2010 Judicial Retentions
Victor C. Howard
Judge Howard was appointed to the Missouri Court of Appeals on September 30, 1996. Judge Howard served as chief judge of the Western District from 2006-2008. Prior to being appointed to the Court of Appeals, Judge Howard was appointed as circuit judge in Clay County in 1993, was Clay County deputy county counselor from 1977-1991, and was in private practice from 1977-1993. Judge Howard earned his B.S. degree from Central Missouri State University in 1973 and his J.D. degree from the University of Missouri-Kansas City in 1976.
Judge Howard has served as chairman of the Youth Friends Advisory Board and on the board of Adult and Community Education Advisory Committee and the Domestic Violence Community Response Team. He has also served as a member of the Tri-County Mental Health Supportive Employment Task Force and Kansas City Consensus Leadership Task Force.
Judge Howard’s professional/legal affiliations include being a member of The Missouri Bar, American Judges Association, Clay County Bar Association, Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association and the Platte County Bar Association.
On the Missouri Bar’s 2010 Appellate Court Evaluation Survey, attorneys who responded to survey questions rated Judge Howard on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 representing “not at all” and 5 representing “completely.”
Judge Howard received his highest scores for being courteous toward attorneys (4.69), treating parties equally (4.62), allowing parties to present their arguments and answers (4.61) and being fair and impartial toward each side of the case (4.5). Judge Howard was not rated below a 4.00 in any category.
The Appellate Judicial Performance Evaluation Committee recommends that Judge Victor C. Howard BE RETAINED.
Lawyer Survey Results
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