
Return To Myralion Sunblaze

  • ️Tue Dec 08 2009

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HordeReturn To Myralion Sunblaze
Start Magister Hathorel
End Myralion Sunblaze
Level 25-30
Category Icecrown
Rewards 3g 70s
Previous H [25-30] An Audience With The Arcanist
Next H [25-30D] Reforging The Sword

This quest is part of the Return of Quel'Delar quest chain.


Bring Ancient Dragonforged Blades to Myralion Sunblaze at Quel'Delar's Rest.


We must get this book to Myralion Sunblade[sic]. Would you bring it to him? I cannot rely on anyone else to transport the book and you have proven adept at evading the Silver Covenant's men.

Take it with you to Quel'Delar's Rest, south of the Argent Tournament Grounds in Icecrown. Myralion will be waiting for you. If he can identify that blade, we may be able to claim it in the name of Aethas Sunreaver and show Dalaran and the Alliance that we will lead the charge against the Lich King.


You will receive: 3g 70s


We've been expecting your return. What has kept you?


<Myralion accepts the heavy book and begins leafing through it.>

Those symbols on the blade seemed familiar and now there's little wonder why. This is certainly a dragon blade, gifted to one of the mortal races, but which blade is this, and how did it come to rest in Icecrown?


On completion:

Myralion Sunblaze says: The style of this blade and its markings hinted that it might be a dragonforged sword. At last, we will have our answer.
Myralion Sunblaze says: After all these years, can it really be --
Lana'thel appears out of nowhere walking up to Quel'Delar from the southwest. The four sentinels and war mages rush to the sword.
Silver Covenant Sentinel says: You are not welcome here, minion of the Lich King!
Blood-Queen Lana'thel says: Quel'Delar.
Lana'thel freezes the war mages and sentinels surrounding the sword.
Blood-Queen Lana'thel says: Quiet, fools. If I had wished to kill you, you'd already be dead.
While Lana'thel speaks, images of what she talks about appear just north of the blade.
Blood-Queen Lana'thel says: As Quel'Serrar was forged by the dragons and given to the kaldorei, its twin, Quel'Delar, was given to my people.
Blood-Queen Lana'thel says: The king bestowed the blade upon my friend, Thalorien Dawnseeker.
Blood-Queen Lana'thel says: But even Thalorien's skill and Quel'Delar's magic could not save Silvermoon from the might of the Scourge.
Blood-Queen Lana'thel says: Thalorien fell before the gates of the Sunwell, buying time for others to escape.
Lana'thel walks north and kneels down to inspect the image of Thalorien.
Blood-Queen Lana'thel says: After the battle, I recovered the sword from the field. I bore it to Northrend in the service of my prince, seeking to avenge our people's defeat.
Blood-Queen Lana'thel says: Arthas shattered our forces and took the most powerful of us into his service as the San'layn.
Blood-Queen Lana'thel says: My memories of Thalorien went cold and so did his blade.
Blood-Queen Lana'thel says: It was I who brought Quel'Delar here, to return it to its makers. In breaking the weapon, so did I break its power.
Blood-Queen Lana'thel says: Quel'Delar will never serve another!
The freeze fades and Lana'thel appears to cast some spell on Quel'Delar, disappearing once again.
Myralion Sunblaze says: It falls to us to see Quel'Delar restored for the Sunreavers.



  1. B [25-30] The Battered Hilt
  2. B [25-30] What The Dragons Know
  3. A [25-30] The Sunreaver Plan / H [25-30] The Silver Covenant's Scheme
  4. B [25-30] A Suitable Disguise
  5. A [25-30] A Meeting With The Magister / H [25-30] An Audience With The Arcanist
  6. A [25-30] Return To Caladis Brightspear / H [25-30] Return To Myralion Sunblaze
  7. B [25-30D] Reforging The Sword
  8. B [25-30D] Tempering The Blade
  9. B [25-30D] The Halls Of Reflection
  10. B [25-30] Journey To The Sunwell
  11. B [25-30] Thalorien Dawnseeker
  12. B [25-30] The Purification of Quel'Delar
  13. One of:

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