
Welcome to Adun — Adun

  • ️http://cbbl.imim.es/Adun/author/webadmin
  • ️Sun Mar 29 2009

This is the home page for the Adun molecular simulation project.

Adun is a new , free, biomolecular simulator developed by the Computational Biophysics and Biochemistry Laboratory, a part of the Research Unit on Biomedical Informatics of the UPF. It is distributed under the GNU General Public License.

The current stable version of the program is Adun 0.81 which can be downloaded here. For more information click on the tabs at the top of this page.

A detailed description of the Adun Framework can be found in the following article -

M.A. Johnston, I.F. Galván, J. Villà-Freixa, "Framework Based Design of a New All-Purpose Molecular Simulation Application: The Adun Simulator", J. Comp. Chem, 2005, 26, 1647-1659.

The Adun project page, giving access to our cvs repository, bug trackers etc., is hosted here by Gna.org.

You can also follow Adun developments through our news feed and commits feed .

Further Information

For more information on the group and what we do visit our Group Website

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