and also known as the priestesses of the moon goddess,[4][5] the priestesses of Elune[6][7] and moon priestesses) are the women who make up the elite night elf clergy, the Sisterhood of Elune. They epitomize the power and grace of Elune, their race's ancient moon goddess. The priestesses of the moon, equipped with silvery, glowing armor, ride the fearless frostsabers of Winterspring into battle. Charged with the safekeeping of the night elf lands and armed with magical energy bows — the priestesses of the moon will stop at nothing to rid their ancient land of evil.[8] Elune's light is a part of themselves.[9]

During the Burning Legion's third invasion, many priestesses of Elune joined the Conclave in the Netherlight Temple.


Main article: Sisterhood of Elune


Main article: Moonlight

Calling upon the powers of the Moon Goddess to imbue their arrows with searing magical energy, the priestesses are able to fire deadly volleys at any foe. The commanding presence of the priestesses also boost the morale of their warriors, enabling their attacks to strike with heightened accuracy and power. At the peak of her experience, the priestess may call down a furious shower of falling stars that cause massive destruction amongst enemy forces. This catastrophic power, given to the priestess by Elune herself, achieves its full duration as long as the priestess stays in the spell's vicinity.[8]

As devotees of the moon goddess, priestesses of the Moon can wield the moonlight to perform numerous deeds granted by Elune. They can cast a rain of solid moonlight to fall if they face enemies.[10] They can give blessings[5] and purify the darkness.[11] They have the ability to calm races engaged in battle by singing a song of peace at night, until sunrise.[12] They can also heal, mend broken bones,[13] and grant a follower the gift of healing.[14]

Under conditions, a priestess can use the moonlight to resurrect the dead, as Tyrande noticed that one of the Sisters could not bring back to life a slain kaldorei who had been "dead for several days".[4]


Main article: Category:Priestesses of the Moon


Statue of Haidene, the first high priestess of the moon.

Name Role(s) Status
Alliance  Alathea Priest trainer in the Temple of the Moon. Deceased
Alliance  Astarii Starseeker A close personal friend of Queen Mia Greymane. Deceased
Alliance  Belysra Starbreeze Creator of the Scythe of Elune in the War of the Satyr. Alive
Neutral  Dejahna High priestess of Elune and mentor of Tyrande. Deceased
Alliance  Delas Moonfang Champion of the Knights of the Silver Hand. Alive
Alliance  Felore Moonray One of the Alliance leaders in the Battle for Ashenvale. Killable
Neutral  Haidene First High Priestess of the Moon Goddess Elune. Deceased
Neutral  Kalo'thera High priestess of Elune who ascended in Hajiri. Unknown
Alliance  Lasara Quartermaster for Darnassus and the Dream Wardens. Alive
Alliance  Maestra Moon Priestess in charge of Maestra's Post. Alive
Neutral  Marinda Interim High Priestess during the War of the Ancients. Deceased
Alliance  Shiromar Scarab Lord and veteran of the War of the Shifting Sands. Unknown
Neutral  Siralen Queen Azshara's personal high priestess of Vashj'ir. Unknown
Alliance  Therdre Seer of the Past in Bel'ameth, in Amirdrassil. Alive
Alliance  Tyrande Whisperwind The Night Warrior, current High priestess of Elune. Alive

In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Valuable as healers during wartime, priestesses of the moon can also use their divine magic spells to hinder or harm the enemy. They are also inspirational leaders and excellent archers. Priestesses of the moon often keep to the rear, protecting the wounded with ranged weapons. Guided by Elune, priestesses of the moon serve as a morale boost for troops, assuring them that they will be healed, protected for or, at worst, blessed during their final journey.[15]

Notes and trivia


  • In World of Warcraft.

  • In Legion.

  • In Dragonflight.

Warcraft III
  • Tyrande in Warcraft III: Reforged.

  • Unique Starcraft II editor remodeled asset from Warcraft III.

    Unique Starcraft II editor remodeled asset from Warcraft III.

  • Warcraft III beta as a flying unit on a giant owl.

    Warcraft III beta as a flying unit on a giant owl.

  • Kaldorei Priestess in Hearthstone.

  • Moon Priestess Nici in Hearthstone.

  • Priestess of the Moon Warcraft III concept art.

    Priestess of the Moon Warcraft III concept art.

  • Warcraft III: Reforged concept art.

    Warcraft III: Reforged concept art.

  • Tyrande from Heroes of the Storm.
