
Magister Umbric

  • ️Tue Jan 16 2018
For the Vision of Stormwind version, see Magister Umbric (Vision of Stormwind).
AllianceMagister Umbric
Image of Magister Umbric
Gender Male
Race(s) Void elf, formerly blood elf (Humanoid)
Class Mage
Resource Mana
Affiliation(s) Ren'dorei, Alliance
Former affiliation(s) Magisters, Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, Horde
Occupation Representative of the void elves,[1] Scholar
Former occupation(s) Magister of Quel'Thalas
Location Various
Status Alive
Mentor(s) Alleria Windrunner

“We fight for the Alliance because we believe in its values. And one day I pray we will bring all of Silvermoon back into the fold.”

— Magister Umbric[2]

Magister Umbric is a representative for the void elves.[1] Previously a magister of Quel'Thalas, Umbric and his followers were exiled for refusing to stop their studies of the Void. Free to conduct their researches, his group of blood elves were transformed during an encounter with Void ethereals. Umbric and his people settled in Telogrus Rift adapting to their new way of life, and decided to follow Alleria Windrunner as their leader and teacher in the ways of the Void.[3]


Exile from Silvermoon

As a blood elf, Umbric was a magister of Quel'Thalas and a dedicated scholar with a tenacious interest in the power of the Void. He believed the void to be a force that could be harnessed for the protection of Silvermoon and the sin'dorei people. His research was opposed by Quel'Thalas's Grand Magister, Rommath, who clashed with Umbric and his followers over their research. Rommath eventually succeeded in demanding they be exiled, reasoning that those who treat with the void pose a direct threat to the Sunwell.[4]

Despite their banishment, Umbric and his followers persisted in their research, viewing the Grand Magister's admonitions as small-minded. Umbric would guide his group south, out of Eversong Woods and into the Ghostlands, seeking to prove the validity of their beliefs regarding the void. There, Umbric and the Silvermoon exiles would make a breakthrough upon discovering the long-buried research of the infamous necromancer Dar'Khan Drathir from many years ago. They would learn that Drathir had attempted to personally enter a void-corrupted world and seize an object of incredible power from within, ultimately meeting failure. Umbric, building upon Drathir's findings, was able to succeed where the necromancer had not, and opened the way to the fragmented world known as the Telogrus Rift. The magister then led his followers into the rift to hunt down the powerful item in question, believing it to be the key to controlling the shadows.[5]

At the same time, the high elf hero Alleria Windrunner, who had become aware of the existence of Umbric and his group during her recent disastrous pilgrimage to the Sunwell, set out to locate her similarly-exiled kin, hoping both to aid them in their journey and add their strength to the Alliance. Umbric himself had learned of, and was deeply intrigued by, Alleria's own link to the void and the darkened naaru she had absorbed during the campaign on Argus.


Having successfully reached the Telogrus Rift, Umbric and his fellow exiles quickly discovered an ancient and powerful cube on the ruined planet, and they began attempts to try to open it. Eventually, Alleria and an Alliance hero also arrived in the rift, having followed Umbric's trail, and made contact with the magister. Grateful for the aid, Umbric showed the new arrivals the ancient object his followers had been working on. At that moment, the cube opened with an explosion, and subsequently opened a path for the ethereal Nether-Prince Durzaan to access Telogrus Rift.

Durzaan and his forces immediately overwhelmed Umbric and his allies and began a process to transform them into creatures of the void itself. Alleria, her champion, and some of Umbric's followers battled their way through the ethereals, reaching Durzaan himself and interrupting his ritual. After engaging him in combat, they were able to slay the Nether-Prince, driving his influence from the Telogrus Rift. In the aftermath, it became apparent that although the ethereal's ritual had not been fully completed, Umbric and the other blood elves had been permanently changed; they had now become ren'dorei, or void elves. Alleria quickly offered her aid in training Umbric and the other void elves in accepting and understanding their new forms, as well as a place in the Alliance.[6]

