
Sharth Voldoun

  • ️Tue Jan 09 2007

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MobSharth Voldoun
Image of Sharth Voldoun
Gender Male
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Class Paladin
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Firewing
Former affiliation(s) Blood Knights[1]
Location Firewing Point, Terokkar Forest
Status Deceased (lore)
Killable (WoW)

Sharth Voldoun is the Blood Knight leader of Kael'thas' forces at Firewing Point.


The Burning Crusade

Bc icon.gif This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

Sharth Voldoun mainly resides at the top of the tower over the courtyard. He holds  [The Final Code] to the mana bomb in the courtyard. He serves under Pathaleon the Calculator. Under Sharth's supervision, a small mana bomb was detonated at the Cenarion Thicket. A larger, more powerful bomb is currently being constructed at Firewing Point while Sharth receives instructions from Pathaleon.

As a Blood Knight, he is using a  [Blood-Tempered Ranseur].


Shadowlands-Icon-Inline.png This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

Following his death, his soul would have been sent to the Maw, but his "fierce, unwavering dedication to both his people and their cause" earned him a chance at redemption in Revendreth.[1]


  • Ability warrior innerrage.png Judgement of Reckoning — Judges the enemy for 428 to 472 holy damage.
  • Spell holy holybolt.png Holy Light — Calls upon Holy magic to heal an ally.
  • Spell holy sealofwrath.png Seal of Reckoning — Surrounds an ally with a seal that lasts 30 sec. Every time the sealed character strikes an enemy, the sealed character gains health.

Objective of


Main article: Pathaleon the Calculator's Image#Conversation with Sharth Voldoun

Patch changes


External links

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