
CS-Nation - site map - search - the future of Counter-Strike - csnation.net

We have plenty of news, articles, and comments. Sometimes we get so much stuff that it's pretty hard to find what you're looking for, hence we have a nifty search utility that'll get you what you want (hopefully).

search tips:

    » enclosing your search query in "quotes" will automatically search the search type to 'exact phrase.'

    » partial matches do not work. for example, 'clan' will only match the word 'clan,' not 'clanners' or 'clans.'

    » do not use plus and minus signs, our search engine does not understand them. when you select the 'all words' type, every space is treated as an AND. when you select the 'any words' type, every space is treated as an OR. the default type is 'all words.'

    » searches are case-insensitive. For example, DoP is the same thing as dop or DOP.

    » do not use boolean search terms such as AND or OR, they won't work. you can simulate this method by just typing in key words. "cliffe goose interview" (and all words selected as the search type) will return all cliffe and Gooseman interviews.

    » try to be specific. if you want news on clan Query for example, just type in "clan query" instead of the general "clan news."