Umbric, on behalf of his people, accepted Alleria's proposal, pledging the strength of the ren'dorei, and deciding to establish their base on the Telogrus Rift under the leadership and teaching of Alleria,[3] more like-minded elves began to arrive in Telogrus in response to the recent events.[7]

Battle for Azeroth

BattleForAzeroth-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

At the beginning of the Fourth War, Umbric accompanied the 7th Legion to establish Shatterstone Harbor at Vol'dun on the island of Zandalar. However, he found that there was nothing of interest to him there and that the heat was sweltering. He asked the adventurer to get him out of there so he could go back to doing actually important work.[8]

Alleria sent her void elf forces after Jastor Gallywix in the war effort against the Horde.[9] Umbric was also eager to show Anduin Wrynn that his trust in the void elves was well-placed.[2] To battle the Bilgewater Cartel forces at Xibala in Zuldazar, Umbric provided a void shard to cast their mechs into the Void.[10] Umbric and the adventurer confronted Gallywix at Atal'Dazar, where he was looting the sacred tombs of the Zandalari kings. He fled through a teleporter to his palace in Azshara, and was swiftly followed.[11] Umbric heavily disapproved of Gallywix's spending and depravity, and was adamant that with his wealth he could do good for the world. They battled Gallywix at the palace only for it to turn out to be an impostor as the real Gallywix flew off.[12] Umbric blamed himself for the Trade Prince getting away, but Halford Wyrmbane assured him that he performed admirably.[13]

Umbric overseeing his ren'dorei followers's void ritual to raise Great Xonac.

In Zuldazar, the forces led by Halford Wyrmbane began an operation to weaken the Zandalari harbor's defenses. Umbric and Shandris assaulted Warport Rastari to plant bombs on the ships there, and Umbric had known many who had been affected by the Zandalari's barbarism before.[14] Umbric performed a ritual to disguise the adventurer as a blood troll, so that the Horde would think it was an attack from Nazmir and not from the Alliance,[15] and provided a Portal Orb to pull the Horde's emissaries to the Zandalari into the Void before they could share intel on the Alliance with the trolls.[16] When the ship Gral's Call discovered the Alliance at Xibala, Umbric opened a Void portal to transport Alliance forces aboard the ship to kill the crew.[17] With their mission successfully done, Umbric opened a rift to get all their forces out, including the prisoner Captain Zalkran. They reported their success to King Anduin in Stormwind Keep.[18]

From Xibala, Umbric later assisted Kelsey and opened a portal for Grong.[19] Similarly, he and Jaina Proudmoore opened a portal to the Zandalari Treasury in Dazar'alor.[20]

During the Alliance's assault on Zuldazar, Umbric used the Void to raise the corpses of ravasaurs and a devilsaur, Great Xonac, to inflict psychological damage on the Zandalari, since they revere dinosaurs and revile the undead.[21] He can be seen at the Feeding Grounds and Seekers' Expedition.

Umbric was later present on the Kul Tiran vessel in Stormwind Harbor with the other Alliance leaders to witness the Kul Tirans gifting the vessel to Anduin and rejoining the Alliance.[22]

A corrupted version of Umbric appears in the Vision of Stormwind.


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Upon noticing Void disturbances after the war against the Primalists, Umbric sent the Riftwalkers to investigate. By the time they had returned, Umbric was approached by Alleria and adventurers, who sought their help in hunting down the Harbinger.[23] While he privately spoke with Alleria, he directed adventurers with closing unstable void portals and collecting the Riftwalker reports. After it was discovered that Riftwalker Nilara hadn't returned from Northrend, Umbric thought it troubling.[24][25] While Alleria and the adventurers ventured off to Northrend, he remained within Telogrus Rift, and later helped defend it when the Harbinger and her forces invaded.[26]

In the aftermath, he informed the Riftwalkers about the Dark Heart and instructed them to respond to unusual void activity and that in Alleria's absence, they could turn to Locus-Walker for guidance.[27]

The War Within

TheWarWithin-Petopia-Logo.png This section concerns content related to The War Within.

