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Credit: © Mark Wade
Propellant: N2O4/UDMH. Oxidiser: N2O4. Fuel: UDMH.
- Propellant Formulation: N2O4/UDMH. Optimum Oxidiser to Fuel Ratio: 2.61. Temperature of Combustion: 3,415.00 deg K. Ratio of Specific Heats: 1.25. Density: 1.18 g/cc. Characteristic velocity c: 1,720 m/s. Isp Shifting: 285. Isp Frozen: 273. Pp Isp Shifting: 336. Isp: 285.00 sl. Isp: 333.00 vac.
Oxidiser: N2O4. Oxidiser Density: 1.45 g/cc. Oxidiser Freezing Point: -11.00 deg C. Oxidiser Boiling Point: 21.00 deg C.Nitrogen tetroxide became the storable liquid propellant of choice from the late 1950's. Nitrogen tetroxide consists principally of the tetroxide in equilibrium with a small amount of nitrogen dioxide (NO2). The purified grade contains less than 0.1 per cent water. Nitrogen tetroxide (N2O4) has a characteristic reddish-brown colour in both liquid and gaseous phases. The solid tetroxide is colorless. N2O4 has an irritating, unpleasant acid-like odour. N2O4 is a very reactive, toxic oxidiser. It is non-flammable with air; however, it will inflame combustible materials. It is not sensitive to mechanical shock, heat, or detonation. Nitrogen dioxide is made by the catalytic oxidation of ammonia; steam is used as a diluent to reduce the combustion temperature. Most of the water is condensed out, and the gases are further cooled; the nitric oxide is oxidised to nitrogen dioxide, and the remainder of the water is removed as nitric acid. The gas is essentially pure nitrogen tetroxide, which is condensed in a brine-cooled liquefier. 1959 production amounted to 60,000 tonnes per year. In carload lots of one-ton cylinders, the price was $ 0.15 per kg. By 1990 NASA was paying $ 6.00 per kg due to environmental regulations.
Fuel: UDMH. Fuel Density: 0.79 g/cc. Fuel Freezing Point: -57.00 deg C. Fuel Boiling Point: 63.00 deg C.Unsymmetrical Dimethylhydrazine ((CH3)2NNH2) became the storable liquid fuel of choice by the mid-1950's. Development of UDMH in the Soviet Union began in 1949. It is used in virtually all storable liquid rocket engines except for some orbital manoeuvring engines in the United States, where MMH has been preferred due to a slightly higher density and performance. Unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) is 98 to 99 per cent pure and is described by Military Specification MIL-D-25604. The normally expected impurities are dimethylamine and water. UDMH is a clear, hygroscopic liquid which yellows on exposure to air. It absorbs oxygen and carbon dioxide. UDMH is a toxic volatile liquid. It exhibits the sharp ammoniacal or fishy odour which is characteristic of organic amines. It is completely miscible with water, ethanol, and most petroleum fuels. It is not shock sensitive. The vapours are flammable in air over 2.5 to 95 per cent concentration range. UDMH can be produced commercially by nitrosation of dimethylamine, to N-nitro-sodimethylrtmine, followed by reduction of the intermediate to UDMH and subsequent purification. UDMH can be prepared, also, by a modification of the Raschig process (see discussion of hydrazine), in which the chloramine intermediate is with dimethylamine rather than with ammonia. The price in 1959 for tank-car quantities was under $ 1.00 per kg. Engineering studies indicated a price of $ 1.00 per kg with large scale sustained production. But due to its toxic nature, production and transport costs soared in response to environmental regulations. By the 1980's NASA was paying $ 24.00 per kg.
