Indian Institute of Chemical Biology,India Home Page
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IICB's major strength is its basic research traditionally maintained for a long time. However, the institute has now emerged with great spirit to put effort on product-oriented research with its strong background of basic research. The direction of the Institute is therefore to be on the forefront of biomedical research in India and to achieve excellence in certain selected areas of our competence. To make meaningful dent in the forefront of modern research vis-a vis fast changing global scenario, it has been decided to give serious thought in streamlining the research endeavor. Under the guidence and suggestion from the Research Council(RC), seven broad areas of research activities were carefully chosen, by considering the competence and expertise of group of scientists to fulfil the national commitments, and establish IICB golbally. This WEB SITE contains the salient features of the research activities of this institute.
Indian Institute of Chemical Biology 4, Raja S.C. Mullick Road, Kolkata-7000 32, India Phone:91-033-4733492/0492, Fax:91-033 4730286
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