
Seeking Higher Ground

  • ️Tue Mar 12 2019

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AllianceSeeking Higher Ground
Start Kelsey Steelspark
End Kelsey Steelspark [52.13, 39.27]
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Alliance War Campaign
Experience 1,800
Rewards 2g 34s
Previous A [60] Lost in the Field & A [60] Reassembly Required
Next A [60] Listen Up!


Meet Kelsey Steelspark on the hill south of Warfang Hold.


We've only got one shot at reestablishing our communication network, so we've got to pick the right spot and I found just the right place!

While you've been busy down here, I set up some camouflage and hauled the bulk of the machinery up there.

What? Did you think I was just sitting here polishing my knives while you were gone?

Well, okay I did that too. Anyway, I'll meet you up the hill!


You will receive:

  • 2g 34s
  • 1,800 XP


Once we get the listening post set up again, we won't have the range to reach Boralus, but we'll have plenty of power to get in touch with Master Shaw!


Kelsey stealths.
Kelsey Steelspark says: I'll see you there, <name>.
She sneaks off.


  1. A [60] Spy Versus Spy
  2. A [60] The Gathering Storm
  3. A [60] Retaliation Coordination
  4. A [60] Lost in the Field & A [60] Reassembly Required
  5. A [60] Seeking Higher Ground
  6. A [60] Listen Up!
  7. A [60] Shaw's Shank Redemption
  8. A [60] A Gathering of Foes

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