Engines Using N2O4/UDMH
Engine Thrust(vac)
secIsp (sea level)
secDesigned for Status RDMT-0.4 X 0.0410 0.00040000 290 Upper Stages In Production 11D431 0.6 0.005880 Upper Stages In Production RDMT-8 X 0.8 0.00800 296 Upper Stages Developed 1980's Stepanov IS/US 1 kgf 1 0.00980 Upper Stages Out of Production RDMT-12 1 0.01200 279 Upper Stages In Production 17D58E 1 0.01330 247 Upper Stages In Production DST-25 3 0.0250 285 Upper Stages In Production RDMT-50 5 0.050 255 Upper Stages In Production 11D446 5 0.052 Upper Stages In Production 11D445 7 0.065 Upper Stages In Production Stepanov LK/LOK 10 kgf 10 0.098 Upper Stages Out of Production DST-100A 10 0.100 304 Upper Stages In Production RDMT-100 10 0.100 260 Upper Stages In Production DST-100 10 0.100 276 Upper Stages In Production 11D428 11 0.110 Upper Stages In Production RDMT-135 14 0.135 260 Upper Stages In Production Stepanov IS/US 16 kgf 16 0.16 Upper Stages Out of Production DST-200 20 0.20 280 Upper Stages In Production DST-200A 20 0.20 300 Upper Stages In Production RDMT-200 20 0.20 255 Upper Stages In Production SE-5-2/-3 21 272 11D458 40 0.39 252 Upper Stages In Production Isayev TKS attitude 40 0.39 Upper Stages In Production Stepanov LK/LOK 40 kgf 40 0.39 Upper Stages Out of Production RDMT-400 41 0.40 255 Upper Stages In Production RDMT-400 X 41 0.40 296 Upper Stages Developed 1980's RDMT-400A 41 0.40 290 Upper Stages Developed 1980's DMT-600 61 0.60 301 Upper Stages In Production 17D61 300 2.94 326 Upper Stages In Production KRD-79 315 3.09 Upper Stages In Production KDU-426 315 3.09 292 Upper Stages In Production KTDU-417-B 350 3.43 254 Upper Stages Out of Production Isayev Polet/IS 400 3.92 Upper Stages Out of Production RD-0225 400 3.92 287 Upper Stages Hardware KRD-442 447 4.38 Upper Stages In Production RD-0237 500 4.90 200 Upper Stages Out of Production RD-866 530 5.20 306 Upper Stages Out of Production NII 612 kgf 612 6.00 286 Upper Stages Developed KTDU-80 632 6.19 302 Upper Stages In Production RD-869 875 8.58 313 Upper Stages Out of Production YF-23 1,124 11.00 282 260 Upper Stages In Production RD-857 1,400 13.73 330 Upper Stages Out of Production RD-0236 1,607 15.76 293 18 Upper Stages Out of Production 11D416 1,670 16.40 Upper Stages Study 1968 KRD-61 1,918 18.80 313 Upper Stages Out of Production KTDU-425 1,922 18.85 312 Upper Stages Out of Production KTDU-425A 1,928 18.89 315 Upper Stages Out of Production S5.92 2,000 19.60 327 Upper Stages Out of Production S5.98M 2,000 19.62 326 Upper Stages In Production RD-859 2,045 20.05 312 Upper Stages Hardware RD-858 2,050 20.10 315 Upper Stages Hardware RD-864 2,060 20.20 309 Upper Stages Out of Production RD-868 2,371 23.25 325 Upper Stages Developed 1983- RD-0231 2,960 29.00 275 First Stages Out of Production 11D430 3,000 29.43 307 Upper Stages In Production RD-0207 3,150 30.90 297 Upper Stages Developed 1961-64 RD-0214 3,150 30.98 293 Upper Stages In Production S5.51 3,388 33.20 314 Upper Stages Hardware 11D79 4,500 44.00 Upper Stages In Production YF-40 5,000 49.00 295 260 Upper Stages In Production RD-856 5,530 54.23 281 Upper Stages Out of Production Izotov UR-100 stage 2 vernier 6,000 58.00 Upper Stages Out of Production Vexin A 7,000 68.60 277 240 Upper Stages Out of Production Vexin B 7,687 75.40 251 221 First Stages Out of Production RD-854 7,699 75.50 312 Upper Stages Out of Production RD-861G 7,796 76.45 325 Upper Stages Developed 1996- RD-0221 7,954 78.00 330 300 Upper Stages Developed 1965-70 RD-8 7,995 78.40 342 Upper Stages In Production RD-861 8,026 78.71 317 Upper Stages In Production Burlak Stage 2 10,000 98.00 330 230 Upper Stages Out of Production Vexin C 10,108 99.10 251 221 First Stages Out of Production CZ-1C-3 11,000 107.90 287 258 Upper Stages Developed to 1984 8D725 12,000 117.00 325 Upper Stages Developed 1963-1970 Topaze 12,245 120.10 255 225 Upper Stages Out of Production RD-0242 12,604 123.60 303 First Stages Developed 1977-83 15D13 13,400 131.40 Upper Stages Study 1968 Izotov LK-700 13,400 131.00 Upper Stages Developed 1966-69 8D423 13,404 131.00 325 Upper Stages