

U.S.A.D. Study Guide Outlines

Mathematics: Gateways to Logical Thinking	
I.	Logic and Set Theory			24%
	A.	Formal Logic and Proof
	B.	Set Theory
		1.	The algebra of sets and applications
		2.	Sets and functions
		3.	Cardinality
			a.	Countable sets
			b.	Uncountable sets 
II.	Numbers		40%
	A.	Natural Numbers and Divisibility
	B.	Fractions
	C.	Rational and Irrational Numbers
	D.	Complex Numbers and Quaternions
	E.	Number Systems with Different Bases
III.	Combinatorics and Probability		24%
	A.	Combinatorics
		1.	Formal Identities
		2.	Applications
	B.	Probability
IV.	Applications		12%
	A.	Quadratic Equations and Applications
	B.	Inequalities
Economics: The Economics of Entrepreneurship
I.	Fundamentals of Economics		38%
	A.	Fundamental Concepts
	B.	Terms
	C.	Fundamentals of Macroeconomics
	D.	Fundamentals of Microeconomics
II.	Business Organizations		38%
	A.	Types and Markets
	B.	Business Financing
III.	Profiles in Individual Enterprise		24%
	A.	Characteristics of an Entrepreneur
	B.	Biographical Profiles
Art: Images of the Self
I.	Fundamentals of Art		20%
	A.	Elements of Composition and Design
	B.	Techniques and Processes
	C.	Historical Periods
II.	Artists, Backgrounds, and Selected Works	80%
	A.	Paintings
		1.	Fray Hortensio Felix Paravicino. El Greco, 1609
		2.	Artist in His Studio. Rembrandt van Rijn, c. 1629
		3.	Pat Lyon at the Forge. John Neagle, 1826­27
		4.	Edmondo and Thérèse Morbilli. Edgar Degas, c. 1867
		5.	La Japonaise. Claude Monet, 1876
		6.	Madame Cézanne in a Red Armchair. Paul Cézanne, c. 1877
		7.	In the Loge. Mary Cassatt, 1879
		8.	The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit. John Singer Sargent, 1882
		9.	Self-Portrait. Ellen Day Hale, 1885
		10.	Postman Joseph Roulin. Vincent van Gogh, 1888
		11.	Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? Paul Gauguin, 1897
		12.	Portrait of a Woman. Pablo Picasso, 1910
		13.	Schiele's Wife with Her Little Nephew. Egon Schiele, 1915
	B.	Sculptures
		1.	Portrait of a Man. Rome, c. 50 B.C.E.
		2.	Guanyin. China, c. 580 C.E.
		3.	Walking Woman. (Femme qui Marche). Alberto Giacometti, 1933­34
		4.	Annette. Alberto Giacometti, 1953
	C.	Masks
		1.	Mask (deangle). Dan people, Côte d'Ivoire, 19th­20th centuries
		2.	Mask (kifwebe). Songye people, Democratic Republic of Congo, 19th­20th centuries
Music: World Sacred Music: Sounds of the Soul
I.	Fundamentals of Music		20%
	A.	Terms
	B.	Spaces and States
	C.	Performance and Transmission
II.	Selected Works, Artists, and Backgrounds	80%
	A.	"Bluebird Song" performed by Lena Clark
	B.	"Quen a Virgen ben servirá" performed by the Ensemble Alcatraz
	C.	"Nyamaropa yeVana Vava Mushonga" performed by Muchatera Mujuru
	D.	"Arrullo San Antonio"
	E.	"Ngoma ra mrongo"
	F.	"Kecak"
	G.	"El Mélej" performed by Musica Alia
	H.	"O Magnum Mysterium," by Tomás Luis de Victoria, performed by the Westminster Cathedral Choir, directed by David Hill
	I.	"Al-'Âda' performed by the Sulâmiyya Ensemble
	J.	"Wir setzen uns mit Tränen nieder," by J.S. Bach, performed by the Netherlands Bach Society, conducted by Jos Van Veldhoven
	K.	"Ninnadanela," by Tyagaraja, performed by Ramnad Krishnan
	L.	"Move On Up a Little Higher" by Herbert Brewster, performed by Mahalia Jackson
Language & Literature: Reflection of the Self
I.	Critical Reading		20%
II.	Novel		50%
	Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley
III.	Poetry		30%
	A.	John Donne: "Sonnet 14"
	B.	Robert Browning: "Andrea del Sarto"
	C.	Walt Whitman: "There Was a Child Went Forth"
	D.	Robert Graves: "My Name and I"
	E.	Langston Hughes: "Theme for English B"
	F.	Sylvia Plath: "Mirror"
Science: The Biological Self
I.	Biology of the Cell 
	(Building Blocks of the Self)		33%
	A.	Cell Structure
	B.	Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Lipids
	C.	Nucleic Acids
II.	Molecular Genetics 
	(Defining/Creating the Self)		34%
	B.	Genetic Code
	C.	Genetic Technology (Cloning)
III.	The Immune System 
	(Protecting the Self)		33%
	A.	Defense Mechanisms
	B.	Immune Response
	C.	Disorders of the Immune System
Super Quiz: Concepts of the Self: Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion
I.	Philosophy			33%
	A.	Western Philosophy
		1.	Plato
		2.	René Descartes
		3.	Søren Kierkegaard
		4.	Jean-Paul Sartre
		5.	Ayn Rand
	B.	Eastern Philosophy
		1.	Chinese Philosophy
			a.	Confucianism
			b.	Taoism
		2.	Kashmir Shaivism
II.	Psychology			34%
	A.	Sigmund Freud
	B.	Carl Jung
	C.	Karen Horney
	D.	Erik Erikson
	E.	B. F. Skinner 
	F.	Abraham Maslow
III.	Religion		33% 
	A.	Traditional African Religions 
	B.	Native American Religions
	C.	Hinduism
	D.	Buddhism
	E.	Judaism
	F.	Christianity
	G.	Islam

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