
CFO: Fall 2003

  • ️Wed Jul 09 2070
The Origin of Freemasonry
By Jack Buta, MPS

The next 2 installments of a six part series on the origins of the Craft by Jack Buta. Parts 3 and 4.
"Every Freemason who spends time reading about the history of the craft must eventually ask himself the same questions. When and where did Freemasonry start?..." [more]


A Speech Given by Leon Zeldis

Joel Roberts Poinsett came from a wealthy and distinguished South Carolina family. His father, a renowned physician, wanted him to follow in his steps and sent him to study medicine in Edinburgh. However, his boundless energy and restless character would not let him complete..."[more]

Our Temples
Brad Bradbury

I often ruminate on the various allegories that are presented to us as Masons. The Temple is one of my favorite themes. Here are three items I recently posted to a Masosnic list and was encouraged to present them here. They are entiltled, "Builders Wanted", "Temple Building" and "Temple Building: Part 2"... [more]

There is No Place TO Run & Hide
Jack R. Levitt, PGM

While being affectionate or good to each other because of common interests has been a tenet of enlightened philosophies in all ages, its implementation at this time in history is..." [more]

by William "Ray" Fischer

"If you had three wishes what would you wish for?..." [more]

Taken from Parallels with History by Alphones Cerza with permission from BRIDGEPORT MASONIC LODGE NO. 181 F & A M - Bridgeport, Ohio

A timeline of history with a special interest to Masons. The is out, "MAN APPEARS", "ANCIENT TIMES" and "THE CHRISTIAN ERA"... [more]

Many articles of Masonic interest are stored (archived) in the California Freemason Online website. This index lists articles chronologically, according to date of publication (by the season), and may be viewed, download, saved, and printed... [more]

The print version of our magazine is now available online for download. It is in PDF format and you will need Acrobat Reader to view it. There is a link provided to get the reader if you do not have it. [Get it!]

Why Men Love Freemasonry
From the Old Tiler's Talk - by Carl H. Claudy, The Temple Publishers

"’Why do men love Masonry? What lure leads them to it? What spell holds them through the long years? What strand is it that tugs at our hearts, taut when so many threads are broken by the rough ways of the world? And what is it in the wild that calls to the little wild things? What sacred secret things do the mountains whisper'..." [more]

Devoted to happenings at the local CA. lodges.
This time around we feature Yucca Valley Lodge No. 802 held its 83rd Public Schools Month ceremony on Thursday, April 24, 2003 at the Masonic Hall in Yucca Valley. -- Atwater Larchmont Tila Pass Lodge No. 614 in Los Angeles welcomes home one of their own. -- The officers of California's smallest Masonic lodge recently conferred the degrees of Masonry upon three candidates.

              Check out Lodge Spotlight!

If you have an event or feature of note feel free to submit them to me online at: Brad@freemason.org

Q: Was John Wayne a Mason?
A: Yes.

Details: John Wayne (The Duke) was raised in Marion McDaniel Lodge #56 (The Duke's Lodge), Tucson, AZ, July 11, 1970, with Worshipful Brother Dr. Seneca Erman, presiding. (Entered Apprentice 7/9/70, Fellowcraft 7/10/70).

Demitted to Hollywood Lodge (Number unknown). Remained in good standing until his death.

Belonged to Glendale, CA, Chapter Order of DeMolay.

Joined Al Malaikah Shrine in Los Angeles.

John Wayne was honored with the 33rd Degree (date unknown) through the Scottish Rite Bodies in Los Angeles, CA.

"The Duke's Lodge" Past Master's Apron


All you need do is to Ask

For a Fraternity steeped in over four hundred years of tradition, you might think it is difficult to become a Mason. It is. There is one major hurdle each candidate must pass. They must ask. [more]