CS-Nation - features - the future of Counter-Strike - csnation.net
Features are what makes a good site good. News is news is news, so check out our reading material. Below you can find the last 20 features or you can search for one.
latest feature
- » interview: team3d's moto
Sublyme interviews the leader of Team 3d, moto
past features
- » desktop calendar: december
CS-Nation members only desktop calendar
» counter-crap: the terrible edition
We asked you to submit your own Counter-Crap. What we got in return was...well...this.
» article: csx in san francisco
CS-Nation was invited to San Francisco to check out Counter-Strike for the Xbox.
» desktop calendar: november 2003
Another excellent desktop calendar by Threeboy.
» interview: jess cliffe
asspennies interviews Counter-Strike co-creator Jess Cliffe about the upcoming Xbox version of CS.
» mailbag: half-life 2 leak
You've read the stories, you've argued in the forums. Now's your chance to get your thoughts out about VALVe's HL2 leak and its implications. How does this affect Counter-Strike? VALVe's future? Gaming in general?
» article: condition zero: hands-on
In the world's first look at the new Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, rizzuh explains why the community shouldn't shun the title.
» desktop calendar: october, 2003
Another Bond render for the October calendar. Art by qu1g.
» mailbag: counter-strike 1.6
MikeJ takes a look at people's thoughts on the dodgy release known as CS 1.6
» desktop calendar: september, 2003
Desktop calendar for CS-Nation members; rendered by Mr Bond, calendar art by qu1g.
» review: counter-strike dsp-500 headset
The world renowned rizzuh reviews the Counter-Strike-branded Plantronics DSP-500 headset.
» interview: tau
Brief interviews with two members from the CAL-Invite team, TAU.
» interview: echo7
Echo7 turned heads with their performance at this year's CPL, and CS-Nation has the interview.
» desktop calendar: august, 2003
We're a few days late, but it's still August! Threeboy presents a CPL-themed desktop calendar for CS-Nation members only.
» counter-point: behind the scenes
Find out how Counter-Point got started, and what it takes to produce week after week.
» mailbag: life without cs
Lonely teenagers tell rizzuh what their life would be like without the advent of Counter-Strike.
» counter-point: adaptation
Is Counter-Strike art? Are games art? The tenacious duo of asspennies and rizzuh have a friendly, agreeable discussion on the matter.
» desktop calendar: july, 2003
Mr Bond serves up another 3D render/desktop background/desktop calendar/toaster for all you CS fans to enjoy.
» counter-point: topping tops
Is Counter-Strike one of the best games ever made? Does its popularity prove anything? The delightful duo of asspennies and rizzuh is back for another issue of Counter-Point!