The title sage is a term used by many races including the tauren, pandaren, arakkoa, mogu and others.
- The draenei Council of Exarchs, formed by Prophet Velen, is called a council of sages.[1] The wisest draenei sages wear a signet ring.[2]
- Arakkoa have sun-sages and shadow-sages, using respectively holy (solar) and shadow magic.
- Tidesages are Kul Tiran humans who revere the seas.
- Tortollans have scrollsages.
- Akama the Elder Sage
- Velen[3]
- Sulthis[4]
- Otonbu the Sage
- Sage Korolusk
- Sage Palerunner
- Sage Truthseeker
- Spirit Sage Gartok
- Spirit Sage Zran
- Dam'ren
- Elder Sage Rain-Zhu
- Elder Sage Snow-Ting
- Elder Sage Storm-Sing
- Elder Sage Tai-Feng
- Elder Sage Thunder-Lei
- Elder Sage Wind-Yi
- High Sage Viryx
- Runesage Floki
- Sage Aeire
- Sage Behofomat
- Sage Earth and Sky
- Sage Edan
- Sage Highmesa
- Sage Ja-Ro
- Sage Liao
- Sage Lotusbloom
- Sage Mistwalker
- Sage Paluna
- Sage Whiteheart
- Sagepaw
- Shadow-Sage Brakoss
- Shadow-Sage Iskar
- Spirit-Sage Gaoquan
- Sun-Sage Chakkis
- Sun-Sage Kairyx
- Sun-Sage Rathyx
In the RPG
This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.
Among jungle troll sages can be shadow hunters, witch doctors, priests, and some warriors.[5]
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This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore. |
There was a human paladin called Sage Truthbearer. "Sage" may have been his first name and not a title.