CS-Nation - comments - pc gamer reviews cs:cz - the future of Counter-Strike - csnation.net
- ️Tue Dec 09 2003
PC Gamer Reviews CS:CZ
rizzuh @ 8:31 pm pst on 12/9/03 - cs: cond. zero - 32 comments
PC Gamer has a review of Counter-Strike: Condition Zero in their January, 2004 issue. The reputable gaming magazine rates CS:CZ at 72%.
Highs: Very realistic bots, new and updated maps, bonus single-player missions.Lows: You can play only as a Counter-Terrorist in the Tour of Duty, dated graphics, no developed story at all.
Bottom Line: A worthy substitute for Counter-Strike, but unnecessary if you've got broadband.
You can of course check out my preview of the game for my opinions on the gameplay. Thanks to Chase, a life-long PC Gamer subscriber, for the submission.
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