Out of Production R6-117 13,500 132.00 Upper Stages Developed 1964-66 11D423 13,664 134.00 326 Upper Stages Developed 1963-67 RD-862 14,544 142.63 331 Upper Stages Out of Production RD-0245 21,516 211.00 300 280 First Stages Out of Production RD-0216 22,330 219.00 313 First Stages Out of Production RD-0217 22,330 219.00 313 First Stages Out of Production 11D23 23,500 230.50 Upper Stages Study 1968 RD-0235 24,473 240.00 320 Upper Stages In Production 4D10 26,000 255.00 Upper Stages Out of Production RD-863 28,230 276.84 301 259 First Stages Out of Production RD-855 29,103 285.40 292 254 First Stages Out of Production YF-3 29,980 294.00 287 260 Upper Stages In Production Burlak Stage 1 36,500 360.00 320 270 First Stages Out of Production RD-0234 53,000 520.00 310 285 First Stages Out of Production RD-0233 53,000 520.00 310 285 First Stages Out of Production 8D43 57,000 559.00 316 284 First Stages Hardware RD-0204 57,000 559.00 311 278 First Stages Hardware RD-0203 57,000 559.00 311 278 First Stages Hardware RD-0206 59,350 575.50 326 Upper Stages Developed 1961-64 RD-0211 59,360 582.10 327 Upper Stages Out of Production RD-0213 59,360 582.10 327 Upper Stages In Production RD-0210 59,360 582.10 327 Upper Stages In Production RD-0205 62,500 606.40 322 Upper Stages Hardware RD-0212 62,510 613.00 325 Upper Stages In Production RD-0244 69,545 682.00 310 280 First Stages Out of Production Viking 2 70,665 693.00 281 248 First Stages Out of Production YF-22 73,200 717.80 295 260 Upper Stages In Production Viking 2B 73,419 720.00 278 248 First Stages In Production Viking 4 73,518 721.00 296 200 Upper Stages In Production YF-20A 76,500 750.20 289 259 First Stages In Production Viking 5C 76,683 752.00 278 248 First Stages In Production RD-0228 77,000 755.00 Upper Stages Out of Production RD-0255 77,000 755.00 Upper Stages Out of Production YF-22A/23A 77,700 762.00 295 270 Upper Stages In Production YF-22/23 77,700 762.00 295 270 Upper Stages Out of Production YF-25 80,293 787.40 297 260 Upper Stages In Production Viking 4B 82,087 805.00 296 210 Upper Stages In Production YF-20B 83,238 816.30 289 259 First Stages In Production RD-0243 84,200 825.80 300 First Stages Out of Production YF-25/23 84,739 831.00 295 260 Upper Stages In Production RD-250 89,840 881.00 301 269 First Stages Out of Production RD-252 95,900 940.50 317 Upper Stages In Production RD-262 96,000 941.00 318 Upper Stages In Production RD-263 117,777 1155.00 318 293 First Stages Out of Production RD-268 126,000 1236.00 319 296 First Stages Out of Production RD-273 126,241 1238.00 296 First Stages Developed 1975-82 RD-253-11D48 166,725 1635.00 316 285 First Stages In Production 11D43 167,425 1642.00 316 285 First Stages Developed 1960-64 RD-254 175,000 1716.00 Upper Stages Developed 1962-66 RD-253-14D14 178,000 1746.00 317 285 First Stages In Production RD-253 178,000 1745.00 First Stages In Production RD-253-UR-700 178,000 1745.00 Upper Stages Designed 1964-1968 RD-275 178,000 1745.00 317 285 First Stages In Production Press Fed 200k 206,803 2028.00 306 200 Upper Stages Design concept 1960's RD-0202 228,000 2236.00 311 278 First Stages Developed 1961-64 8D43 + 11D43 229,200 2247.45 310 280 First Stages Hardware RD-0215 250,000 2450.00 310 280 First Stages Developed 1962-65 RD-251 270,000 2643.00 301 269 First Stages In Production RD-261 309,178 3032.00 301 270 First Stages In Production RD-264 461,000 4521.00 318 293 First Stages Out of Production RD-274 504,963 4952.00 296 First Stages Developed 1975-85 RD-270 685,000 6713.00 322 301 First Stages Hardware Press Fed 1000k 998,639 9793.20 300 240 Upper Stages Design concept 1960's PF N204/UDMH-2165k 2,165,100 21232.00 267 245 First Stages Design concept 1960's PF N204/UDMH-2912k 2,911,600 28552.00 267 245 First Stages Design concept 1960's Press Fed 5748k 5,748,000 56368.00 267 245 First Stages Design concept 1960's
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Last update 26 June 2002.
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© Mark Wade, 2002 .
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