

  • ️Thu May 24 2007
Main leader IconSmall Nazgrel.gif Nazgrel
Secondary leaders IconSmall Orc Male.gif Stone Guard Stok'ton
IconSmall Orc Male.gif Sergeant Shatterskull
IconSmall Orc Male.gif Lieutenant General Orion
  Formerly IconSmall Orc Male.gif Caza'rez †
IconSmall Orc Male.gif Warlord Dar'toon
Race(s) OrcOrc Orc
Jungle trollJungle troll Jungle troll
TaurenTauren Tauren
ForsakenForsaken Forsaken
Blood elfBlood elf Blood elf
GoblinGoblin Goblin
Base of operations Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula
Quartermaster IconSmall Orc Male.gifQuartermaster Urgronn
Notable reward(s)  [Flamewrought Key]
 [Marksman's Bow]
Tabard Thrallmar Tabard.jpg

Thrallmar is a Horde town found in Hellfire Peninsula ([53, 39]), Outland. It was founded and now led by Nazgrel, commander of Thrall's security, as an opportunity to gain resources and to have a decent control over what's going on in this demon-infested area. The residents of the town form a faction of its own; reputation is raised by performing quests for them. These quests generally involve killing fel orcs in Hellfire Citadel.

The town is made up of a barracks, a kennel, an inn and an alchemy tower.

Travel connections


Horde Falcon Watch
Horde Spinebreaker Post
Horde Stonebreaker Hold
Neutral The Stair of Destiny


Neutral Friendly Honored Revered Exalted Rep Notes
150 Capture 3 Bases
Once every 24 hours only
Instances Trash: 2-5
Bosses: 50 (x3)
Full Clear 633 rep
Heroic ~2,500 rep
Trash: 1
Bosses: 50 (x3)
Full Clear ~750 rep
Heroic ~2,700 rep
Trash: 6-12
Bosses: 120 (x3)
Full Clear ~1,600 rep
Heroic ~2,900 rep

Reputation for Thrallmar up to Honored is relatively easy to earn. Even the easiest quests (those that take you from one quest giver to the next up the road, for example) can yield 75 reputation points, while those that require some effort to complete typically yield 250 reputation points or more. Some group quests that involve killing an elite can yield as much as 1000 reputation points.

If you do the bulk of the Thrallmar quests instead of quickly moving on to the next zone, you might expect to reach Honored after 1 or 2 levels of play. However, once you reach Honored, you hit an earnings barrier that you can only remove when you are level 68 and can start re-earning points in the Shattered Halls dungeon.

Neutral through Friendly

Reputation from mobs in Hellfire Ramparts and Blood Furnace stops at 5999/6000 Friendly, one point shy of Honored. One option is to grind mob rep via Ramparts and Blood Furnace to 5999/6000, before doing any Thrallmar quests outside the instances, as those continue to yield reputation up to exalted.

Also, the lvl 63 mobs outside Hellfire Citadel (on the path) and the Bleeding Hollow Necrolytes at Zeth'gor give you 5 rep each, but not beyond Friendly.

Friendly through Honored

Players who enjoy PvP can gain faction halfway through Honored via the daily quest B [10-30P] Hellfire Fortifications. It gives 150 reputation per completion and three Marks of Thrallmar, which can be used to purchase PvP gear from the quartermasters in Thrallmar and near Zabra'jin in Zangarmarsh. To start this quest you need to have done 2 prereq quests however. Also with patch 2.1 this quest can only be done once every 24 hours.

Honored to Revered and Exalted

From this point on, gaining reputation through Exalted requires one of two things:

  • Doing Heroic versions of Hellfire Citadel dungeons, which typically require you to be well geared and level 70.

Both of these give reputation until you reach Exalted status. A full clear of Shattered Halls nets you about 1700 reputation points, trash mobs generally yield 6 or 12 each, with up to 150 points from bosses. Heroic trash yields 15-25 points, with bosses worth more.

