Void elf
- ️Mon Jan 21 2019
- This article is about the void elf lore. For the playable race, see Void elf (playable).
Void elves | |
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Faction/Affiliation | Alliance, SI:7, 7th Legion, Riftrunners, Riftwalkers, Ebon Blade, Blacktalon, Timewalkers, Black Empire,[1] Independent |
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Racial capital |
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Homeworld | Azeroth |
Language(s) | Thalassian, Common, Orcish |
“Remember, control demands sacrifice. Power never comes without a price. You risk losing those closest to you in order to save them. This is the bargain we have made.”
Void elves (or ren'dorei, "children of the Void" in Thalassian)[4] are a race of Void-infused elves affiliated with the Alliance. Their origins lie with a group of blood elves following Magister Umbric who were exiled from Silvermoon City because of their research into the Void. They were transformed by void ethereals but rescued by Alleria Windrunner, who had gained mastery of the Void herself on Argus and taught them how to control their dark powers. Permanently transformed by the process, they pledged their loyalty to the Alliance and to her as their new leader.[5]
The void elves seek to utilize their great but dangerous powers for the sake of defending Azeroth as weapons of the Alliance,[6] and to prove those who doubt or judge their abilities wrong, all the while resisting the Void's call to madness.[4] They do not stand with the Alliance out of convenience, nor as a mere gesture of thanks to Alleria, but because they believe in its values. In fact, Magister Umbric and his followers never felt loyalty to the Horde, but only to the kingdom of Quel'Thalas and its people. Since their ordeal taught them the importance of great powers being in the right hands, they do not trust the Horde to possess their knowledge and abilities, and now hope to bring Silvermoon back into the Alliance.[7]
They are based in the Telogrus Rift, the fragmented remains of an ancient Void-infested world,[8] where they learn to control their powers and to protect themselves from the madness of the Void. Their racial mounts, the shadow-infused striders, embody their commitment to harness the power of the Void in the name of the Alliance.[9]
The Riftwalkers are an order of void elves tasked with investigating all Void activity that appears on Azeroth, and are determined to save the world with that very power.[10]
The void elves are tied to the experiences of two Thalassian elves who came into contact with the Void, and whose convergence, kinship, and shared ideals would lead to the birth of the ren'dorei.
Many have sought to harness the corruptive magic of the Void. Most who tried have fallen into madness. Determined to use this power for the good of Azeroth, Alleria Windrunner is the first mortal to succeed at defying the shadow's whispers. Coming to the aid of a group of her kin who nearly gave in to the darkness, Alleria has vowed to train these void elves to control the shadows within them and pledge their newfound powers to the Alliance.[11] Void elves constantly hear voices from the Void that seek to corrupt them, something they have learned to fight against and keep control over. They are determined to master their newfound powers and resist the whispers eager to lure them into madness. This assault is relentless and the discipline needed to resist them is extraordinary,[12] as the voices say many things, from lies, to things that are true from a certain point of view, things that sound true, and things that one would wish were true.[13]
A Thousand Years of War
This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.
While sojourning with the Army of the Light, Alleria Windrunner was attacked and infected with the Void on a Burning Legion prison world that had been deeply saturated by its energies. As she grew fascinated by the void, she eventually learned of a mysterious ethereal named Locus-Walker, a peerless master of void energies and a ruthless enemy of the Legion. When she desired to meet him to learn and wield the shadow against the Legion, the naaru prime Xe'ra strictly forbade her to do so. Alleria acquiesced to Xe'ra's wishes but did not abandon her belief that the void, while built on chaos, could be a force utilized for good. Eventually, Alleria used the void in a confrontation with demons, then escaped through a shadowy rift after promising Turalyon that she would never be his enemy.
On the world of Niskara, Alleria was taken prisoner alongside Locus-Walker. She later used her newly acquired powers to fight off their demonic assailants, and together they escaped to a plane of pure shadow, the Void itself. Here, Locus Walker taught Alleria much of the void, its workings, and its place in the universe. He emphasized the importance of control and sanity when wielding the void's power, and spoke at length of the duality of Light and Shadow. He explained how the shadow sees the Light as nothing but horrors, just as the Light sees the shadow, and how neither is true nor wrong. How the Light seeks one path and shuns all others as lies, while the Void seeks every possible path and sees them all as truth. However, Alleria left her training incomplete after learning that Turalyon was in grave danger, and departed the shadowy realm after a brief battle with her teacher, who told Alleria that they would meet again. Reuniting with Turalyon, Alleria used her newfound control of the void to drive off his attackers and save his life, but even his plea for mercy could not stay Xe'ra's judgment: for refusing to renounce the void, Alleria would be imprisoned by the Army of the Light.[14]
This section concerns content related to Legion.
