
Queen Ansurek (tactics)

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For the character's history and lore, see Queen Ansurek.
BossQueen Ansurek
Image of Queen Ansurek
Gender Female
Race Nerubian queen (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Nerub-ar Palace
Status Defeatable

Queen Ansurek is the final boss of Nerub-ar Palace. She is notably the first boss encounter to have Story Mode available.

Adventure Guide

After a revelation of traitors in her court, Queen Ansurek decides she must eradicate the palace's invaders herself. However, paranoia over whom she can trust gnaws at her psyche. With her allies dwindling Queen Ansurek may delve into dark powers to attain victory, even if that means her most loyal soldiers become her next meal...


As the battle begins, Ansurek ejects Reactive Froth and attempts to detonate it with Venom Nova. Eventually, Ansurek tries to feed on her weakened enemies with Predation. After players break her web shield, Ansurek begins ascending to her private chamber and calls reinforcements. They prepare to unleash Cosmic Resonance while Ansurek attacks players from afar. When players breach her private chamber, Ansurek stops casting Acidic Resonance and initiates Aphotic Communion. Using heightened cosmic power, Ansurek intends to consume Acolyte's Essence with Frothing Gluttony.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers

  • Devoted Worshippers cast Cosmic Resonance if not defeated.
  • Gloom Hatchlings cause lethal damage if they reach Ansurek.
  • Reation Vapor occurs if Venom Nova destroys Reactive Froth.
  • Froth Vapor occurs if Frothing Gluttony absorbs Acolyte's Essence.

Healer Alert Healers

  • Feast absorbs significant healing.
  • Paralyzing Venom increases damage from Predation Threads and Wrest.
  • Gloom Touch inflicts damage unless dispelled.
  • Acrid Presence and Dreadful Presence cause steady damage to all players.

Tank Alert Tanks

  • Liquefy causes a large burst of damage to all players that mitigation reduces.
  • Feast absorbs a signficant amount of healing.
  • Infest creates Gloom Hatchlings that cause lethal damage if they reach Ansurek.
  • Gorge causes several bursts of damage to all players that mitigation reduces.


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Stage One: A Queen's Venom

  • Inv eng bombpoison.png Reactive Toxin Important — Ansurek afflicts players with a toxin, inflicting 16888-29980 Nature damage every 1 sec for 6 Sec. Upon expiration, the toxin ruptures into Reactive Froth, inflicting 28146-49966 Nature damage to players within 8 yards and knocking them into the air.
    • Ability creature poison 06.png Reactive Froth — Reactive Froth pulses 28146-49966 Nature damage every 1.5 sec to players with 8 yards. The froth stops pulsing and congeals in Venom Nova's presence, causing Reaction Vapor if the venom touches. If a player touches congealed froth, it inflicts 11259-19986 Nature damage to players within 8 yards and knocks them into the air, applying Concentrated Toxin to the player and Diluted Toxin to allies hit.
  • Spell nature elementalshields.png Venom Nova Deadly — Ansurek unleashes a ring of venom, inflicting 703661-1249152 Nature damage to players within 17 yards. The ring expands, inflicting 35183-62458 Nature damage every 0.5 sec to players within it and slowing them by 99%.
  • Inv weapon shortblade 108.png Royal Condemnation — Ansurek forms silken spikes that drop onto marked players, inflicting 98513-174881 Nature damage to all players, reduced with distance. The impacts form Royal Shackles.
  • Inv misc questionmark.png Silken Tomb Damage Dealer Alert — Ansurek roots all players in web, inflicting 42220-74949 Nature damage to players within 2 yards of the web's impact and an additional 7037-12492 Nature damage every 1 sec while webbed. When removed, the webbing forms Grasping Silk.
    • Inv misc questionmark.png Grasping Silk — Grasping web strands reduce movement speed by 40% and inflict 21110-37475 Nature damage every 1 sec to players within it.
  • Ability creature disease 02.png Liquefy Tank Alert — Ansurek injects her current target with digestive juices, inflicting 175915-312288 Nature damage and 70366-124915 Physical damage. 20% of the Physical damage done occurs to all players as Nature damage. The injection forms Acid under the target and causes an Acid Splash.
  • Inv misc monsterfang 02.png Feast Tank Alert — Ansurek feasts on her current target, inflicting 281465-499661 Physical damage. Her vicious chomp rips away a chunk of flesh, absorbing 750 healing.
  • Inv misc questionmark.png Web Assault — Web strands pull dense masses of webbing towards the location of players, inflicting 70366-124915 Nature damage to players struck and slowing them by 95% for 3 Sec.
  • Ability rogue deviouspoisons.png Acrid Presence Healer Alert — Ansurek radiates acidic fumes during combat, inflicting 14073-24983 Nature damage every 3 sec to all players.

Intermission: The Spider's Web

Stage Two: Royal Ascension

Stage Three: Paranoia's Feast

  • Inv cosmicvoid nova.png Abyssal Infusion Important — Ansurek afflicts players with dark energy, inflicting 14073-24983 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 6 Sec. Victims also inflict this damage to allies within 10 yards. Upon expiration, the energy erupts, inflicting a burst of 42220-74949 Shadow damage and begins to form an Abyssal Conduit.
    • Inv netherportal.png Abyssal Conduit — Void conduits tear open, inflicting 126659-224847 Shadow damage to players within 10 yards and launching Conduit Ejections. The conduits teleport players between them when touched and inflict 35183-62458 Shadow damage. Players are unaffected by Frothing Gluttony while teleporting. When these conduits destabilize, a Conduit Collapse occurs.
  • Ability creature poison 01 purple.png Frothing Gluttony Deadly — Ansurek attaches Glutton Threads to all players and draws in cosmic energy, inflicting 35183-62458 Shadow damage every 0.5 sec to players within it and slowing them by 99%. Traveling through an Abyssal Conduit prevents damage from this ability and snaps Glutton Threads. The conduits destabilize when Frothing Gluttony concludes. Froth Vapor occurs if the energy touches Acolyte's Essence.
  • Inv misc questionmark.png Queen's Summons — Ansurek lets forth a ghastly shriek, inflicting 28146-49966 Shadow damage to all players. Her umbral call compels Summoned Acolytes to assist her. Upon death, they become Acolyte's Essence.
  • Inv weapon shortblade 108.png Royal Condemnation — Ansurek forms silken spikes that drop onto marked players, inflicting 98513-174881 Nature damage to all players, reduced with distance. The impacts form Royal Shackles.
  • Spell shadow unstableaffliction 3 purpleb.png Infest Tank Alert — Ansurek injects her current target with shadowy egg sacs, inflicting 211098-374746 Shadow damage and 70366-124915 Physical damage. The sacs nourish themselves with the victim's life force, inflicting 35183-62458 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 5 Sec. Upon expiration, the sacs erupt in an Infested Gloomburst.
    • Inv cosmicvoid debuff.png Infested Gloomburst — Gloom Hatchlings burst from the infested victim, inflicting 140732-249830 Shadow damage to all players within 10 yards
  • Ability physical taunt purple.png Gorge Tank Alert — Ansurek tears ravenously into her current target for 2.5 Sec, inflicting 56293-99932 Physical damage with each strike and increasing Physical damage taken by $443342s2% for 15 Sec. This effect stacks. Additionally, these strikes cause Gloom Splash and inflict 35% of their Physical damage as Shadow damage to all players.
  • Inv misc questionmark.png Web Assault — Web strands pull dense masses of webbing towards the location of players, inflicting 70366-124915 Nature damage to players struck and slowing them by 95% for 3 Sec.
  • Inv sulfurelemental void.png Dreadful Presence Healer Alert — Ansurek radiates dreadful energy, inflicting 14073-24983 Shadow damage every 3 sec to all players. This damage permanently increases by 10~1% whenever Abyssal Conduits open. Her cosmic energy overloads at 4 applications, causing all Gloom to rapidly expand and increasing her damage done by an additional 200%. She recasts Frothing Gluttony indefinitely while in this state.

Patch changes

External links

Boss Raid final bosses

WoW Icon update.png
Bc icon.gif

Bosses in grey were redesigned in a later expansion or removed from the game.

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