
Zul'Gurub (Classic)

  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
This article is about the original Zul'Gurub raid. For the area's lore, see Zul'Gurub. For the 5-man dungeon, see Zul'Gurub (instance).
Zul'Gurub loading screen.jpg

Zul'Gurub loading graphic

Location Northeastern Stranglethorn Vale
Race(s) Jungle trollJungle troll Jungle troll
Zandalari trollZandalari troll Zandalari troll
Sand trollSand troll Sand troll
Forest trollForest troll Forest troll
Dire troll Dire troll
IconSmall Hakkar2.gifIconSmall SpiderGiant.gifIconSmall Hir'eek.gif Wild God
End boss  Hakkar the Soulflayer
Instance info
Type Raid
Level 58-60
Player limit 20

Zul'Gurub is a 20-man raid instance located in northeastern Stranglethorn Vale, released in patch 1.7. Like Zul'Farrak, it counts as an outdoors zone, and riding on mounts is possible. Zul'Gurub is the capital of the jungle troll tribes, led by the Gurubashi, worshippers of the terrible god, Hakkar the Soulflayer, who personally inhabits a temple in the deepest parts of the city.

Season of Discovery

During the Season of Discovery, Zul'Gurub is tuned for 10 players, but will allow a maximum of 20. Players can also choose the boss they face at the Edge of Madness, rather than it being rotated weekly.

Additionally, when each of the five priests is slain, their spirit loa will appear and can offer players a buff. Each player may only have one such buff at a time:

Boss Buff
High Priestess Jeklkik Blessing of Hir'eek: Heal yourself for 5% of all damage dealt.
High Priest Venoxis Blessing of Hethiss: Chance on attack or spell cast to deal nature damage to all nearby enemies.
High Priestess Mar'li Blessing of Shadra: Chance on attack or spell cast to summon spawns of Shadra.
High Priest Thekal Blessing of Shirvallah: Attacks and spells invoke Shirvallah to apply a powerful bleed to your current target.
High Priestess Arlokk Blessing of Bethekk: Gain stealth and bonus damage on next attack or spell after being out of combat for 5 seconds.

Killing Hakkar with all five priests alive will cause him to drop "Bloodied" versions of the raid weapons, which have a unique visual effect.


The most efficient route through Zul'Gurub is as follows:

  1. Enter the instance and continue straight across the first bridge, turn right and head up a hill and kill High Priestess Jeklik.
  2. Go back down and across the second bridge to find the room on the left containing High Priest Venoxis.
  3. Behind Venoxis's Room take the right path, and continue going up. Here you can take a slight left up a hill and kill Bloodlord Mandokir or take a right through the path with spider webs to High Priestess Mar'li.
  4. Returning back down the hill past the large staircase on the right those who plan on doing the Edge of Madness should do it now.
  5. Down the path to your right you'll find High Priest Thekal.
  6. After High Priest Thekal off the path to the left you'll find the camp and shoreline used to spawn Gahz'ranka who is a water boss, kill him if desired.
  7. Back up the hill and down the road you will find a pyramid, inside is High Priestess Arlokk.
  8. Go back outside and continue up the path and kill Jin'do the Hexxer if you want to, and have time.
  9. Reverse back down the ramp, and over the bridge on your right to the temple of Hakkar, and you've cleared all of Zul'Gurub!


The entrance to Zul'Gurub in Stranglethorn

Zul'Gurub boss distribution

Dungeon denizens


High Priests

The Priest Aspects all assume an animal form at some point when fighting them. Moreover, if they are left alive they grant Hakkar powerful abilities that make him much harder to kill.

  1. High Priestess Jeklik - Aspect of Hir'eek (Bat)
  2. High Priest Venoxis - Aspect of Hethiss (Snake)
  3. High Priestess Mar'li - Aspect of Shadra (Spider)
  4. High Priest Thekal - Aspect of Shirvallah (Tiger)
  5. High Priestess Arlokk - Aspect of Bethekk (Panther)
  6. Hakkar the Soulflayer

These bosses are considered "optional" because they do not give Hakkar any abilities, so skipping them won't change your encounter with the Blood God. However, most of them are involved in gaining powerful trinkets unique to each class, making it useful to fight each boss (except Gahz'ranka) at least once.

  1. Bloodlord Mandokir
  2. Jin'do the Hexxer
  3. Gahz'ranka
  4. Edge of Madness - one of: Gri'lek, Renataki, Hazza'rah, or Wushoolay

Other denizens


Zul'Gurub raiders receive loot through several systems. There are standard drops from the bosses (described at Zul'Gurub loot), quest-based rewards that require Zandalar reputation and special rare drops from bosses (see Primal Hakkari), and rewards that are received after collecting various difficult tasks inside the instance (see Zul'Gurub Trinket and the Enchants discussion, below).

Faction rewards

Getting reputation with the Zandalar Tribe offers several benefits.

Various crafting recipes can be purchased from Rin'wosho the Trader, who is located on Yojamba Isle in the far northwest of Stranglethorn Vale. All recipes are BoP. All items crafted from these recipes are BoE.

Zul'Gurub offers unique enchants for the head, leg and shoulder slots. For creating these enchants you need to be Friendly (head and leg) or Exalted (shoulder) with the Zandalar Tribe. The head and leg enchants are obtained within the instance itself from an NPC named Zanza the Restless. He is located in a small "temple" after Lord Venoxis, and just before you go up the ramp toward Bloodlord.


The Zandalar armor sets are class-based armor sets completed at certain levels of reputation, requiring Primal Hakkari drops.

Upon reaching friendly reputation you can receive a neck slot item (as well as some gold and rep), e.g. the Maelstrom's Tendril from Falthir the Sightless. You can upgrade these items as your reputation improves.



  • Zul'Gurub features over 120 Epic and Superior items, including a five-piece set for each class.
  • Players can build up their reputation with the Zandalar Tribe in order to gain various rewards.
  • Zul'Gurub quests are available at the Zandalar base on Yojamba Isle.
  • The raid timer is 3 days.
  • Since the release of The Burning Crusade, Zul'Gurub can be 5-manned by a group of 70s.
  • Since the release of Wrath of the Lich King, Zul'Gurub can be soloed by a healing class (Paladin or Death Knight) at 80, or duoed by many class combinations, if both are 80.
  • Like Zul'Farrak, Zul'Gurub is also fully constructed behind the instance gate in Stranglethorn, which may suggest that it may have been intended as an outdoor elite raiding area. The land is entirely unoccupied by NPCs to preserve memory and bandwidth, despite all scenery and terrain being present.
  • In addition, ZG, being an outdoors instance, bears a mini-Azeroth outside its walls. This mini-Azeroth includes all of Deadwind Pass, a great deal of Blasted Lands, a great deal of Stranglethorn Vale, a great deal of Duskwood, and a small cave in Swamp of Sorrows.
  • While Zul'Gurub is located in Stranglethorn Vale, its terrain and vegetation is more similar to that of Feralas.


Load video

Patch changes

External links