When the Xenedar was shot down, Alleria was set free. During the battles across Argus, Alleria became aware of the existence of the darkened naaru L'ura, whose fallen state was attracting the attention of void-corrupted ethereals.[15] Later Alleria met her teacher once again, who had come to see what the Shadowguard were doing at the Seat of the Triumvirate.[16] So long as Alleria remained in control of herself and her mind, the shadow would be her ally,[17] and thus Locus Walker offered his apprentice the heart of the slain void revenant Nhal'athoth to consume.[18] Within the Seat of the Triumvirate, Alleria confronted L'ura herself. Locus Walker encouraged Alleria to use the power of the void rifts the darkened naaru was opening, and Alleria absorbed L'ura's essence completely, turning her to a void state. Although the process changed her, giving her access to a void form, Alleria maintained that she was still in control, the same person she had always been, but now something more.[19] Alleria's transformation and link to the void would soon be known to her people back on Azeroth as she became the first void elf.
Exile from Silvermoon
On Azeroth, Magister Umbric was determined that the sin'dorei would never fall prey to their enemies again. Convinced that the void was essential to the defense of Silvermoon, Umbric and his followers delved into it against the wishes of Grand Magister Rommath. Eventually, Rommath had them banished, reasoning that any who treat with the void pose a danger to the Sunwell, and Umbric led his followers south to the Ghostlands to pursue their research. He made a breakthrough after discovering notes left by Dar'Khan Drathir, one of Quel'Thalas' most vile traitors, who had sought the power of the void long before selling his people to Arthas Menethil. While Drathir eventually abandoned his research after a failed attempt to reach a void-infused rift world supposedly containing an item of great power, Umbric — who only now conceded that Rommath may have been right to oppose this course of study — was able to build upon Drathir's findings and open the way to the rift.
With his followers, Umbric traveled to the void world now known as Telogrus Rift, which had been destroyed long ago by a being of great power (possibly Sargeras himself). But the fragmented world endured, heavily bathed in the void's energies. Umbric, at last, had found what he was looking for: an ancient and powerful cube that could grant its masters control over shadows.[20]
Returning to Azeroth, Alleria was called upon by King Anduin Wrynn to seek out new allies for the Alliance.[21] Determined to see Silvermoon stand again on the Alliance's side, and certain that her people would shrug off the Horde if given the choice, Alleria traveled to Silvermoon City to meet with Regent-Lord Lor'themar Theron. She presented Theron with an offer from Anduin, but Lor'themar was unreceptive to it. Seeing her offer had been "anticipated and spurned," accepted his answer and prepared to depart, but made a final request — that she be permitted to visit the Sunwell again; as it had been a thousand years, from her perspective, since she had seen it last. Grand Magister Rommath immediately objected, suspicious of Alleria's intentions, but Lor'themar overruled him, stating that no matter what she'd become, Alleria was still a daughter of Quel'Thalas and he would not deny her a pilgrimage to their people's most sacred site.
Alleria accompanied the blood elf leaders, as well as the concurrently visiting nightborne leaders, and discovered that its energies had been changed: the Sunwell was no longer a source of pure arcane energy, but also holy Light. However, when she stepped closer to its waters, the plateau erupted into void corruption by Alleria's presence. An unseen presence loomed behind the curtain, apparently using the void within Alleria as a "vessel" to corrupt the Sunwell, and unleashed a void horror upon it. Combining her powers with Rommath and Thalyssra, Alleria succeeded in closing the void rift before disaster could strike, but from the blood elves' perspective it had already happened. Rommath ordered Alleria arrested as a saboteur, but Lor'themar interceded, instead banishing Alleria back to Stormwind on the grounds that her very presence poses a danger to Quel'Thalas.[22]
Alleria returned to Stormwind to report the poor outcome of her negotiations, but an earlier comment made by Rommath, suggesting that like Alleria, other blood elves had been exiled for dabbling in the void, gave her another quest to pursue.[21]
Birth of the ren'dorei
Alleria later ventured to the Ghostlands and sought out the traces that Umbric and his group had left behind. With each piece Alleria put together, she gained a better understanding and empathy for these elves, exiled and shunned for delving into the void, as she had been. Further, Alleria worried about where this research into such a strange and unknowable object might take them. Alleria followed the trail to Dawnstar Spire and opened her own portal to Telogrus, where she finally met Umbric.[20]
She had arrived just in time for the ritual to unlock the cube. Umbric's followers had dispersed around Telogrus and were intent on uncovering its secrets. Umbric himself was honored to make Alleria's acquaintance and had learned much of her ordeal on Argus and the shadows she'd consumed. But while Silvermoon's leaders looked upon this occurrence with suspicion and mistrust, seeing only a potential threat to Quel'Thalas, Umbric was of a mind with Alleria and firmly believed that the void could be controlled and made a force for good. Alleria accompanied Umbric to the site of the cube and cautioned him to be wary as he began the ritual to unlock its power.
At that moment, the cube opened with an explosion, allowing Nether-Prince Durzaan — the corrupt ethereal who had stalked Alleria and made an attempt to claim the Sunwell — to surge into Telogrus. Durzaan immediately began a spell to capture and corrupt Umbric and his followers, binding them in an attempt to transform the elves into creatures of the void. Displaying her fortitude, neither Durzaan's power nor his offers to share it were enough to sway Alleria's resolve, as she made clear to Umbric that the whispers were not to be trusted. Alleria succeeded in killing Durzaan, and while their minds and souls were still their own, the sin'dorei had been transformed by the ritual: now, having consumed the void as Alleria had, they had achieved new powers as well as a dangerous susceptibility to its whispers. Alleria immediately offered her aid, wanting to help her transformed kin understand and control their new forms and powers; and Umbric, apologizing for his arrogance, happily accepted. Since Umbric felt that Silvermoon had turned its back on him and his people long ago, the void elves swore their allegiance to Alleria and as allies of the Alliance.[5]
Alleria and Umbric became the first to embrace a new identity: the void elves, ren'dorei in their native tongue — children of the void.[4]
Rejoining the Alliance
Under Alleria's guidance, as well as the tutelage and instruction of her own teacher, Locus-Walker, the void elves made strides in mastering their nature and claimed Telogrus as their base of operations. Although they were not recruiting necessarily, they were open to those who share similar interests and their research had even attracted other Thalassian elves to Telogrus, such as blood elf Silvermoon scholars and high elf wayfarers curious to learn more about the Void from their transformed kin. They were also trying to find out if they could reproduce the original process that transformed the void elves.[23]
Aspiring void elf adventurers were later sent to Stormwind City from Telogrus, where the ren'dorei have established a presence in the Stormwind Embassy area, with void elves serving as innkeepers and profession trainers. Upon their arrival, Ambassador Moorgard welcomed them, but then warned that it was better for them to keep control their shadow powers, as not everyone in Stormwind was as enlightened as him. The void elf emissary Keira Onyxraven later testified that she did not receive a very warm welcome too, but that most folk were polite enough.[24] The void elf adventurers later met High King Anduin Wrynn, who assured them that while the path they walk may be trying, they will never face the darkness alone, for the Alliance stood with them.[4]
Consequently, Riftwarden Acolytes and Ghostblade Scouts could be seen throughout the capital, with one seen walking with a High Elf Sorceress in the Mage Quarter. In the Wizard's Sanctum, some became Apprentice Mages trained by the high elf Elsharin. However, they were not welcomed at the Cathedral of Light, where the clergy invited them to leave as their presence was not considered appropriate.[25][26]
After they achieved mastery over the forces that constantly seek to control them, becoming formidable weapons of the Alliance, Alleria rewarded experienced void elf adventurers with the ren'dorei-themed heritage armors to honor their accomplishments. As many doubted that the ren'dorei could harness the power of the void without falling prey to its influence, she thanked the heroes who have proven them wrong.[27]
Battle for Azeroth
This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.
During the Battle for Lordaeron, Alleria and her followers intervened at a crucial moment, saving the lives of High King Anduin Wrynn and his allies after opening a Void portal through which Gelbin Mekkatorque and his Spider Tanks, Ren'dorei Rangers and Alliance Mages appeared as reinforcements for Anduin's weakened forces, helping to momentarily turn the tide of battle in the Alliance's favor. Lor'themar Theron, upon noticing their arrival, asserted that they were "traitors" who had to be dealt with.[28]
At some point, Instructor Duskwalker was sent to scout the Ruins of Theramore to assess its viability as a base, until he was interrupted by Horde champions.[29]
During the 7th Legion's invasion of Zandalar, a regiment of void elves led by Magister Umbric - seeing the opportunity to prove their capabilities and their loyalty to the Alliance - would attack the Bilgewater Cartel's mining operations in Zandalar in an attempt to find and capture Jastor Gallywix, cooperated with the Dark Iron dwarves, sending their rogues, priests, and hunters to assist them at Xibala.[30] They used their newfound powers to ambush the Cartel's goblins by sending void elven troops through the rift, as well as throwing the cartel's frackers into the endless Void.[31]
Although their mission ended in failure, the void elves managed to uncover Gallywix's decoy and send the trade prince on the run, impressing Halford Wyrmbane, the 7th Legion's Commander.[6]
Tides of Vengeance
As members of the SI:7, several void elf scouts participated in the Faction Assault on Vol'dun, only to be targeted and slain by Horde adventurers sent by Rokhan.[32] The void elves also sent some of their magi alongside those of the other Alliance races to assist in the defense of Stormsong Valley and Tiragarde Sound, in one instance being part of a group of magi helping to invoke Tempestion.[33][34][35]
In Arathi Basin, the void elves Faedra the Sniper, Falania Nightsoul, Mastus Snowspray, and Savia "Anguish" Anguossa fought against Horde soldiers during the Brawl: Comp Stomp.
The void elves played a major supporting role in the Alliance War Campaign culminating in the Battle of Dazar'alor, with Magister Umbric personally working with Jaina Proudmoore to open a portal into the Halls of Opulence in Zuldazar, where Alliance agents successfully reclaimed the [Abyssal Scepter].[36] Umbric and his Void Shapers also used their powers to raise Great Xonac into undeath at Seekers' Expedition in Zuldazar, sending him rampaging against Horde forces in the Zandalari capital.[37] Gonk in turn had Horde agents assassinate the void elves raising the creatures, calling them "elven puppets of the Void".[38] The void elves sent an entire battalion of trained mages to assist in the Alliance diversion and decoy mission alongside the other members of the 7th Legion, where most of the ren'dorei's forces were wiped out by Horde adventurers, but in turn helping contribute to the Alliance victory.[39][40]
After the death of King Rastakhan, some of the void elf guardsmen and arcanists of the 7th Legion joined the Alliance navy in their pursuit of the remaining Horde ships, and were subsequently found in both Mezzamere and the Eternal Palace. Several void elf priests were targeted and slain by Horde agents at the Western Spray on Mechagon Island.[41]
Visions of N'Zoth
During the Black Empire Campaign, some void elves were corrupted by the Old God N'Zoth and became Sleepless Voidseekers under his control. Some were sent with X'korr the Compelling in the Karazhan Catacombs, where they pursued the black dragon Wrathion, now a target of the Black Empire for his researches into a way to defeat the Old Gods.[42]
Some corrupted void elves including Magister Umbric and several Fallen Riftwalkers were also seen in the Vision of Stormwind supporting Alleria Windrunner.
After the Fourth War, some void elves who perished during the conflict were later raised as death knights by Bolvar Fordragon and sent to Stormwind to fight for the Alliance once again.[43]
Shadows Rising
This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.
During the mission to hunt down and capture Sylvanas Windrunner, Alleria and Turalyon were assisted by Celosel Nightgiver who reported on the position of Horde refugees, who could have hidden the dark ranger Visrynn among them.[44] A handful of void elves were later present at Faldir's Cove, solemnly watching over a smuggler's family while he was interrogated about the dark ranger.[45]
This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.
