
Phoenix Connextion - PHXX.NET Game Servers | Halflife, Counter-strike, Counterstrike, Day of Defeat, Battlefield 1942

STEAM Updated
Thursday, December 18, 2003

Last night - we got ye'ol updates.



» Fixed bug in create account wizard where it would stall if a failure had previously occurred.
» Switch minidump generation back to small memory dumps, instead of full memory dumps.
» Localized content caches now mapped into app dependency list dynamically
» Add progress bar for cache validation

Server Browser:
» Added history tab showing servers most recently connected to
» Added ability to add/remove columns from server lists
» Added secure server & ip address columns (off by default)
» Set bots column to be hidden by default
» Changed location filter control to appear on every page, but disabled when appropriate
» Changed location filter to use '' instead of 'world', to match the other filters
» Double-clicking between column headers in ListPanel now resizes the column to fit the widest text
» Fixed HTML control not laying out properly the first time the scrollbar was made visible

HLDS Update:
» Improved load balancing randomization.
» If InstallRecord.blob is not found, it will verify the current install instead of starting over

Prostitution & Censorship of Virtual Reporting
Wednesday, December 17, 2003

I stumbled across this interesting morsel today on Slashdot Games. Apparently a University of Michigan philosophy professor has a Sims avatar who runs a gossip blog, chronicling the seedy side of Alphaville. Alphaville is the largest Sims Online city, and The Alphaville Herald is the only 'newspaper' detailing the doings of its virtual citizens.

Salon has a story claiming that after reporting on everything from crime to Sim prostitutes (some of whom are minors in the real world), EA managed to get the site shut down. I'm guessing they didn't like the fact that he reported that some of the Sim developers, um, propositioned the real-life underaged virtual prostitutes in the game.

Makes the Sims actually sound fun, though I have to admit, there are some professions even I wouldn't consider--even in the virtual world!

Steam Updates (mini)
Monday, December 15, 2003

» Fixed problem with command-line parameters not being passed through correctly (for shortcuts to launching steam games)
» Optimized some Steam networking code and decreased startup time

CS Documentary Available
Monday, December 15, 2003

Found this on Slashdot. A film student named Simon Bysshe has released a "freely downloadable film in my series charting competitive FPS gaming. This film, shot in more of a TV show style...features a Counter-Strike match between the UK 4Kings team & the French Armateam."

The film is part of a series of films on first person shooters and was sponsored by Intel. According to Bysshe, the 24 minute (185 MB) movie includes in-depth interviews with the players, coverage of games with commentary, and post-match analysis of key rounds."

I'm watching it now to see if I can glean any good strats.

-- devilgirl

Cool Mod Contest
Sunday, December 14, 2003

Rockstar announced that they are launching a mod contest for Max Payne 2. Whoever creates the best mod will win a custom Max Payne 2 PC from Falcon Northwest, a Radeon 9800 XT, MP2 t-shirts, and other stuff.

Sounds like another good chance for amateur gamers to show off their skillz to the big boys.

Political News: Saddam Captured!
Sunday, December 14, 2003

Hey! We don't normally use this as a political forum. However, most of our American user base in the least will be happy to hear, if they haven't yet

Saddam Hussein Captured


STEAM Update
Wednesday, December 10, 2003

A new Steam update should be rolling out right now. There is a huge list of changes, including a fix for D3D problems and shield exploit fix. As usual, you will need to restart Steam in order to download the update automatically. You can find the entire change-log on the Steam website. Perhaps now the shield will be bug-free and ready for league play.

    Steam Games - Update Released

    December 10, 2003, 7:03 pm · Greg Coomer An update for all Steam games has just been released. As always, Steam will update your games automatically -- you don't need to take any special action.

    Dedicated server admins can get the update normally via the HLDS update tool, or the dedicated server update can be downloaded directly from this page.

    Here's a complete list of the changes:

    • Fixed problem in Direct3D mode where the game would be unavailable for some users. Direct3D mode should work now, but note that OpenGL will provide a better play experience if your video card is capable
    • Fixed regression that was causing the 'load failed' crash to happen on level change
    • Optimized some of the particle drawing code
    • For mod makers - debugging mods no longer requires the steam.dll to be copied into the game directory
    • Added client side env_models for static prop type models
    • Random class now abides by class limits
    • No random class in clan matches
    • Added exit decal on gunshots
    • Restored door opening behavior to original style ( face the door and it opens away from you, face away and it opens towards you )
    • Fixed sniper rifle lowering when a sniper moved, even though he was still scoped
    • Fixed a bug where you would drop your weapon, pick it back up and it would have less ammo
    • Re-added weapon names to console death messages ( bob killed fred with garand )
    • Added "teamkill" text to the console death messages ( bob teamkilled chuck with kar )
    • Fixed being able to jumpshoot if the minimap was open fullscreen
    • Fixed a cut off label in scoreboard
    • Now cannot +use grenades while deployed
    • "hud_draw 0" now hides the spectator bar
    • Fixed player animation being 90 degrees off on mg sandbag deploy
    • Fixed spectator angles on minimap player icons
    • Fixed strange health numbers drawing in the spec bar
    • Fixed gunshot decal on subsequent bullet hits
    • Added control point name to log file cap messages
    • Fixed hud reset on stop demo recording
    • Fixed ammo on mg42 and 30cal view model not showing above 8 bullets
    • Fixed player models jittering because of animation blend
    • Fixed an evil evil hack that stopped the player from shooting when their mg42 overheated
    • Fixed some more empty cells in the scoreboard showing up as squares
    • Fixed client env_models drawing
    • Fixed brit sleeves
    • Draw objective icons on hud and in minimap
    • Draw grenades on the minimap for both teams
    • Fixed teams and playerclass in the scoreboard
    • Added timeleft and number of hltv spectators to the spec bar
    • Fixed weather effects not drawing
    • No vgui menus in hltv spec
    • Fixed shield exploit that involved dropping a weapon and buying a pistol in a specific order; you must restart your dedicated server to pick up this change
    • Fixed icon for ALT-TAB menu and window title bar not being displayed properly
    • Moved flaginfo to the chat text area so it will work properly

When Life Imitates Art
Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Both CSCentral and News0r are reporting that the CSX qualifying event was cancelled due to gun violence. For the most part, I truly believe Counter-Strike (and other FPS's) does more to allieve tension and violence than promote it, but it doesn't hurt to keep the following in mind next time you LAN.

Quoted from "CS Violence Gets Real" on CSCentral:

Late last evening following the completion of a match involving two Los Angeles based teams a fight was initiated outside of the Gamers X LAN Center, host of the CXG Los Angeles Qualifier; upon learning of the disturbance Chris Hill of CXG, and my son, was asked to try and resolve the matter and stop the fighting; as he broke up the fight he and others were jumped by people associated with Team BZ. As Chris, and others attempted to calm the situation a member/associate of Team BZ ran to his car opened the trunk of the car grabbed a gun and placed it to the head of Chris Hill while other members encouraged him to fire!

- devilgirl

Far Cry and Doom3
Monday, December 08, 2003

Ubisoft's (SplinterCell, Rainbow Six, Thirteen) much-anticipated FPS, FarCry, is ready for beta-testing. Apparently they have 5000 slots open. Better hurry!

But more importantly, the Doom3 site is up. Lots of cool stuff to see!

- devilgirl

Network Maintainance New York
Saturday, December 06, 2003

Please be advised that we are required to perform emergency network maintenance, December 7th 2003 between 22:01-01:00 EST.  This is required to make some optimization changes in our core network in New York City.  You will notice three 5 minute interruptions during this window.
