
The Beating of Troll Drums

  • ️Tue Mar 05 2013
HordeThe Beating of Troll Drums
Start Varies
End Scout Captain Elsia
Level 32-35
Type Daily
Category Isle of Thunder
Experience 59000
Rewards 4g 96s
Repeatable Yes


Locate Scout Captain Elsia within Conqueror's Terrace.


Do you hear that, <class>? The beating of war drums in the distance. The Zandalari are preparing for us.

Let's not give them the luxury of time to organize their defenses. We need to push the attack now!

Report to Scout Captain Elsia within Conqueror's Terrace. She will have further orders for you.


You will receive: 4g 96s


These Zandalari are even more dangerous than we anticipated.

Do not make the mistake of underestimating them, for that may be the last mistake you make.


  • 59000 XP



Stage 1: Securing a Beachhead

Three hubs (11 quests) plus one boss quest

Court of Bones
Ihgaluk Crag
Boss quests

Stage 2: Assaulting the Zandalari fortifications

Three hubs including Stage 1 areas (11 quests) plus one Stage 1 boss quest


Stage 3: Breaking into the Thunder Forges

Ten quests from Stage 1-2 areas (only seven required), then three quests from one hub in Stage 3, followed by a Stage 3 boss quest

Beast Pens
Conqueror's Terrace
Boss quests

Stage 4: Breaking into Stormsea Landing

Five quests from Stages 1/2 (+one Stage 1 boss), then three quests from one Stage 3 hub, then two Stage 4 quests

  1. H [32-35 Daily] Maximum Capacitor / H [32-35 Daily] Save Our Scouts!
  2. H [32-35 Daily] Forge Ahead!

Stage 5: The Final Gate

All quests listed in Stage 4, then one of:

PvP action

Seven quests, then H [32-35P Daily] High Recognition

Patch changes

External links