You can also continue to do the daily quest B [10-30P] Hellfire Fortifications for 150 reputation per completion. While at level 70 the quest giver in Thrallmar does not show the yellow exclamation mark and the quest appears gray, you can in fact continue doing it for reputation.

Maximizing Shattered Halls Runs

Using  [Thrallmar Favor], which are purchased with five Marks of Thrallmar PvP tokens can reduce the number of Shattered Halls runs required. Consuming one right when Grand Warlock Nethekurse is about to die will allow a decent speed group to go through to the end boss with the buff active. Doing this can net 3000 reputation points per run if you kill all of the trash without wiping.

Repeatable Quest

H [10-30P] Hellfire Fortifications is a daily PvP quest given by Battlecryer Blackeye in Thrallmar:

  • Available at level 58 if you are at least Neutral with Thrallmar. You must complete the Felspark Ravine quest chain until you meet with Commander To'arch. After completing the quest where you meet with To'arch, you may see Battlecryer Blackeye and obtain the Hellfire Fortifications quest.
  • Yields 150 reputation points, repeatable every 24 hours 80s, 1650 XP (4950 XP @ 60), and 3x [Mark of Thrallmar] per turn-in.
  • Objective: Capture the Overlook, the Stadium and Broken Hill, three fortifications surrounding Hellfire Citadel.

Reputation grinding

Killing the Shattered Hand fel orcs around the Citadel yields 5 points of reputation per kill until 2999 of 3000 at Neutral status. After that, run the instances (Hellfire Ramparts/Blood Furnace) until 5999/6000 at Friendly status. Repeat Hellfire Fortifications until you are maxed at 6000/12000(576 turn-ins. *See Notes above) (this method is now deprecated due to the new patch) then turn in all the quests you've saved up to this point and complete the newly unlocked quests. All the quests for the Hellfire Peninsula region total about 10k in rep.

  • Hellfire Ramparts: elite mobs reward 5 points, non-elites reward 2 each, bosses each reward 50 points. Stops at 5999 of 6000 at friendly reputation status.
  • Blood Furnace: elite mobs reward 5 points, non-elites just 1, bosses each reward 50 reputation points. Stops at 5999 of 6000 at friendly reputation status.


Quartermaster Urgronn
<Thrallmar Quartermaster>
Rep Item Cost Type
Friendly  [Dried Fruit Rations] 45s Consumable
 [Grunt's Waterskin] 20s Consumable
 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Superior Healing] 6g Enchanting (325)
 [Design: Regal Deep Peridot] 6g Jewelcrafting (315)
 [Pattern: Felstalker Belt] 12g Leatherworking (350)
Honored  [Recipe: Elixir of Major Agility] 5g Alchemy (330)
 [Recipe: Transmute Skyfire Diamond] 8g Alchemy (350)
 [Pattern: Cobrahide Leg Armor] 6g Leatherworking (335)
 [Pattern: Felstalker Bracers] 16g Leatherworking (360)
 [Pattern: Felstalker Breastplate] 16g Leatherworking (360)
 [Farseer's Band] 11g 47s Ring
 [Grunt's Waraxe] 34g 73s One-Hand Axe
 [Crusader's Ornamented Spaulders] 22g 60s 2c Plate
 [Crusader's Scaled Gauntlets] 15g 99s 1c Plate
 [Dragonhide Robe] 21g 8s 56c Leather
 [Dreadweave Robe] 17g 64s 97c Cloth
 [Evoker's Silk Amice] 13g 77s 4c Cloth
 [Kodohide Spaulders] 16g 5s 67c Leather
 [Mooncloth Vestments] 17g 97s 17c Cloth
 [Opportunist's Leather Gloves] 10g 78s 58c Leather
 [Satin Hood] 13g 57s 64c Cloth
 [Savage Plate Helm] 23g 46s 46c Plate
 [Seer's Linked Helm] 19g 19s 28c Mail
Seer's Mail Armor (Thrallmar) 25g 88s 8c Mail
 [Seer's Ringmail Gloves] 13g 23s 20c Mail
 [Stalker's Chain Gauntlets] 13g 82s 58c Mail
 [Wyrmhide Gloves] 10g 98s 71c Leather
Revered  [Formula: Enchant Chest - Exceptional Stats] 6g Enchanting (345)
 [Ancestral Band] 17g 59s Ring
 [Blackened Spear] 55g 70s Two-Hand Polearm
 [Design: Dawnstone Crab] 12g Jewelcrafting (370)
Exalted  [Plans: Felsteel Shield Spike] 6g Blacksmithing (360)
 [Pattern: Nethercobra Leg Armor] 12g Leatherworking (365)
 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Subtlety] 2g 50s Enchanting (300)
 [Thrallmar Tabard] 1g Tabard
 [Marksman's Bow] 159g 99s Bow
 [Stormcaller] 215g 60s Main Hand Sword
 [Warbringer] 207g 99s One-Hand Axe