Following Dalaran's destruction by Xal'atath, Magister Umbric and his Ren'dorei Voidguards were seen fighting against the nerubians in the Tranquil Strand on the Isle of Dorn.

WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Ten days later, Umbric was amongst the Alliance leaders who answered Jaina Proudmoore and Thrall's joint meeting in Boralus, where they helped organize the strike force that they could take to Khaz Algar. When Lord Danath Trollbane proposed to call on the 7th Legion in the Arathi Highlands, Umbric was not convinced and asked for something less uncertain, but ended up accepting the proposal after listening to the opinions of the other leaders.[28]


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Telogrus Rift 40-80 Alliance As part of the void elf allied race recruitment questline and the starting quests.
Wind's Redemption, Boralus 50 Alliance As part of the Alliance War Campaign.
Shatterstone Harbor, Vol'dun 30-60 Alliance Horde During the Alliance War Campaign.
Various in Zuldazar; Gallywix Pleasure Palace, Azshara;
Stormwind Keep, Stormwind City
10-60 Alliance As a quest giver during the Alliance War Campaign.
Feeding Grounds, Zuldazar 10-60 Alliance Horde During Faction Assaults.
Anduin's vessel, Stormwind City 40-80 Alliance During the conclusion of the Kul Tiran allied race recruitment questline.
Vision of Stormwind 52 Elite Alliance Horde As an alternate self.
Telogrus Rift 70 Elite Alliance Horde As a quest giver during the Hunt for the Harbinger questline.
Tranquil Strand, Isle of Dorn[29.6, 55.6] 70-73 Alliance Horde During the Isle of Dorn storyline.


Icon-search-48x48.png This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up.

Zuldazar, War Campaign
Zuldazar, Faction Assaults
Telogrus Rift
  • Spell nature starfall.png Arcane Salvo — Caster channels magical bolts into the player, inflicting X Arcane damage every 1 sec over 3 sec.
  • Ability ironmaidens convulsiveshadows.png Entropic Missiles — Target a random player and launch bolts of dark energy every 1 sec for 3 sec. Each bolt inflicts 1223 Shadow damage and drains 15 Sanity.
Isle of Dorn
  • Inv cosmicvoid missile.png Voidbolt — Launches a voidbolt at the enemy, dealing X Shadow damage.

As a follower

Magister Umbric is a War Campaign follower with the Magister title and the following abilities:

  • Ability rogue shadowyduel.png Operative (Specialization) — Finds targets, retrieves information and looks good doing it. Counters: Primary Objective
  • Ability racial spatialrift.png Spacial Rift (Ability) — Reduces mission duration by 50%.
  • Ability mage timewarp.png Time Warp (Ability) — Increases success chance by 15%.


Dragonflight-Icon-Inline.png This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Objective of



Main article: Telogrus Rift (quest)#Notes
Main article: Door to the Ren'dorei#Notes
Main article: Riftwalker Reports#Notes
Main article: Radiant Warnings#Notes


Vol'dun and Winds's Redemption

My people have been training. Mastering our abilities.

<Umbric narrows his eyes.>

The whispers speak of many possibilities. We will be ready for whatever comes.

Throughout the Alliance War Campaign

I am grateful for this opportunity to prove the value of the ren'dorei to our cause.

We will do whatever it takes to ensure the Alliance's success.

Gossip What is your role in this campaign, magister?

As a magister, my duty has always been to Silvermoon and its people. When the mad Arthas devastated our lands, I knew we must harness every power available to ensure our survival.

Prince Kael'thas proposed one way. I sought out another.

Gossip So you sought the power of shadow?

My followers and I felt no loyalty to the Horde. When Grand Magister Rommath forbade our Void research, we did not hesitate to break away and follow our own path.

