

  • ️Tue Jul 17 2018
For the tablet, see Rezan (object).
Image of Rezan
Title Loa of Kings and Queens,
Loa of Kings,
King of Kings,[1]
God of the hunt[2]
Gender Male
Race Loa (Beast)
Level 10-60 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Zandalari Empire, Warpack
Location Sacrificial Pits, Atal'Dazar
Status Deceased[3]
Relative(s) Xibala (mother)[4]
Child of Rezan (offspring)

Rezan was a devilsaur loa revered by the Zandalari trolls, and the personal loa of the Kings. Throughout the ages, many kings have ruled over the Zandalari Empire. Each one, however, knew their place when it came to the great loa and offered their praise to the mightiest of all of them, Rezan. He honored deeds over words, but took slights very seriously and was known to harbor grudges.[5] Rezan was ultimately killed by the Prophet Zul, and his corpse was raised into undeath. In this form he is a boss in the Atal'Dazar dungeon, at the Sacrificial Pits.

Following his defeat, his soul was sent to the Maw as a result of the Arbiter's incapacitation. After enduring countless torments by the Mawsworn, Rezan would merge the glimmer of his essence to Vol'jin, who had sought to rescue him.[3]

Adventure Guide

Rezan, once a loa to the Zuldazar kings and queens, had his soul torn from his body during a ritual. Now, only a twisted husk remains, bent on devouring anyone who enters his hunting grounds.


Battle for Azeroth

BattleForAzeroth-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Known as the Loa of kings, Rezan was the symbol of leadership and strength for the Zandalari peoples since the earliest days of the empire.[6]

While escaping from Stormwind, Rezan lent his strength to Talanji so that she and her allies could escape from the Alliance capital.[7] As Talanji, Zul, and the Horde headed towards Zandalar, Talanji called on Rezan for guidance as she felt that her father might not agree with partnering with the Horde. In response, Rezan declared she was bold and powerful and used his powers to send her to Zuldazar before the advancing Alliance ships could overtake her.[8]

Rezan is first encountered when his follower, King Rastakhan, was near death after being betrayed by Zul. Despite all of his healers' attempts, Rastakhan was unable to be revived because his soul was in the grip of Bwonsamdi, loa of death. To get Rastakhan back, the Zandalari appealed to Rezan to confront Bwonsamdi and claim back Rastakhan's soul. He was successful, with the caveat that Bwonsamdi would be seeing him again in time.[9]

At Rezan's temple, Zul's followers sought to drain Rezan of his power in the same way the Drakkari once did to their loa. Rastakhan and an adventurer slew Vilnak'dor, the troll performing the ritual, and once he was freed Rezan unleashed his fury upon the Atal'zul and their Kao-Tien allies. Afterward, Rezan convinced Rastakhan to realize he had grown soft and Rastakhan swore to take Zul's head.[10]

When the time came to hunt Zul, Rezan was among the army that Rastakhan gathered and led the charge into Atal'Dazar atop Mount Mugamba. However, during the confrontation with Zul, Rezan was slain. Without his power keeping Bwonsamdi at bay, Rastakhan began aging fast.[11] Rezan's essence was used by Zul to revive Dazar, the first king of the Zandalari,[6] and his undead corpse walked the lower levels of Atal'Dazar until it was destroyed by a group of adventurers.


Shadowlands-Icon-Inline.png This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

With the machine of death broken, Rezan's soul traveled into the Maw. At an unknown point in time after his arrival, Rezan would be captured and tormented by the Mawsworn Exhaurbius. By the time Vol'jin and the Maw Walker arrived and killed Exhaurbius, Rezan was nearly lost. The dying Rezan then rejected Vol'jin's offer to save him and instead used the last of his strength to merge the last glimmer of his essence within the troll, while declaring that he was the one their people needed, not him. Vol'jin subsequently vowed to not waste his gift, and that Rezan would always be remembered.[3]




  • Be you predator, or prey?
  • You walk in my lands.
  • Have you come to bargain?
  • What is it, child of the Horde?
  • May you savor the flesh of your enemies.
  • Never cower before the weak.
  • Rain wounds upon your foes.


You speak to the loa of kings, god of the hunt.
What do you want, small one?


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Item Type
 [Tome of Hex: Skeletal Hatchling] Spell Cosmetic
Melee Fist Weapon
Leather Wrist
Mail Legs
Cloth Feet
Strength Trinket

Tales of the Loa

Rezan is de one
With de glory of de sun.
He stands strong, he stands tall,
He's de greatest of dem all!

He is mighty! He is bold!
As de legends surely told.
Strong of will and true of deed,
Rezan can always have de lead.

Kingly, sharp, and honor bound.
A more noble loa will not be found.
He is de sun, de morning star.
He is de pride of Zandalar.[12]


The Zandalari prelates are Zandalari trolls paladins, also known as prelates, that served Rezan as the highest order of holy warriors to serve any loa. After Rezan's death, the prelates were cut off from his power except for a handful of his followers.[13] However, even with the Loa of Kings gone, his ideals remained. The prelates chose to lead those who are lost, and through their faith for the loa, to stand as a beacon of light against the darkness.[14]

Notes and trivia

  • Rezan blessed the  [Gilded Ravasaur] mount.[15]
  • He gives life to his faithful,[9] implying he may extend the lifespan of his followers like he did with King Rastakhan.
  • Princess Talanji was a priestess of Rezan.[16]
  • Rezan was unknown to Rokhan, implying he is unknown to the Darkspear tribe at large since Rokhan was a shadow hunter of the tribe.[17]
  • Rezan is voiced by Richard Pepple.
  • While not directly stated, the fact Rezan declared Vol'jin the future of their people, may suggest that Rezan could have been the "hand of valor" that saved Vol'jin's spirit.

Patch changes

See also


External links


Eternal Ones
Void lords
Old Gods
Elemental Lords
Wild Gods
August Celestials
Ancient Guardians
Loa and troll deities
Drakkari's gods
Bloodscalp's spirits
Farraki's deity
Tauren gods
Tuskarr gods
Other /
Unknown /
Arakkoa gods
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