With the return of the Dragon Isles, some void elves including Nethandril Duskthorn and Spelunker Lockeye joined the Dragonscale Expedition, working with their former kin once again. A few void elves have also joined the forces of the dragonflights. Ramaniel joined the ranks of the Timewalkers in order to help the bronze dragonflight in their charge of protecting the timeways.[46] While Talonstalker Kavia joined the Blacktalon to aid Wrathion claim the title of Earth-Warder.[47]
By the time Amirdrassil bloomed on Azeroth, the void elves made progress in their research, allowing them to welcome new members into their ranks,[48] such as Voidlight Everdawn who mentioned being only at the beginning of her journey with the shadows. They also settled further into Telogrus Rift, setting up more tents and equipment to accommodate more void elves, and freeing access to Cosmic Horizon and Equinox Reach. They later opened void portals to Stormwind City and Dalaran.
After Iridikron gave the Dark Heart to a being known as the Harbinger, Khadgar tasked Alleria Windrunner and an adventurer with hunting them down.[49] Due to the situation involving the Void, Alleria suggested consulting the void elves and opened a portal to Telogrus Rift,[50] where Magister Umbric recently deployed his Riftwalkers to investigate reports of increased void activity across Azeroth. After hearing their reports, Umbric noted Riftwalker Nilara had yet to return from her mission in Northrend.[51] Alleria and the adventurer eventually found her at the gates of Ulduar, corrupted by the Harbinger, and were forced to kill her.[52] As they followed the voice of the Harbinger through a portal to Eredath, they observed pivotal memories of Alleria's history, notably a twisted memory of Turalyon arguing over her use of the void.[53] The memory then escaped through a portal to Telogrus Rift and launched an assault against the void elves.[54] Once they repelled the assault from the Shadowguard void ethereals, they confronted the vision of Turalyon until Locus-Walker intervened and destroyed it. After he revealed that the Harbinger was Xal'atath and ordered her to leave Telogrus,[55] Locus-Walker informed Alleria that the radiant visions people have been experiencing across Azeroth were the same ones the ethereals had before Dimensius consumed K'aresh and told her that she must master her unique nature if she wished to save Azeroth from the void. Alleria continued her hunt for Xal'atath but decided to distance herself from the void elves, believing they'd be in danger so long as she remained. Magister Umbric told his Riftwalkers that their orders had not changed and they were to continue to investigate unusual void phenomena across Azeroth. Some were concerned that Alleria was leaving them, but Umbric reassured them that she would return to them in time and to seek Locus-Walker for guidance for now.[56]
The War Within
This section concerns content related to The War Within.
Following the destruction of Dalaran by Xal'atath with the Dark Heart, Magister Umbric and his Ren'dorei Voidguards were seen fighting against the nerubians of Azj-Kahet in Tranquil Strand, on the Isle of Dorn. Ten days later, Umbric was amongst the Alliance leaders who answered Jaina Proudmoore and Thrall's joint meeting in Boralus, where they helped organize the strike force that they could take to Khaz Algar.[57]
Rift Voidsingers were later seen amongst the forces that arrived to aid the Arathi when the nerubians launched an all-out assault on Hallowfall.[58]
Appearance and characteristics
“The voices never stop. They push, they bully, they plead. They will not relent, not even for a moment. But you are stronger than the voices. You can glean their secrets and draw upon their strength.”
Void elves have extremely pale skin, blue eyes, and hair with varying shades of purple and blue - sometimes with tentacle-shaped dreadlocks. On occasion, they can fully embrace the void in combat, shrouding their entire bodies in purple shadow magic. Since their transformation, their blood became purple while their voice now rings with a dark echo. However, even if they have been changed by the shadows, their hearts and minds remained their own.[5] Once transformed, it took them time to get used to their new forms,[5] Aevedos notably testified that his usual dexterity felt impeded for a while.[59]
By the time of Dragonflight, some void elves were seen with their original appearance, their skin having not changed to purple,[60] although their voice still took on a dark echo. Among them, Ennas retained his blood elf green eyes, while those of Lyria Skystrider took on the same shade as those of the void elves.
