1998 Curriculum
1) The Super Quiz topic is Globalization: The New Economy -- with a special emphasis on Hong Kong. The Super Quiz Resource Guide contains the all of articles from which test questions will be drawn.
2) Because the Super Quiz topic has an emphasis on economics, there will be NO separate economics test this year.
3) Language and Literature will focus on a novel (Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte), poetry (the poems are available with the Subject Areas Guide), and critical reading.
4) Art will be a separate subject this year and will focus on fundamentals of art and selected art objects from the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
5) Music will also be a separate subject this year and will focus on music of the twentieth century.
6) Mathematics will focus on Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Differential Calculus. (Be sure to read our Calculator Policy before your competition, and be prepared!)
7) Science will focus on the structure and behavior of matter.
8) Social Science will focus on world events and new developments of the 1980s.
9) The Subject Areas Guide contains essential study material for each of these subjects and is written by the actual testwriters. Students will find it a valuable resource in preparing for competition.
10) Computation of Grade Point Averages: The "focus semesters" for GPA computation go back two years prior to the present grade level of the contestant. If the contestant is a twelfth grader in September of the competition year, the semesters used for GPA computation are all of the tenth and eleventh grades including the summer sessions between tenth and eleventh and eleventh and twelfth grades. THIS REPRESENTS A CHANGE FOR TWELTH GRADERS. Likewise, if the contestant is an eleventh grader in the fall, the focus period for GPA computation includes the ninth and tenth grades and the summer sessions between ninth and tenth and tenth and eleventh grades. This same "two-year rule" applies to ninth and tenth graders.
Best wishes for a successful Academic Decathlon year!
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