
Concon- the Convention

  • ️(SCHEME=EMAIL)vaile.ian@your.abc.net.au
  • ️Mon Jan 26 1998
The Results The results of the crucial four votes on the final day, Friday 13th February John Howard's Closing Comments Audio of his speech.
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Convention News Convention News ABC News Online provided special bulletins of material related to the Convention. The Agenda The entire agenda The Delegates The entire list of 152 delegates with affiliation and links The Diaries The Convention diaries of the four youngest appointed delegates Jason Yat-Sen Li's Speech This speech from February 5 proposed a compromise model which had considerable influence on the revised republican position. ABC Coverage Your guide to the ABC's coverage of the Convention on TV, Radio and Online The ABC coverage opens The Opening of the Coverage Audio of the ABC coverage.
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The National Anthem The National Anthem The melodious tones of the massed Convention
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Chairman's Opening The Chairman's Opening remarks Ian Sinclair's speech
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The PM's Opening comments The PM's Opening Remarks (1) The beginning minutes of John Howard's speech
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PM's opening part 2 The PM's Opening Remarks (2) The end of John Howard's speech.
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Kim Beazley's Opening Comments Kim Beazley's Opening Comments The Leader of the Opposition's speech.
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Flo Bjelke-Petersen Flo Bjelke-Petersen On her husband's presidential ambitions
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TV Convention Report Day 1
2 Feb.
Maxine McKew's daily report. This transcript features Malcolm Turnbull, Moira Rayner, Reg Withers and Ted Mackon the first evening TV Convention Report Day 2
3 Feb.
The Republicans split. This transcript features Malcolm Turnbull, Wendy Machin Clem Jones, Peter Beattie TV Convention Report Day 3
4 Feb.
This transcript covers the Republicans revising the agenda, Bill Hayden and Neville Bonner TV Convention Report Day 4
5 Feb.
Neville Wran calls for unity, the PM calls for a result and the Resolutions Committee starts to show the strain TV Convention Report Day 5
6 Feb.
The term "President" is debated, the Republicans adjourn for private negotiations and references to God are discussed TV Convention Report Day 6
9 Feb.
Indigenous issues were raised, preambles were debated, and a hybrid head-of-state model was discussed TV Convention Report Day 7
10 Feb.
Republican split re-emerges , flags were debated, and procedures for the last 2 days were debated TV Convention Report Day 8
11 Feb.
Jeff Kennett speaks , the Republicans find compromise using the Yat-Sen Li model TV Convention Report Day 9
12 Feb.
A single preferred Republican model finally emerges: the modified ARM model. TV Convention Report Day 10
13 Feb.
The Final Day 7:30 report
Day 2
3 Feb.
The Republicans Split. This transcript features Michael Lavarch, Pat O'Shane, Richard McGarvie 7:30 report
Day 7
10 Feb.
  • The Republican rift widens
  • The PM sets out his position on a referendum
Position Statements The ACM and ARM position statements for the Convention triplej Triple J Morning Show They went off to the Convention for the second week of the circus. Adam Spencer Adam Spencer "... roll out the red carpet and light the fireworks; it's the hippest party in town; it's CONSTITUTIONAL REFORM TIME!" Helen Razer Helen Razer "Johnny Rotten thought the Queen was a fascist so I did too." Richard Fidler Richard Fidler "When people are feeling so disenfranchised and cranky, it's time to have a major public discussion about the system " Joel Wright Joel Wright "I believe nothing of substance will be achieved for indigenous political aspirations and charge the convention with the continuance of Anglo-constitutional elitism. " Greg Craven Greg Craven "You do not know whether you are about to become a minor historical figure, or part of Australia's greatest slapstick comedy." Barbara Greenwood Barbara Greenwood "Australians for Constitutional Monarchy are far from all being grey-haired raving royalists and/or far right-wing fundamentalists." Irene Moss Irene Moss "... it is vitally important to the well-being of our nation that young people participate in decisions and discussions about our government." Education Notes For teachers and students: notes about the Convention Convention Links A collection of links directly related to the Convention First Wednesday The full transcript of the ABCTV forum program which looked at the republic debate.