Since the shadow energies transformed them and opened their minds to the madness of the Void, the void elves constantly hear whispers that seek to corrupt them, something they have learned to fight against and keep control over. This assault is relentless and the discipline needed to resist them is extraordinary,[13] as the Void seeks to strip away the void elves of their flesh and their mortality, so that they may become slaves to the shadow's all-consuming hunger.[5] According to Instructor Duskwalker, the void elves must remain in control of their thoughts as the Void cannot sway that which is immutable, as well as their emotions, which are a weakness that the whispers will use against them.[61] Furthermore, so long as the void elves pulse with Void energy, they also become a beacon for other creatures of the void. If they cannot corrupt the void elves, they will use them to corrupt other powerful sources, such as the Sunwell.[22]
As the Light and the Shadow cannot exist together, Alleria cannot have physical contact with Turalyon (who has been reforged in the light of Xe'ra) when she uses her powers or void form, for the slightest touch causes them both a pain like that of a burn.[62][44] However, contact is possible when she is not using her powers.[63][44] It is unknown, but most likely, if the void elves are also subject to this phenomenon since their bodies have been corrupted and mutated by the Void. Brother Joshua was able to sense the shadows within them, though it was diminished in the presence of the Light.[64]
In Telogrus Rift, the void elves have been training to master their abilities, as without Alleria Windrunner's guidance they would have fallen into madness. Even after she helped them quiet their minds and dampen the whispers, it remains a constant struggle.[7] Once they have learned basic control, they can only attain mastery through practical application, notably by learning how to banish void creatures to their plane.[61] Among the powers they gained after their transformation, they learned how to open rifts in space and time to teleport on short distances, and to conjure void portals to teleport on long distances.[44] They can also empower themselves with the power of the Void to improve their skills,[65] are more resistant to shadow magic, and cannot be slowed down during their incantations thanks to their tremendous self-control.
As the Void can see all alternatives,[66] it may show them a winding road of infinite possibilities.[4] Some void elves therefore refer to visions and prophecies they have seen or heard through the whispers.[67][68] However, the voices say many things, from lies, to things that are true from a certain point of view, things that sound true, and things that one would wish were true.[13]
Notes and trivia
- The void elves are the only faction to have switched factions twice.
- Their rangers succeeded in taming the voidstalkers of Telogrus Rift, turning them into pets.
- In general, animals don't seem to be afraid of the void elves, as Nicanor Ward could be seen playing with his dogs.
- Umbric's Void Warlocks became Rift Wardens after their transformation, and the Void Mages became Locus Researchers.
- They produce drinks such as
[Bottle of Voidwine] and
[Distilled Voidblend], which are described as "tasting of nothing and everything" and "always cold".
- Shadeweaver Zarra is the only known Alliance-affiliated void elf whose sanity has weakened to the point of listening to the whispers without joining the Black Empire.
- Aeonara Dawnshade is the first example of a void elf paladin. Her title, Wielder of the Eclipse, signifies her usage of both the void and the light.
- The void elf racial crest and banner resemble an inversion of the blood elves' Icon of Blood with the same avian imagery and overall shape of the crest.
- Purple and dark blue feature heavily in void elf iconography. Their tabard and heritage armor features purple as a predominant color, while multiple void elf doodads and items such as the void elf flag and the racial crest are in dark blue, although they were purple in pre-release art.[70]
- When Umbric's group was exiled is unclear. Rommath's given reason for exiling them was that their research posed a threat to the restored Sunwell, which suggests it had to be after The Burning Crusade's epilogue.
- The idea of blood elves dabbling with the Void is an old one, as High Astromancer Solarian could already turn into a voidwalker in The Burning Crusade.
- Alleria differs significantly from the void elf playable race by being able to switch forms between a normal-looking high elf and a darkened void elf version at will.
- On the other hand, before Shadowlands void elves had a purplish/bluish appearance as their baseline, although they can further darken with the random proc
[Entropic Embrace] racial ability.
- On the other hand, before Shadowlands void elves had a purplish/bluish appearance as their baseline, although they can further darken with the random proc
- The Darkfallen appearance is accessible as a playable option in the form of a skintone for the void elf, night elf, and blood elf races upon completion of the
[Return to Lordaeron] achievement.
- In patch 10.2.7, Verana became the first example of a Darkfallen void elf character.
- Void elves are Thalassian elves who have embraced the void. For general Thalassian elf culture, see high elf#Culture and blood elf#Culture.
- Void elves speak with the Received Pronunciation English accent.
- Various voice-lines and the names for their hairstyles in character customization gesture to Emo subculture.
- World of Warcraft
- Art
- Fan art
See also
- ^ Crysta and Sleepless Voidseeker
- ^ Aeonara Dawnshade
- ^ a b Alleria Windrunner#Gossip
- ^ a b c d e
[10] For the Alliance
- ^ a b c d e f
[40-80] Telogrus Rift - "We will follow where you lead."
