

  • ️Tue Aug 29 2017
Image of Rotgrip
Race Crocolisk (Beast)
Level 10-30 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Zaetar's Grave, Maraudon
Status Killable
Pet family Crocolisk
The Wicked Grotto

Tinkerer Gizlock
Lord Vyletongue
Celebras the Cursed
Meshlok the Harvester (rare)


Foulspore Cavern



Earth Song Falls

Rotgrip (bonus)
Princess Theradras


Deep in the depths of Maraudon lurks a great white crocolisk of myth. – Year of Fear calendar

Rotgrip is a giant crocolisk boss that lives in the waters below Zaetar's Grave in Maraudon. Usually this mini-boss is done after Princess Theradras by jumping off the bridge that leads to her island.

Adventure Guide

Rumor has it that Rotgrip has dwelled in Maraudon's subterranean waters for millennia. The famed dwarven hunter Hemet Nesingwary once proclaimed that the beast could not be found, and a number of amateur trackers accepted the challenge of seeking out the legendary creature. None of them ever returned.


  • Ability backstab.png Fatal Bite — Rotgrip bites his current target, inflicting Physical damage and healing himself for twice the amount of damage dealt.
  • Ability backstab.png Puncture — Rotgrip punctures his current target, inflicting Physical damage every 2 seconds for 10 sec.


Patch changes

External links