But hubris got the best of me. I was certain I could master any force we encountered.

I was so wrong...

Gossip The Void nearly claimed you?

I led us right into the ethereals' trap. If not for Alleria Windrunner's intervention, we would have been lost.

As it was, the shadow energies transformed us... and opened our minds to the whispers of the Void. Without Alleria's guidance, we would have fallen into madness.

She has helped us quiet our minds. Dampen the whispers. It is a constant struggle.

Gossip Now you fight for the Alliance.

We do not stand with the Alliance out of convenience. Nor is it a mere gesture of thanks to Alleria.

Our ordeal has taught us the importance of great powers being in the right hands. We could not allow the Horde to know the things we know, or to use us as a weapon in their schemes.

We fight for the Alliance because we believe in its values. And one day, I pray we will bring all of Silvermoon back into the fold.

Xibala, Zuldazar

We have the element of surprise for now. Use it wisely.

Seekers' Expedition

It is good to be working with you again, <name>. No doubt you are wondering what we are up to.

We are still preparing the ritual. I will let you know when we are ready.

Gossip What ritual is this, Magister?

Our friends with the Explorer's League have uncovered these bones. The skeleton appears to be intact, and should be a suitable vessel.

The Void seeks to consume. Engulf. Grow. It will answer our call, and will allow itself to be guided for a time.

I am told the Zandalari hold their dead in special regard, a rather primitive approach for such a grand civilization. One might consider it... poetic for them to be undone by one of their own, hmm?

Gossip I see.

Followed by a continuation when A [10-50] Ritual Rampage is advanced
Main article: Ritual Rampage#Notes
The Feeding Grounds
Main article: Spell Components#Notes


  • Bal'a dash, malanore.
  • Greetings, traveler.
  • I have much to teach you.
  • The shadows serve us.
  • All paths are possible.
  • Come with an open mind.
  • We embrace power, we do not fear it.
  • High elf?! Please! Why would you want to be a HIGH elf when you could look all tragic and brooding?
  • I admit: purple never was my favorite color, but lately it's growing on me. Literally.
  • I suppose I could forgive you for not being a fan of elves. After all, half of us dislike the other half rather intensely.
  • Alleria and Turalyon? Not a chance! I mean, not that I am ruling against them or anything but, uh, do we have to be continuing about this?
  • The Ren'dorei shall prove our worth.
  • The Light is not the only path.
  • We serve the Alliance.
  • Be open to possibilities.
  • Maintain focus and control.
  • Shadows watch over you.
  • Do not bend to the whispers.


Legion-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Legion.

Void elf unlock scenario
Main article: Telogrus Rift (quest)#Notes

The grand magister must understand that this power is crucial to the defense of Silvermoon. Never again shall the sin'dorei fall prey to our enemies!

Telogrus Rift
Main article: For the Alliance (void elf)#Notes
  • With Alleria's teaching, we can avoid the fate suffered by those on Eredath.
  • Although broken and scattered, this rift holds many secrets. It will teach us much about the nature of the shadows.
  • Locus-Walker is an intriguing fellow.
Alleria seems to trust him... to a point.
I think we can learn much from him, so long as we remain wary of his true intentions.
  • The ren'dorei stand ready to protect Azeroth against the shadows.

Notes and trivia



This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

When exactly Umbric and his followers were exiled is unclear, but it could have happened at any point after the events of the battle for Quel'Danas and the restoration of the Sunwell based on the fact that his research threatened the Sunwell.

Patch changes


External links

Magister Umbric Champion Generic name


High King
Lord Commander





Cities and towns

Capital cities
Eastern Kingdoms
Broken Isles
Kul Tiras
Dragon Isles
Kingdom of Stormwind
Kingdom of Ironforge
Night elves of Darnassus
Exodar draenei
Kingdom of Gilneas
Admiralty of Kul Tiras
Other members
Former members
Alliance-aligned and allies
Former allies