Creating a New CS Division Tech Report

NOTE: Approval from you faculty advisor must
be sent along with this request.
Attach the approval at the end of this request.
Requesting a Report Number
Please do not request a number until your report is ready to be entered on-line and a hard-copy version printed.
To create a new CS Division technical report, sent mail to to ``cs-tr-id-request@cs'' and request the following: (An ID will be assigned to the report, and returned to you for your records.)
- DATE::
Please give the ``AUTHOR'' in ``Lastname, Firstname M.'' format, using multiple lines for multiple authors. Also, the preferred interpretation of ``PAGES'' is the last actual page number in the report. The ABSTRACT (which should be in plain text) can be continued for any number of lines. The ``DATE'' field, in ``Month Year'' format, is the publication date of the report.
Here is a sample submission:
- TITLE:: Finite Element Methods for Global Illumination
- DATE:: January 1991
- AUTHOR:: Heckbert, Paul S.
- AUTHOR:: Winget, James M.
- PAGES:: 20
We propose a national information network be established to disseminate the Congressional Record to every American home, the costs to be born by taxpayers in the lowest income bracket.
(Spacing is very flexible: For example, you may indent your abstract or not; you may start it on the same line as the tag ``ABSTRACT::'' or on the next line, or you may include some intervening blank lines.)
The submitter will receive in the mail an ID for the submitted report that looks something like the following:
You can then use this ID in any citations and subsequent correspondence.
Submitting the text
Along with the ID for your report, you will be sent instructions on how to submit an electronic copy as well as a hardcopy of your report. Your report will become part of our repository, from which it is available on-line to a wide audience.
If you have any questions about creating a CS Division technical report, please send mail to:
Questions concerning the technical report services should be sent to:
[Information for EECS
Web Visitors]
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
[UC Berkeley]
University of California, Berkeley Last modified: Wednesday, 16-Dec-1998 13:01:28 PST