See List of Hellfire Peninsula NPCs.

Locations and NPCs

Thrallmar Inn

The Thrallmar Inn features a mailbox outside; and a handful of vendors and profession trainers:

Town Square

  • IconSmall Tauren Male.gif Horde Barley <Wind Rider Master>, on the left side of the inn
  • IconSmall Tauren Male.gif Horde Barim Spilthoof <Master Leatherworking Trainer>, Right outside the inn in a tent – sells Leatherworking supplies
  • IconSmall Tauren Male.gif Horde Moorutu <Skinning Trainer>, Right outside the inn in a tent
  • IconSmall Orc Female.gif Horde Battlecryer Blackeye Hellfire Peninsula PvP quest giver and PvP Rewards Vendor
  • IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Horde Megzeg Nukklebust <Mercenary>, quest giver, in the middle of the town
  • IconSmall Goblin Male.gif Horde Zebig <Master Engineering Trainer>, somewhat in the middle of the town – sells engineering supplies
  • IconSmall Tauren Female.gif Horde Far Seer Regulkut <Eyes of the Warchief>, stands near the Tauren totem
  • IconSmall Orc Male.gif Horde General Krakork, near the flight master, patrols in front of the line of grunts, purpose unknown
  • IconSmall BloodElf Male.png Horde Martik Tor'seldori, in the middle of the town, seems to be leading the group of 6 Blood Elf pilgrims bound for Falcon Watch
  • IconSmall Orc Male.gif Horde Watch Commander Krunk, in the middle of the town, patrols in front of the catapults that the peons work on
  • IconSmall Orc Male.gif Horde Guard Captain Cragtar, in the middle of the town by the bonfire watching over the 4 injured grunts

Thrallmar Stronghold



Alchemy Tower

Thrallmar Mine

Outside the wall

In the town, there are 70 Thrallmar Grunts, Marksmen and Bat Rider Guards protecting the town. There are also 12 Thrallmar Peons doing various tasks such as working at the blacksmith, repairing wagons and catapults or shifting through supplies.

Flight Paths

Thrallmar's flight paths connect to:

It should be noted that you have this flight path by default. You do not need to talk to the Flight Master to obtain it.


Bc icon.gif The subject of this section has been removed from World of Warcraft but is present in Burning Crusade Classic.


  • Among the leaders of the expedition can be found three characters entitled as the Ears, Eyes and Hand of the Warchief.
  • Though created in the beginning stages of the invasion of Outland,[1] the wording of the  [Ominous Letter] suggests that Thrallmar has been around before the Dark Portal's reopening.
  • The background music played in Thrallmar is an adaptation of one of the orc music tracks from Warcraft I.

Patch changes


External links

Faction Subzone

Hellfire Peninsula is a contested territory

Map of Hellfire Peninsula



Horde Council
Other leaders





Cities and towns

Capital cities
Eastern Kingdoms
Broken Isles
Kul Tiras
Dragon Isles
Nation of Durotar
The Forsaken
Thunder Bluff tauren
Darkspear tribe
Kingdom of Quel'Thalas
Bilgewater Cartel
Kingdom of Suramar
Highmountain Tribe
Mag'har Clans
Zandalari Empire
Other members
Former members
Horde-aligned and allies
Former allies