
Save Our Scouts!

  • ️Tue Mar 05 2013
HordeSave Our Scouts!
Start Magister Edien Sunhollow
End Automatic
Level 32-35
Type Daily
Category Isle of Thunder
Experience 236000
Reputation +150 Sunreaver Onslaught
Rewards 19g 84s 50c 2 Lesser Charm of Good Fortune
Repeatable Yes
Next H [32-35 Daily] Forge Ahead!


Rescue the three captured Sunreaver agents within the Lightning Vein Mine, and kill Metal Lord Mono-Han.


The heavy mogu presence in the mines let us know it was a place of great importance - but we needed to gather more information on their activities there, so we sent agents into the mines to spy on them. Unfortunately, many were captured, and we've found that some are being tortured in the mines. You have to go rescue them - nobody deserves what they are going through... And, when you finish, kill whoever captured them. No mercy, <name>!


You will receive:


Enter the Lightning Vein Mine at [49, 33] from the northwestern corner of the Beast Pens and look to the right to find Scout Elearis hanging from a statue. Get within 15 yards of him, and while not in combat, use the item with Reginald targeted. It's got roughly a 5-second channel. When the channel is complete, Reginald will be teleported out. Take the southernmost fork, on the right, and head east to find Merior hanging from a ceiling on the lower level. Repeat the process, then keep moving eastward to reach the main cave. Turn left, facing west, to find Alaine, hanging from the ceiling as well. Free him, then exit the mines at its easternmost entrance to reach the Thunder Forges.

Metal Lord Mono-Han is pathing up and down the path on the lower level. See his article for abilities and tactics. On Mono-Han's death, the quest completes automatically.



Stage 1: Securing a Beachhead

Three hubs (11 quests) plus one boss quest

Court of Bones
Ihgaluk Crag
Boss quests

Stage 2: Assaulting the Zandalari fortifications

Three hubs including Stage 1 areas (11 quests) plus one Stage 1 boss quest


Stage 3: Breaking into the Thunder Forges

Ten quests from Stage 1-2 areas (only seven required), then three quests from one hub in Stage 3, followed by a Stage 3 boss quest

Beast Pens
Conqueror's Terrace
Boss quests

Stage 4: Breaking into Stormsea Landing

Five quests from Stages 1/2 (+one Stage 1 boss), then three quests from one Stage 3 hub, then two Stage 4 quests

  1. H [32-35 Daily] Maximum Capacitor / H [32-35 Daily] Save Our Scouts!
  2. H [32-35 Daily] Forge Ahead!

Stage 5: The Final Gate

All quests listed in Stage 4, then one of:

PvP action

Seven quests, then H [32-35P Daily] High Recognition

Patch changes

External links