waferbaby: welcome to waferbaby 2
- ️Sat Jan 01 2005
the weblog
shirt auction
01/01/05 @ 11:49:59 am (2 days ago). 6 comments.
feeling sorry for victims of the tsunami crisis is easy and effortless; most of us at home are not living through the disaster, so we can cluck our tongues, shake our heads in disbelief at the rising death toll and then switch channels.
and it's just as easy for me to make this post, to say how sorry i am that hundreds of thousands are dead and millions more are left homeless, that mother nature is unforgiving, that people die all the time in any number of cruel and senseless ways.
i'd rather do something about it, though, so i've put one of the last limited-edition waferbaby t-shirts up for auction on ebay, with all proceeds donated to oxfam's earthquake tsunami emergency appeal.
please pass it on.
27/12/04 @ 10:57:58 am (7 days ago). 7 comments.
i spent most of the silly season catching up on sleep i didn't know i needed and fighting aj for the ds (she's severely kicking my butt in the mario mini games, too; not bad for someone who "doesn't like games").
i plan to spend the rest of the year watching every episode of 1980's astroboy (we cried! over a cartoon! am i pregnant?) along with the first two seasons of seinfeld, sticking my head into books (and possibly reading them while i'm in there), and generally avoiding the city during new year's eve.
this is the part where i'm overcome with emotion and pour out a list of the people and events that changed my life in 2004.
as for next year, i don't know what to expect yet, but i'm sure coding will be involved. see you on the flipside, ladies.
rabbits with keys
22/12/04 @ 06:45:42 am (12 days ago). 10 comments.
let's get the bubbly wishywashy sap out of the way first; a big thank you to everyone for continuing to suffer through my random brain dribbles, and for helping to keep the site breathing and interesting. 2004 has been a very nice year, thank you very much; lots of good times, new faces, new love and a new home.
you can expect posts to dwindle as the year folds itself away and makes room for its sibling.
you can expect your photo submissions to be delayed, because posting images via dial-up is like repairing splintered femurs with a rusted pair of tweezers.
you can expect my attention to wane in general as super mario 64 ds kicks into a full-blown addiction. and yes, the touchscreen is brilliant.
gone to seed
20/12/04 @ 03:00:15 pm (14 days ago). 11 comments.
about the only positive side of dialup is seeing how various sites handle low bandwidth users - to stop me from going completely apeshit i've turned off images, and found that a lot of sites suck royal cock.
the worst experience so far is apple's online store; "image" is not a very useful alt tag, guys. and i'm mostly happy with my own site (all i can say is thank fuck for lite.waferbaby.com!), although it has shown me a few areas i could do better in.
my newest approach to the garden is to plant anything i eat that contains a seed; so far my pumpkins have started sprouting wildly, and i can only hope the avocado, garlic, mango and lemon do the same.
i've also taken cuttings from a climbing vine on one fence and am hoping it will take over the one near the back door; the neighbours on that side are veeeeeeeeeery close (although i don't think the vine will block out their demonic girl orgasm screeching, but you can't have everything).
17/12/04 @ 01:46:10 pm (17 days ago). 17 comments.
i'm back.
fuck, man - the number of hoops we had to jump through just to slide back into this lifeblood slipstream were many and annoying.
but hey, i'm back! if only on a lethargic dialup account sent over the local network from aj's peecee. suffice it to say that wireless solutions (bigair, iburst, unwired) were all a no go, and we can't get dsl for a week or two yet because of xmas.
i kept a list of things accomplished during my absence:
- i dug through old cds and copied everything useful off 'em before snapping them all into pieces.
- we assembled a bookcase and dining table.
- we carried a xmas tree from the north end of king st down to erskineville in the pouring rain.
- i knocked over the bucket of water holding up the xmas tree.
- we decorated a xmas tree (me for the first time ever).
- i realised i only know (warped versions of) various xmas songs because i learnt them via the simpsons.
- i rediscovered animal crossing on the cube.
- i got my nintendo ds from japan (via hong kong).
- we met the neighbours and the man at the corner store.
- we assembled a compost bin and started using it.
- we planted herbs.
- i took photos of the local graffiti.
- we bought power tools.
- i started drawing with the tablet again.
- i experimented with animating an old friend in flash.
- i rebuilt waferboy.com.
- we spent time being awfully domestic.
- we worked over the back garden.
- i caught up on my reading.
- i unlocked all the sport and heavy vehicles in burnout 3.
- i realised there are xmas trees for sale just around the corner.
and now to wait for my 516 emails to download (and i'm terrified to open netnewswire).