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The term sailor generically refers to those who sail the seas of Azeroth. They may operate under contracts when signing on with a new crew, as evidenced by the crew of the Wavestrider with a standard five-year contract.[1] Sailor and crewman are neutral terms, whereas pirate, also known as buccaneer or freebooter, are robbers who attack, seize, and destroy any ship at high seas.
The basic sailor (or crewman) performs all the basic duties that usually do not involve cooking or mechanical maintenance aboard a ship. The more skilled among them are usually called mates and navigators. The head cook is usually called the galley chief.[2] The engineer maintains machines and mechanisms. The captain acts as the leader of the ship and its crew. The second in command is usually called "first mate".[3] Often ships carry soldiers called marines who specialize in support of naval and army operations on land and at sea.
During the Burning Legion's third invasion, the Hatecoil naga have been capturing sailors off the coast of Azsuna on the Broken Isles, and forcing them to work for the sea giants of the coves.[4]
Common titles among crews are:[5]
- Ship's Captain
- First Mate
- Second Mate
- Third Mate
- Quartermaster
- Boatswain
- Helmsman
- Ship's Surgeon
- Ship's Cooper
- Ship's Carpenter
- Ship's Blacksmith
- Ship's Cook (or Galley Chef)
- Ship's Cook Assistant
- Lookout
- Deckhands (or deck hands)
- Cabin Boy
The average crew and ship can operate just fine with one person in each of these positions, excluding deckhands which require around twelve.[6]
- Other positions
- Navigator
- Cursed Sailor
- Kul Tiras Sailor
- Southsea Sailor
- Queen's Reprisal Sailor
- Volatile Sailor
- Drowned Gilnean Sailor
- Shipwrecked Sailor
- Crimson Dawn Sailor
- Goblin Sailor
- Alliance Sailor
- Alliance Sailor (Lost Isles)
- Alliance Sailor (Lunarfall)
- Tidebreaker Sailor
- North Fleet Sailor
- Sunreaver Sailor
- Forsaken Sailor
- 7th Fleet Sailor
- Injured Sailor
- Sailor Davies
- Tidebreaker Sailor
- Horde Sailor
- Silver Blade Sailor
- Blightcaller Sailor
- Stormwind Sailor
- Drowned Kul Tiras Sailor
- Skyseeker Sailor
- Wounded Alliance Sailor
- Impaled Kul Tiras Sailor
- Spectral Sailor
- Dead Orc Sailor
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