
The Path to Salvation

  • ️Tue Nov 17 2020

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NeutralThe Path to Salvation

The party invisible

Start Lady Jaina Proudmoore [29.5, 44.0]
End Anduin Wrynn [42.5, 42.2]
Level 10-60
Category Through the Shattered Sky
Experience 6,800
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous N [10-60] Draw Out the Darkness
Next N [10-60] Stand as One


Lead your allies past Zovaal's Cauldron.


We must move quickly if we wish to find the waystone. The soul mentioned it overlooks the Cauldron, which would put it somewhere upon the ridge on the other side.

Unfortunately, this area is swarming with the enemy forces. We'd best avoid engaging them, lest we draw the Jailer's attention.

I can shield us from sight, but we all have to stay together.


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 6,800 XP


Stay close. We cannot risk being seen by the Jailer's forces.


We made it!

If we can activate this waystone, we just might be able to escape this place!


On accept, the party starts moving:

Thrall says: We seek a waystone located beyond the Cauldron. Have you seen it?
Baine Bloodhoof says: I spotted an obelisk of ancient stone upon the high ridge.
Baine Bloodhoof says: It didn't seem important. The Jailer's forces pay it little heed. What do you think it is?
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Our way out of here--we hope.

Stick with the group, and speak with Jaina when the party stops:

Zovaal's Cauldron is heavily fortified with the Jailer's forces. We'd be wise to pass by undetected.
Give the word, and I will shield us from their sight.
Gossip I am ready.
Baine Bloodhoof says: The Jailer's forces seem endless. There is no way we can fight through them all.
Thrall says: Jaina, can you hide us from their sight?
Jaina's spell is Mass Invisibility.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: My spell will get us past most of his guards, but there will likely be some who can see through it.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Stay close. We can't afford to draw their attention.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Careful. These eyes can see through my spell.
Baine Bloodhoof says: The size of the Jailer's army rivals that of the Legion... and it's growing larger.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Hold here.
Anduin Wrynn says: So many souls pouring into the Maw. The dead of Azeroth... Draenor... worlds beyond our imagination. All damned to this place.
Baine Bloodhoof says: To be forged into weapons for the Jailer.
Thrall says: Despite all Sylvanas has done, I never thought she would be part of something like this.

Eventually, the party will clear the enemies. Upon approaching the Eroded Waystone, the player will gain the Enigmatic Link buff and start glowing:

Boss odunrunes blue.png Enigmatic Link — The Eroded Waystone is reacting to your presence.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Look! On the platform ahead! That must be the waystone!
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: We need to reach it before the Jailer takes notice.
Anduin Wrynn says: The waystone was said to be dormant, yet it seems to be reacting to our presence.
Anduin Wrynn says: I can't find a way to activate it.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: I don't think the stone is responding to us. I think it's responding to <name>.
During combat Anduin may cast Greater Holy Word: Sanctuary, shielding and healing the party
Anduin Wrynn says: Here! This barrier will protect us!
Should the adventurer stray too far
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Stay close, <name>. My spell has limited range.
Casting a new invisibility spell
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: I can make us invisible again. Give me a moment.


  1. N [10-60] Shadowlands: A Chilling Summons
  2. N [10-60] Through the Shattered Sky
  3. Complete all of:
  4. N [10-60] Fear to Tread
  5. N [10-60] On Blackened Wings
  6. N [10-60] A Flight from Darkness
  7. N [10-60] A Moment's Respite
  8. N [10-60] Field Seance
  9. N [10-60] Speaking to the Dead
  10. N [10-60] Soul in Hand
  11. N [10-60] The Lion's Cage
  12. N [10-60] The Afflictor's Key and N [10-60] An Undeserved Fate
  13. N [10-60] From the Mouths of Madness
  14. N [10-60] By and Down the River
  15. N [10-60] Wounds Beyond Flesh and N [10-60] A Good Axe
  16. N [10-60] Draw Out the Darkness
  17. N [10-60] The Path to Salvation
  18. N [10-60] Stand as One

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