

For the Warcraft III unit, see Tinker (Warcraft III). For the Engineering enhancement, see Tinker (engineering).
Gelbin Mekkatorque.jpg

High Tinker, King of Gnomes Gelbin Mekkatorque

Affiliation Horde, Alliance
Favored by GoblinGoblin Goblin
GnomeGnome Gnome
DwarfDwarf Dwarf
Gan'arg Gan'arg
Mechagnome Mechagnome
Mechagon mechagnomeMechagon mechagnome Mechagon mechagnome
Weapon types Explosives, various devices
Armor proficiency Heavy armor, Mail or Plate
Skill(s) Engineering
Could also be Warrior

Tinkers (or tinkerers and tinkologists) are engineers mostly represented by gnomes, goblins, and dwarves of the Alliance, Horde and the Venture Company.

A goblin organization named Tinkers' Union exists.




In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Tinkers (aka tinkerers) are among the smartest of the adventurers setting out to explore and conquer Azeroth. The creators of incredible inventions, from crazy multipurpose knives to steam saws to siege engines, their devices allow them to overcome nearly any situation — and if they don't have the device they need, they just might be able to design and create a new one on the spot. Tinkers have a reputation for being dangerous companions, born mainly of reckless goblins experimenting with explosives. However, tinkers are not usually danger-prone. The real problem arises when they mess with gunpowder or try to build a better steam engine, and even then mishaps and explosions do not occur as often as many believe. However, the true heart of the tinker profession can be found in the steady craftsmanship of the dwarves and the wild-eyed curiosity of the gnomes. As tinkers begin to spread to all the races of Azeroth, the idea of the "typical tinker" may continue to change, but inventiveness and intelligence will always be an important part. Tinkers are most commonly found among the dwarves, gnomes, and goblins as they produce rifles, zeppelins, and other technological innovations currently found on Azeroth. With their general disinterest in technology, night elves, orcs and tauren are the least likely to be tinkers.[2][3]

Epic tinker

Capable of building anything from peashooters to dreadnoughts, the epic tinkers craft spans the border between science and the fantastic. They have mastered innumerable disciplines and can create weapons of mass destruction from phlogiston, dead leaves, and earwigs. Despite their eminence, they constantly drive themselves to ever-greater exploits. They continue to improve his technological prowess. They boost their skill at crafting technological devices and their ability to use technological devices, as well as any other craft and knowledge skills he finds useful. Defensive feats keep them alive while they aim their Koala-zooka.[4]


  • Tinkers tend to carry about packs and pouches full of heavy tools, spare parts and inventions both finished and incomplete. In doing so, they quickly develop the ability to shoulder casually otherwise crushing burdens.
  • A tinker can put together devices out of random piles of spare parts or whatever wires and gears he happens to be carrying in his pockets at the time.
  • Tinkers prefer to spend days, weeks or even months constructing the devices they design. When adventuring, though, tinkers are often forced to throw together a device more quickly.
  • A tinker learns an esoteric technique developed by mad goblin tinkers and passed along to their brethren — the art of bomb throwing.
  • A tinker has employed his skills in dangerous situations often enough that he learns how to remain calm in combat even when operating complex controls or working to repair delicate machinery.
  • Tinkers are exposed to raw and powerful energies in the course of their work, and often develop a degree of resistance to one kind or another.[5]
  • The most experienced tinkers become epic tinkers.

Tinkers by race

Gnome tinkers

Gnomes are the Alliance's consummate tinkers. When a member of the Alliance thinks of a tinker, he thinks of a gnome; and when he thinks of a gnome, he thinks of a tinker. Gnomes are in a competition with goblins to produce the best and deadliest technology — a competition that is friendly or fierce, depending on the individuals involved. Gnomish technology is not quite as prone to malfunction as goblin technology, and gnomes tend to produce devices that have more specialized and unusual effects. Goblins make goblin rockets and shredders — fairly straightforward — while gnomes create gnomish shrink rays and universal remotes. The iconic gnome tinker is a mad inventor, wearing goggles on her head as well as over her eyes, with a bandolier of equipment slung over each shoulder; she is covered with oil and scorch marks, looking forward to the next invention. Many find gnome tinkers amusing, but only a few do not also respect or fear them.[6]

Goblin tinkers

"Goblin Tinker" redirects here. For the Warcraft III hero unit, see Goblin Tinker (Warcraft III).

Goblins are mad inventors who produce useful gadgets despite their chaotic, crazed, and explosively-oriented mindsets. They are the ultimate tinkers, competing with gnomes to produce the best devices around. This competition is friendly or deadly, depending on the individuals involved — sometimes it's both. Goblin tinkers differ from their gnomish counterparts. Goblins enjoy instant gratification. They work on an invention until it sort of, kind of functions, then they move on to another one. They get a thrill when they finish something, even if "finishing" means that it works properly one out of ten times.

Goblin tinkers also have a penchant for destructive devices. They like blowing things up and tearing them down. Thus, goblins make rockets, bombs, shredders, flamethrowers and similar devices. Even their creations that aren't directly related to warfare and flagrant environmental abuse have a tendency to explode terrifically when they malfunction. Early goblin zeppelins, while quite stable, functioned by using open flames to warm flammable gas — not a combination to inspire confidence in passengers. Though goblin tinkers amuse many, they do so only at a distance; those nearby eye the tinker with expressions of mixed incredulity and fear.

The iconic goblin inventor grins madly through a leather cap and soot-covered goggles. Devices of all sorts are strapped across his body, many of which look broken. He brandishes… something… to threaten his opponents.[7] Goblin tinkers can speak Common, Dwarven, Goblin, Low Common, and Orcish.[8]


Notes and trivia


  • Tinker Art Seaclock, a gnome mage.

  • Tinker Casey Springlock, a gnome warrior.

  • Goblin Tinker

    Goblin Tinker

  • Toki, Time-Tinker, a gnome mage.

See also


Core classes

  • Barbarian
  • Fighter
  • Healer
  • Rogue
  • Runemaster
  • Scout
  • Sorcerer
  • Tinker
  • Wizard
  • Prestige classes
    Epic core classes
    Epic prestige classes
    NPC classes
    Core classes
    Prestige classes
    Variant classes
    Racial iconic classes
    Creature classes
    NPC classes