
Personal CS Division Homepages


Personal HTTP Homepages for Faculty, Graduate Students, and Staff of the CS Division can be made available through the Division HTTP Server from your own home directory.

If you are an undergraduate student, please contact the CSUA.

The procedure is to:

  1. create a directory called "public_html" under your home directory.

  2. inside "public_html", there should be a file called "index.html". This will be the top-level homepage file.

  3. be sure that your public_html directory, index.html file, and any other files you want on-line are world-readable

  4. people can reference your home page using the URL "http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~userid/", where "userid" is your own user login.

Your home directory must be on a filesystem already mounted on the Http.CS machine, and the machine needs to know the path to your home directory. The easiest way to check whether your filesystem is mounted is to create the home page and try it out. If you have problems accessing your homepage, send mail to WebTeam@CS.Berkeley.EDU

Also, if your homepage is served from a departmental ftp or http server, a link can be made from the CS server. This way, the URL "http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~userid/" will work correctly. Send the complete URL to WebTeam@CS.Berkeley.EDU, and we'll add it to the server.

To help in homepage creation, we have some online aids available:

  • The directory /usr/sww/doc/HTML contains a number of documents about various aspects of html files.

  • In /usr/sww/share/www, the file index.template.html can be used as an initial index.html. You can also find faculty and staff templates in the file How to Create a Home Page provided by the EECS Department.

  • The directory /usr/sww/share/www/cgi-bin contains the source for all http CGI scripts available on the Division HTTP Server. You can go to the directory to see what's available, and see how each tool is used. This directory will be updated as the server's cgi-bin is updated.

  • For more detailed information, please see the EECS Department's Creating Your Own Home Page Document.

Each night, the Division HTTP Server constructs an alphabetical listing of all homepages it can find. It makes this list available as


For further assistance, please contact the address below.

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Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
University of California, Berkeley

webteam@cs.berkeley.edu Last modified: Wednesday, 30-Sep-1998 16:45:48 PDT