
CS-Nation - Skin of the Day - Covering the future of CS - csnation.counter-strike.net

the basics
» name: M14
» author(s): Nomad, -Poly-, Splintercell (heatshroud), DOD Team, Shrike, Ratty, Version_2, Wannabe, Snap, Jake
» type: G3/SG-1
» submitted by: bullet_head
» CS-Nationalist rating: 7.1/10 CS-Nationalist only feature
» CS-Nationalist reviews: 10 CS-Nationalist only feature

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Phoenix Conexxion - Game Servers to Die For

CS-Nation Editor's Choice review
Whether you're a war enthusiast, the regular movie goer, a Black Hawk Down freak, or even just a fan of non-synthetic guns, this replacement is for you! For the many people who have an unhealthy love for this gun, here it is.

First off, let's look at the modeling itself. I personally see absolutely no modeling errors anywhere on this replacement, you might catch some if you have a good eye but I doubt anything worth noting. Not only is the modeling itself breath taking, but the skinning is also done very well. The only complaint on the skinning is that there is a lot of wasted space (this is incredibly minor and picky and doesn't affect how the model looks). It is obvious that the modelers and skinners were going for massive detail.

Although the only true complaint is in the draw animation it looks a bit odd and a quite abrupt in its movement which makes it look somewhat unappealing. I can't think of anything else to talk about here, it's just too well done to nit pick. In conclusion, if you like the wood look you better download this or else you'll be kicking yourself later down the road because you didn't download it sooner.
