
Rockslice Ripper

  • ️Tue Jan 16 2018
MobRockslice Ripper
Image of Rockslice Ripper
Race Rock flayer (Beast)
Level 30-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Rockslice flayers
Location Quartzite Basin, Deepholm
Status Killable

Rockslice Flayers are rock flayers found around the Quartzite Basin in Deepholm.


  • Ability warrior charge.png Leaping Rush — Jumps at the target, inflicting 100% weapon damage.
  • Ability ghoulfrenzy.png Rip — Inflicts Physical damage to an enemy every 3 sec. for 15 sec.

Objective of

They drop  [Quartzite Resin] for N [30-35] Explosive Bonding Compound.

Patch changes

External links