
Warlord Sargha

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BossWarlord Sargha
Image of Warlord Sargha
Gender Female
Race Djaradin (Humanoid)
Level 12-72 Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Qalashi
Location Neltharus
Status Killable

Warlord Sargha is a boss in Neltharus.

Adventure Guide

Leader of the Qalash djaradin, Warlord Sargha has been in search of anything that would increase the power of her clan and help take down their draconic enemies. In the hoard at the heart of Neltharus, she may have found exactly what the djaradin need.


Warlord Sargha hurls Molten Gold at players, leaving Hardened Gold upon expiration. Upon reaching 100 Molten energy, Warlord Sargha begins channeling Magma Shield on herself. Players can search through the treasure piles for magic items to aid in damaging the shield.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers

  • The surrounding treasure piles contain magic items that can help to deplete Magma Shield.
  • Raging Embers leave a trail of Burning Ground.
  • Flame Eruption inflicts heavy damage during Magma Shield

Healer Alert Healers

  • The surrounding treasure piles contain magic items that can help to deplete Magma Shield.
  • Flame Eruption inflicts heavy damage during Magma Shield

Tank Alert Tanks

  • The surrounding treasure piles contain magic items that can help to deplete Magma Shield.
  • Flame Eruption inflicts heavy damage during Magma Shield


Icon-search-48x48.png This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up. Reason: Text formatting

Magical Implements

Spell fire sealoffire.png Magma Shield — Warlord Sargha envelops herself in shield of magma, absorbing 240 damage taken, and triggering Flame Eruption every 3 sec for 45 Sec.

Spell fire ragnaros supernova.png Burning Ember — Warlord Sargha launches an empowered fire ember, inflicting 53395-220573 Fire damage to all players within 7 yards of the point of impact. This ember creates Burning Ground, and summons a Raging Ember.

Ability mage firestarter.png The Dragon's Kiln — Warlord Sargha unleashes a cone of fire, inflicting 62294-257335 Fire damage to all players in front of her. Ability creature amber 02.png Molten Gold — Warlord Sargha hurls Molten Gold at a player, inflicting 26697-110286 Fire damage every 3 sec.




Patch changes

External links

Mob Dungeon final bosses

WoW Icon update.png
Bc icon.gif

Bosses in grey were redesigned in a later expansion or removed from the game.