
World quest

  • ️Tue Aug 13 2024

A zone full of World Quests, as seen in Legion.

World quests are standalone quests that enter the Quest Log when entering a specific area, and leave the log when exiting. They are all voice-acted, featuring a talking head pop-up that provides a brief introduction or context to the quest objective. Then another voice-acted "quest completion" pop-up occurs after the objective is fulfilled. World quests rotate on different times across the areas they are active, and as such not all world quests are available at the same time. Some rotate as quickly as a few hours, and some as slowly as weeks. All players in the same region will have the same set of world quests at any particular time, though some are only visible with certain professions or by progressing through specific quests in an area.

They were introduced in Legion as an expansion of the traditional daily quest system of previous expansions.

In Dragonflight, Blizzard responded to players feeling pressured to complete world quests very frequently, as has been the case for daily quests in times past. World quests on the Dragon Isles (and beyond) instead reset semi-weekly instead of daily.[1]



Emissary quests

Main article: Emissary system

Each day a new emissary quest will appear on the main map. A maximum of three emissary quests will be available. Emissary quests rotate on a randomized, three-day cycle; three days after appearing, an emissary quest will disappear regardless of completion status. The zone-specific faction emissary quests require four world quests to be completed in the applicable Broken Isles or Argus zone. The Wardens emissary quests can be completed in any Broken Isle zone, and mostly involve elite targets. Kirin Tor emissary quests only require three world quests for completion, and mostly involve mini-game or puzzle quests. The Kirin Tor emissary quest rewards the character with a choice of reputation earned for one of the factions listed below or the Wardens.

This continued with Battle for Azeroth and Shadowlands but not with Dragonflight with its focus on Renown. However, the world quests still provide reputation toward the faction of that zone and if it is part of a certain faction.


Main article: Callings

In the Shadowlands, most of the Callings quests can be progressed by completing some or certain world quests in the selected zone. One type of Callings quest has the player do three world quests in the selected zone with a trainee.



Legion-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Legion.

In order to unlock world quests in the Broken Isles, one must reach level 45 and complete the quest N [45] Uniting the Isles. This involves reaching at least friendly status with all of the Broken Isles reputation factions: Court of Farondis, Dreamweavers, Highmountain Tribe, Valarjar, and The Nightfallen. All other characters on the same account will be able to turn in an alternate version (N [45] Uniting the Isles) when they reach level 45, regardless of reputation standing. Helarjar world quests are unlocked from N [45] Helya's Conquest quest.

For the Broken Shore, the quest N [45] Assault on Broken Shore must be completed with additional world quests unlocking by completing the N [45] Champions of Legionfall. Some world quests are locked to having the Command Center or the Nether Disruptor buildings built.

Argus world quests are unlocked in various sections while progressing through the Argus storyline.

Zone Quest
Petrified Forest N [45] Woah, Nelly!
Nath'raxas Hold N [45] Lord of the Spire
Antoran Wastes
N [45] The Burning Heart
Eredath N [45] The Sigil of Awakening
Kil'jaeden's Terrace N [45] Shadow of the Triumvirate
Western Eredath N [45D] Seat of the Triumvirate: The Crest of Knowledge

Battle for Azeroth

BattleForAzeroth-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

To unlock the world quests in Zandalar and Kul Tiras, one must first reach level 50, obtain the  [Heart of Azeroth], unlock all three footholds as part of the Alliance or Horde War Campaigns, and reach friendly status with the three major factions in Kul Tiras or Zandalar with the A [60] Uniting Kul Tiras or H [60] Uniting Zandalar quests.

Alternate characters can complete an alternate quest of A [60] Uniting Kul Tiras or H [60] Uniting Zandalar, regardless of reputation standing, and do not require having the  [Heart of Azeroth] in possession, however world quests that reward [Azerite] will reward nothing.

Warfronts world quests are unlocked in addition to the above but are only available while the faction controls the zone (Arathi Highlands or the Darkshore).

Nazjatar world quests are unlocked by completing the A [50] A Tempered Blade or H [50] Save A Friend quest.


Shadowlands-Icon-Inline.png This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

World quests in the Shadowlands require reaching level 60 and joining a Covenant. Alternate characters would just need to join a Covenant which is possible at level 50. World quests in Korthia and Zereth Mortis still require level 60.


Dragonflight-Icon-Inline.png This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Unlocking world quests in the Dragon Isles requires completing the level-up campaign, which includes completing the storyline for each of the main zones of the Dragon Isles and earning the  [Just Don't Ask Me to Spell It] achievement.

The N [10-70] Moving On quest is the last step to unlocking world quests with the Adventure Mode, which grants alts immediate access to the world quests.

The War Within

TheWarWithin-Petopia-Logo.png This section concerns content related to The War Within.

Unlocking world quests in Khaz Algar requires completing the level-up campaign, which includes completing the campaign for each of the main zones of the Khaz Algar and earning the following achievements:  [The Isle of Dorn],  [The Ringing Deeps],  [Hallowfall], and  [Azj-Kahet].

The N [78-80] Surface Bound quest is the last step to unlocking world quests with the Adventure Mode, which grants alts immediate access to the world quests.


Rewards for world quests vary greatly and are related to the type of world quest. Many of the rewards can scale based on character progression, such as Artifact Knowledge and Item level.

Legion-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Legion.

BattleForAzeroth-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Shadowlands-Icon-Inline.png This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

Dragonflight-Icon-Inline.png This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Patch changes