[60] Our Next Target - "My void elf forces can lead the effort to eliminate Gallywix."
- ^ a b c
[60] The Void Elves Stand Ready
- ^ a b Magister Umbric#Quotes
- ^ Locus-Walker's quotes
- ^ Starcursed Voidstrider#Mount Journal
- ^ Riftwalker Orlis#Quotes
- ^ Battle for Azeroth features - Allied races
- ^ Steve Danuser on Twitter: "This video picks up a point a lot of readers missed. While we only show the Void whispers in a few specific panels, that is what Alleria hears in her head. All. The. Time. The void elves face a similar relentless assault. The discipline needed to resist them is extraordinary."
- ^ a b c Steve Danuser on Twitter: "With Void stuff, I picture it like a chorus of voices all saying 1000 things at once, many of which either are true (from a certain PoV) or sound true or that you secretly wish were true. Playing on every doubt and desire. It's not the lies that test you, but the near truths."
- ^ A Thousand Years of War
- ^
[45] The Seat of the Triumvirate
- ^
[45] The Shadowguard Incursion
- ^
[45] A Beacon in the Dark
- ^
[45] A Vessel Made Ready
- ^ L'ura#Quotes
- ^ a b
[40-80] The Ghostlands
- ^ a b
[45] The Call for Allies
- ^ a b
[40-80] Remember the Sunwell
- ^ Cass Marshall 2019-01-21. The original Allied Races still have a part to play in World of Warcraft's story. Retrieved on 2019-05-06.
- ^
[10] Stranger in a Strange Land
- ^ Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker says: This place is not meant for you.
- ^ Brother Sarno says: I mean no disrespect, but... I'm just not entirely sure the cathedral is the most... appropriate place for... for... For someone who indulges such... unique proclivities.
- ^
[50] Heritage of the Void
- ^
[10-50] The Battle for Lordaeron
- ^
Lingering in Theramore
- ^
[60] Bilgewater Bonanza Go Boom
- ^
[60] The Void Solution
- ^
[10-50WQ] The Hills Have Spies
- ^ Alliance Mage (Stormsong Valley)
- ^ Alliance Mage (Tiragarde Sound)
- ^ 7th Legion Flamecaster
- ^
[60] The Treasury Heist
- ^
[10-50] Ritual Rampage
- ^
[10-50WQ] Wrath of the Ravasaur
- ^
[60] The March to Nazmir
- ^
[60] Zandalari Justice
- ^
[10-60 Daily] Off-the-Books Brawlin'
- ^
[50] On the Trail of the Black Prince
- ^
[10] Defender of Azeroth
- ^ a b c d Shadows Rising, chapter 9
- ^ Shadows Rising, chapter 11
- ^ Temporal Defender & Timewalker Warden
- ^
[10-70] Blacktalon Intel
- ^ Voidlight Everdawn, Ennas, Lyria Skystrider and Verana
- ^
[70] The Harbinger
- ^
[70] Door to the Ren'dorei
- ^
[70] Riftwalker Reports
- ^
[70] Dark Descension
- ^
[70] The Path Taken
- ^
[70] And Be One Traveler, Long I Stood
- ^
[70] Null and Void
- ^
[70] Radiant Warnings
- ^ Heartlands, Chapter 1: Summit at Boralus
- ^
[80] The Might of Khaz Algar
- ^ Aevedos#Quotes
- ^ Voidlight Everdawn and the Rift Wardens
- ^ a b Instructor Duskwalker#Quotes
- ^ A Thousand Years of War, Part Two: The Emerald Star
- ^ Windrunner: Three Sisters
- ^ Brother Joshua#Quotes
- ^ 2017-11-16, BlizzCon 2017 World of Warcraft Q&A Panel Transcript. Blizzplanet, retrieved on 2017-11-19
- ^ Ramaniel#Quotes
- ^ Voidmaster Evenshade#Quotes
- ^ Leana Darkwind#Quotes
- ^
[60] The Void Elves Stand Ready - "As a representative for the void elves..."
- ^ #Gallery
- ^
[10-30] An Ambitious Plan
Ancient guardian |
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Troll/Elf |
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Other |
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This is a sub-template of Sapient Species |