
Timbermaw Ally

  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
For the repeatable quest, see N [48] Timbermaw Ally.
NeutralTimbermaw Ally
Start Grazle
End Grazle
Level 48 (Requires 45)
Category Felwood
Experience 4,400
Reputation 1,400 with Timbermaw Hold
Rewards  [Belt of the Den Watcher] or  [Earth Warder's Vest]
Repeatable No
Next N [15-30] Feathers for Grazle, N [55] Speak to Nafien, and N [48] Timbermaw Ally


Grazle wants you to prove yourself by killing 6 Deadwood Warriors, 6 Deadwood Pathfinders, and 6 Deadwood Gardeners. Return to him in southern Felwood near the Emerald Sanctuary when you are done.


The Timbermaw are the only furbolg tribe to escape the corruption. However, many other races kill furbolg blindly now, without bothering to see if they are friend or foe. For this reason, the Timbermaw furbolg trust very few.

Are you interested in proving yourself? Drive back the corrupted Deadwood tribe of Felwood and we may one day consider you an ally. You'll find the first Deadwood tribe - warriors, pathfinders and gardeners - to my west.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv chest cloth 05.png [Earth Warder's Vest] Inv belt 09.png [Belt of the Den Watcher]

You will also gain:


Keep at it, <name>. If you are to earn our trust, you will need to prove yourself to us.


We suffer much from the events of the past. Thank you for what you have done to help protect the Timbermaw. As a sign of our growing friendship, please accept this humble offering.


You also gain 20 reputation points for every Deadwood tribe member killed. This requires you to kill 18 tribe members which adds at least 360 reputation points with the Timbermaw.

Patch changes

See also

External links