
QuakeCon - The World's Premier Multiplayer Gaming Event


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With no ado whatsoever, here is the announcement straight from id Software:


MESQUITE, Texas - April 08, 2003 - Mark your calendar and start practicing; the 7th annual QuakeCon™ video game festival and tournament is scheduled for Aug. 14-17 at the Adam’s Mark Hotel in Dallas - just 30 minutes from id Software’s homeland of Mesquite, Texas. The yearly gaming pilgrimage includes four days of intense tournament competition, BYOC LAN action, game and hardware demonstrations, workshops and parties; presented completely free of charge to all attendees.

"Whoever said size doesn’t matter has never been to QuakeCon," said Todd Hollenshead, CEO, id Software. "We won’t turn away our fans. Last year we hit our capacity, but we’re increasing the BYOC nearly 50% to 2000 gamers, and we expect more than 4,000 attendees for the four day party."
To reserve a room, call the Adam’s Mark Hotel at (800) 444-2326. To receive our specially negotiated room rates, QuakeCon attendees should inform the reservation desk that they’ll be at the hotel for QuakeCon. [Ed: You may have to mention "id Software" to get the special rate] Additional information about the Adam’s Mark Hotel is available at www.adamsmark.com/Dallas.

For more information regarding event registration, tournament information, sponsors and the event schedule, please continue to check the official QuakeCon website at www.quakecon.org.

About QuakeCon:
QuakeCon began in 1996 as a LAN party dedicated to fans of id Software’s games and has grown to include QUAKE®, QUAKE II™, QUAKE III Arena, QUAKE III: Team Arena™ and Return to Castle Wolfenstein. It was created by gamers to join with online friends in real life, meet the makers of the games they crave, talk shop with industry veterans and compete with some of the best players in the world. The event enjoys continued success, growing from a small gathering of 150 players in 1996 to more than 3,000 in 2002. QuakeCon is the definitive fan-based video game tournament, convention and party

About id Software:
id - Freud's primal part of the human psyche and one of the hottest game shops on Earth - has been rocking the gaming world from Mesquite, Texas since 1991. As a renowned leader in the industry, id Software forged such frenetic titles as Wolfenstein 3D®, DOOM®, DOOM II™, QUAKE® and QUAKE II™. With intense graphics and mind-blowing action, id’s games have helped redefine the modern video game, continually setting industry standards for technology and gameplay. And, in keeping with tradition, id Software has amplified the world of adrenaline pumping 3-D gaming with the release of their latest action titles, QUAKE III Arena™, QUAKE III: Team Arena™ and Return to Castle Wolfenstein™. id’s advanced DOOM III engine is leading the next revolution in 3-D interactive games with both single and multiplayer technology. Check out more about id Software at www.idsoftware.com.

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© 2003 Id Software, Inc. All rights reserved. QuakeCon, QUAKE, QUAKE II, QUAKE III Arena, QUAKE III: Team Arena, Wolfenstein 3D, DOOM, DOOM II, DOOM III, Return to Castle Wolfenstein and the id Software name are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Id Software, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.

Well, there you have it. QuakeCon 2003 is on track to be the most incredible party in the history of human experience. Seriously. Stay tuned in the weeks to come as more details are announced. You can find out more information about out the new hotel over on our Location page.

And don't forget to stop by the official QuakeCon chatroom in #quakecon on irc.enterthegame.com. It's a great place to get answers to questions about QuakeCon, to plan your trip, and for, shall we say, "lively" conversation.

Well, I must say that our little April Fool's Day joke went over much better than anyone thought it would. I cannot begin to tell you how many people have admitted to being suckered. I probably should apologize to anyone who became severely panicked... but I won't. What's the point of playing such an evil trick if you're gonna feel bad about it, right?

Thanks to everyone for being such good sports.

I must give credit where credit is due. Former Executive Director, Wino, was instrumental in pulling this off. And p24t, our Volunteer Organizer, originally gave me the kick in the pants I needed to make this joke a reality. So if you feel the urge to beat me up at QuakeCon over this, remember that those two are just as guilty as I.

Just wanted to give everyone an update about the status of QuakeCon 2003. I know this page has been awfully quiet lately.

The truth is, we're in the heavy-planning stage. There really isn't much news to talk about. We are making strokes on the canvas, drafting on the board, and whacking all the moles. I can confidently say this will be the best show we've put on yet. But unfortunately, we have to wait a little longer before we can tell everyone the details.

If you want to pass the time, we invite you to come chill with us on IRC. The official QuakeCon channel is on the irc.enterthegame.com network, in #quakecon. If you are anxiously awaiting QuakeCon (or if you would just like to learn more about it), this is the place for you!

Click here to see older news

Site designed and maintained by Joel 'Nok' Levin
Original artwork by Matt 'Rao' Adams

© 2003 Id Software, Inc. All rights reserved. QuakeCon, Wolfenstein 3D,
QUAKE, QUAKE II, QUAKE III Arena, QUAKE III: Team Arena, Return to Castle Wolfenstein,
and the id Software name are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Id Software, Inc. in the United States
and/or other countries. All other trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners.