
Proudmoore flagship

For Jaina's original vessel, see Wavecutter.

The Proudmoore flagship[1] is a Kul Tiran battleship that formerly served Daelin Proudmoore. At some point it was sunk and many years later, Jaina Proudmoore raised it from the bottom of the Great Sea from a location near Theramore Isle sometime after the Burning Legion's third invasion.

She used it to travel to Lordaeron Keep during the Battle for Lordaeron,[2] to Kul Tiras,[3] and to Zandalar during the Battle of Dazar'alor, where it served as part of her encounter area.[4]


Originally built by Dorian Atwater, Daelin Proudmoore used it as his flagship when acting as Grand Admiral for the Alliance of Lordaeron.[5] During the Second War, Daelin used it during the battle of Crestfall. He had hand-picked each and every one of the crewmen, resulting in the finest group of people the admiral had ever sailed with.[6]

Although not stated, at some point the ship was sunk somewhere near Theramore Isle, probably during the Invasion of Durotar.

Jaina sought out this ship sometime prior to the Battle for Lordaeron, after retrieving her father's pendant from the Ruins of Theramore.[7] She would then used it at the battle in Lordaeron Keep, flying it through the air using arcane magic, and using its cannons to create a hole in the walls of Capital City to allow the Alliance forces through. Jaina teleported those who had gone into the throne room to the flying vessel when Sylvanas Windrunner unleashed the blight on the ruined city.[2]

It was later seen at Stormwind Harbor when the Horde extraction team was attempting to leave Stormwind City. After the extraction, Jaina used the ship to take herself and the Alliance emissary to Boralus in order to convince Kul Tiras to rejoin the Alliance. While on the trip to her homeland, Jaina had a nightmare about her father, him saying her mother would never forgive her and calling her a murderer. After reaching the city, it was left in the main canal of Boralus for a short time but was later moved to an unknown location shortly prior to the events in Kul Tiras.[3]

After Jaina became Lord Admiral, she used the vessel as her flagship during the Battle of Dazar'alor, and fought Horde champions on its main deck.[4]


It is unique compared to the other Kul Tiran vessels, most noticeably having a different design for its prow, which lacks the metal protection on the front and is not as angular as the other vessels. This seems to indicate it is an older type of ship to those found in Kul Tiras during Battle for Azeroth. The ship is covered in algae and seaweed, owing to its time underwater, and lacks the adornments on the sails that most Kul Tiran ships seem to have, being solid green instead. Despite its unique model, in game it lacks the harpy / siren figurehead present in the cinematic and the animated short, and only has 3 masts instead of 4.[9] The end of its bowsprit is adorned with a spear.

Notes and trivia

  • When First Arcanist Thalyssra got curious about the spellcraft involved in making the ship fly, Jaina Proudmoore simply called it a "Kul Tiran trade secret".[10]
  • Jaina making the ship fly through magic might have been inspired by the legend of the Flying Dutchman, a legendary ghost ship.
  • Its cinematic appearance is a modified version of the other Kul Tiran ships.[9]



This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

  • It is unknown how this ship, in particular, ended up at the bottom of the sea. While in the Warbringers cinematic Jaina is shown going through many battle-damaged shipwrecks, this ship seems still seaworthy. This may mean it was purposefully scuttled.
    • Notably, it seemed to be a great distance from the other wrecks.
  • The song Daughter of the Sea seems to imply that Daelin Proudmoore was buried at sea. It is possible Jaina sunk the ship with her father's body aboard as a burial site.


  • Jaina in the rear chamber of the ship.

    Jaina in the rear chamber of the ship.

  • The same room.

    The same room.

Art assets
  • The figurehead featured in the in-game cinematics.

    The figurehead featured in the in-game cinematics.

  • The model of the ship's desk.

    The model of the ship's desk.

See also
