
Warwick Network for Parish Research, Dept of History

The 'Warwick Network for Parish Research' was established in 2003 to facilitate the study of British and European parishes from the Middle Ages to the present. It aims to support a wide range of works on religious, social, political and cultural aspects as well as interdisciplinary and comparative perspectives. The My-Parish website contains a bibliography of sources and secondary literature plus information on parish-related projects, conferences, debates, online materials and public engagement initiatives.


The Network is an informal association of researchers, with an institutional base at Warwick's Department of History, where several members pursue interests in the period c. 1300-1800. It depends on the active collaboration of scholars with parish-related interests and welcomes information on relevant projects and resources to be listed here.

17thC Almshouses at Dunchurch, Warwickshire

Thomas Newcombe's late seventeenth-century almshouses at Dunchurch in Warwickshire

[Photo: BK]

'The parish church has been at the centre of town and village life ... ever since the first wooden churches began to be built'

['Icons: A Portrait of England']

To provide or obtain further information please contact Beat Kümin (webmaster).

Logo design, based on the portal of St Morwenna at Morwenstow (Bude/Cornwall): © Don White, 2011.